Wednesday 25 March 2009

Give a Cat a Pill

Well this is about how to Give a Cat a Pill", but it is a spoof type video on how it all goes wrong. And I can understand this. All the procedures provided by our vet, in great seriousness, can be for nought sometimes. Sometimes, we just have to struggle with this. Some cats are eazy peazy lemon squeazy, when presented with a cat pill.

I made a post ages ago about Giving Cat Medicine. This is the classic way to give a cat a pill, by gently forcing the mouth open and placing the pill at the back of the mouth. When the pill is a powdered pill (in a shell) it can be broken and the contents sprinkled on much loved food. The food has to be very desirable as cats are very sensitive to the smell of food and will turn down even the best and most loved unless it is well disguised. This leads to the point that a solid pill can be crushed and turned into powder. If the powder is placed in food in very small quantities even the most intransigent cat should eat the powder and food. Patience and diligence is required, it seems. However it is important to give the dosage as recommended and grinding up the pill leads us away from this target.

Here is one person's experience:

"1. Hold cat and pill in left hand with cat on lap or floor or preferably holding cat like a baby with belly up.

2. Open mouth of cat with thumb and forefinger of right hand by pressing on sides of mouth.

3. Place pill with left hand at back of mouth.

4. Retrieve and discard wet pill from floor.

5. Retrieve cat and restart from 1 to 3 and add:

6. Hold cat's mouth shut for 3 seconds.

7. Go back to 4.

8. Call neighbors. Get blankets. In a team effort all hold cat down while husband/partner forces pill down throat with gloved hand. Pray."
To give a cat a pill is not easy. The best way is the powdered route or an injection if you've got the dosh and the vet approves.

How To Give Your Cat a Pill to Home Page

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