Friday 26 April 2024

2 million bottles of Perrier destroyed. Well water contaminated.

A well that has been the source of Perrier water for a century has been suspended as spring water from it was found to contain E. coli and other bacteria which can cause severe intestine of infection and can lead to fatal kidney failure in rare cases.

2 million bottles of Perrier destroyed
Image from online store and in the public domain.

The well is situated in Vergèze near the southern city of Nimes. As a result, Perrier has been forced to destroy to million bottles of their water.

The well is one of seven used by Perrier to fill their bottles. Perrier is owned by Nestlé Waters France, a business which has been under pressure to improve production processes since it admitted in January that it had used illegal treatments on Perrier and Vittel to remove pollutants.

The bacterial contamination was detected before the bottles had been distributed and the bottles destroyed as a precaution. The company put the problem down to a "microbiological deviation". The problem appeared after heavy rains in southern France last month.

The company added that "All bottles on the market can be consumed in complete safety."

Nestlé admitted breaching French and EU regulations three months ago in using ultraviolet disinfection and activated carbon filtration to purify Perrier and Vittel mineral water.

The treatments are effective in reducing the risk of faecal contamination and are allowed for tap water but banned for "natural mineral waters".

Underground springs such as the ones mentioned providing water to Perrier are supposed to require no sanitising whatsoever.

The Times newspaper reports that "Nestlé has previously been accused of illicit treatment of other mineral water brands including Contrex and Hepar.

They said that they have stopped the practices and that their water is and has been always safe to drink.

An investigation has been launched to shed light on the state's failures in the supervision of the production of bottled water.

French news media have accused the French government of turning a blind eye to production problems despite an official report in 2022 which revealed that at least 33% of French mineral water brands had used banned treatments.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Thursday 25 April 2024

India pollutes the oceans with plastic more than all other nations

Regarding the disposal of plastic into the oceans, India has been identified as one of the leading contributors. The nation faces significant challenges in managing plastic pollution. The accompanying image was generated by artificial intelligence, drawing inspiration from a sculpture titled 'The Giant Plastic Tap' by Canadian artist Benjamin Von Wong, which was exhibited outside the Ottawa talks building.

Click on the image to see it larger - important for smartphones.

India plays a significant role to say the least in plastic pollution in our oceans. Here are some key facts:

  1. Annual Plastic Waste Dumping: In 2020, India was the worst country for plastic waste in the oceans, dumping approximately 126.5 million kg of plastic each year. To put this into perspective, that weight is equivalent to over 250 thousand bottlenose dolphins, one of the most commonly found dolphin species in the ocean.

  2. Comparison with the United States: Despite the United States producing double the amount of plastic waste annually compared to India (42 billion kg), only 2.4 million kg of it ends up in our oceans. This discrepancy could be due to the fact that the U.S. exports a significant portion of its waste to countries like India, which may have less effective waste management systems.

  3. Exporting Plastic Waste: In 2018, the United States exported 157 thousand shipping containers filled with plastic waste, equivalent to approximately 1.07 million kg of plastic. While some of this waste went to countries with good waste management systems, a substantial amount was shipped to countries like India, which struggle with plastic waste management.

  4. Collective Impact: The top five plastic waste dumpers globally contribute an astonishing 314 million kg of plastic into the ocean each year. India’s contribution remains a critical environmental challenge.

Here’s the list of the top 10 countries based on plastic waste dumped into the oceans:

  1. India: 126.5 million kg
  2. China: 70.7 million kg
  3. Indonesia: 56.3 million kg
  4. Brazil: 38 million kg
  5. Thailand: 22.8 million kg
  6. Mexico: 3.5 million kg
  7. Egypt: 2.5 million kg
  8. United States: 2.4 million kg
  9. Japan: 1.8 million kg
  10. United Kingdom: 703 thousand kg11

Efforts to address plastic pollution are crucial to safeguard marine life and ocean ecosystems. 🌊🐬

How bad is plastic pollution in India?

India faces a significant challenge when it comes to plastic pollution. Here are some key facts:

  1. Annual Plastic Waste Generation: India generates approximately 3.5 million tonnes of plastic waste each year. This staggering amount has almost doubled over the last five years, highlighting the severity of the issue.

  2. Per Capita Plastic Consumption: While the per-capita plastic consumption in India is relatively low at 13.6 kg, compared to countries like the U.S. (108 kg) and China (56 kg), the impact is still substantial. Plastic pollution adversely affects our ecosystems and is also linked to air pollution.

  3. Recycling and Collection: India collects only 60% of its plastic waste, with the remaining 40% directly entering the environment. This lack of proper collection exacerbates the problem.

  4. Single-Use Plastics: To address this issue, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced India’s pledge to phase out single-use plastics by 2022. These single-use plastics include items like straws, cutlery, earbuds, and packaging films.

  5. Recycling Challenges: Despite efforts, a large fraction of plastic waste in India still ends up in landfills or waterways, posing a significant environmental threat.

Efforts are being made through initiatives like the National Dashboard on Elimination of Single Use Plastic, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Portal, and more to manage plastic waste effectively and create a better future.

Sources: extensive search of the internet. India Today is one source. Another is Euro News. Many more. 
P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Are the cavalry horses that charged through London's streets, okay?

The story about seven cavalry horses escaping and charging through central London is reported across all the news media today. There are some unpleasant photographs of blood pouring down a gray horse. It looks quite shocking. The horses ran into traffic injuring themselves and damaging vehicles. It is fortunate that nobody was killed and the horses have survived.

This short report is about the health and welfare of the horses. An army spokesman said:
"The horses have been recovered and returned to camp. A number of personnel and horses have been injured and are receiving medical attention."
The MoD said that one soldier had been responsible for two of the horses.


All I can say is that five horses have been recovered to the army - three of those are fine, but unfortunately two of those are in quite a serious condition and we'll be continuing to monitor them," James Cartlidge, the defence procurement minister, told LBC.

Further update:

The Times reports that 2 horses have undergone operations. A horse named Quaker has been transferred to an equine hospital. The army assured the public that their horse receive the highest standard of care. Note: I have just heard that they are kept in stables 24/7 except for one hour a day. If that is true it is not the highest standards of care.

The report is that the injury to the horses were caused by glass that had been broken from vehicles which the horses had run into. If that's the case then the injuries will not be severe it would seem to me.

One witness said: "One of the horses hit the Mercedes van and the rider was on, fell back on this little middle of the road, and the other woman lost control of her horse and she managed to grab the railings. The injured soldier was lying there on the ground. He looked like he hurt himself pretty bad. It was terrible."

The horses had been spooked "as they passed some building work and concrete fell from the roof". They were being ridden at the time by the soldiers. Four of the soldiers fell and three were injured. They were taken to hospital along with an injured civilian. It is believed that the injuries are not serious.

As I said, the horses are being assessed by a veterinarian and the indications are from the story although this needs to be confirmed that they have not been seriously harmed and will recover. I will try and update this page if and when it is possible.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Why don't humans give animals the same rights as themselves?

The first point to make is that humans decide who has rights and who doesn't. The concept of rights is a human creation. Only humans can dish out rights to humans and animals. And they are designed to protect sentient beings.

Humans don't give animals the same rights that they give humans because if they did it would severely upset businesses. Granting animals the same rights as humans would punch a seriously big hole in worldwide commerce. It would destroy many businesses and it would certainly cost the world, in terms of trade, trillions upon trillions of dollars because in this modern world, animals are still there to serve humans in the biblical fashion.

Note: these are personal views. What are yours? Please comment. Click on the image to see it larger.

The picture was created by AI and AI can't spell! 😊💕🤔

Humans still have dominion over animals as per the Bible and animals are still abused by humans in order to make billions of pounds of profit. If you introduced greatly enhanced animal rights into this equation the ramifications would be enormous. For example the illegal trade in wild animals and their body parts is worth billions of dollars annually. All illegal. Humans don't want to enforce international agreements to stop it (CITES).

The consequences of equal animal rights would reverberate around the world for decades into the future. It would increase the price of foods tremendously. This would have a seriously negative effect on the economies of many countries.

In short, it simply isn't workable to grant animals the same rights as humans under the current human society even if we wanted to and in most instances we don't because this is about survival and granting animals equal rights jeopardises the survival of humans which is dependent upon making money.

So the granting or not granting of human rights to animals is about money at a bottom line. When I asked the same question of an artificial intelligent computer they could not provide me with a good answer because AI does not have an opinion. They don't know how to philosophise.

They simply search the Internet for the ideas of others and then summarise them. So you can't go to AI for an answer to this question.

What you can say in the positive is that animal rights have improved tremendously over the past centuries and recently over the past hundred years. This is due to pressure from animal advocates like myself.

And it is due to a realisation that we have to live with animals on this planet as best began. If we destroy nature - and wild animals are obviously a part of nature - we destroy ourselves because we are dependent upon nature and the planet to survive.

We ARE in fact destroying ourselves because we are in fact destroying the planet thanks to global warming and that, too, is about making money. If you want to prevent or curb global warming you have to invest trillions of dollars and countries like China don't want to do that. 

They want to go on with a burgeoning economy rapidly increasing in size. They depend upon around 5% growth every year in order to appease the masses in China. If they don't see the economy growing the tenuous hold on power by the CCP would start to crumble.

So granting rights to animals is about money and money gives people power and power gives people improved chances of survival. The answer is all about survival at the end of the day.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Why humans don't have tails. Genetic basis for our tail-loss evolution.

Unlike our domestic cat companions we don't have tails. You've probably noticed! 😉😎 But we might have had tails and think how different the world would be if we had retained our tails like our primate cousins. The mind boggles. One's imagination can run riot with that image. All the chairs and all the sofas and all the seats on trains and buses would have to be changed.

Human with a tail in X-ray. Image by DALLE.

So what happened? Well, firstly, unlike Tucker Carlson, you've got to believe in evolution to believe in this scientific explanation. In fact, I hope Carlson reads this article because it might make him see sense about evolution. He believes that God created humans and animals under the creationist theory. He says there is no evidence for evolution which is wrong but he believes creationism about which there is certainly no evidence whatsoever. Tucker Carlson is irrational.
"It has long been speculated that tail loss in hominoids contributed to orthograde and bipedal locomotion, the evolutionary occurrence of which coincided with the loss of the tail" - quote from the study - see citation at base of page.

The reason

In summary, a genetic parasite altered a crucial gene related to tail development when our lineage diverged from other primates around 25 million years ago. This alteration ultimately led to the disappearance of tails in apes, including humans. Our tailless state owes its existence to this ancient genetic twist.

In some more detail: over millions of years, DNA undergoes changes that drive evolution. One intriguing element is the Alu element, a repetitive DNA sequence found exclusively in primates. These “jumping genes” can insert themselves randomly into the genome, potentially disrupting or enhancing gene function. In this case, the Alu elements reside in the TBXT gene, specifically within introns (DNA sequences flanking exons). Introns were once considered the “dark matter” of the genome, assumed to serve no purpose. However, when cells use the TBXT gene to generate RNA, the repetitive nature of Alu sequences causes them to bind together.

The researchers discovered two Alu elements in the TBXT gene, present in great apes but absent in monkeys. Remarkably, these elements reside in introns, not in the protein-coding exons. When RNA molecules are generated from the TBXT gene, the Alu sequences bind together, potentially influencing tail development.

Now, that is highly technical and I don't fully understand it but that is the current explanation as to why humans don't have tails. You can boil it down to the way evolution works and the way genetic mutations sometimes arise during evolution which leads to the creation of a different kind of animal and that animal does very well in terms of survival and therefore this alteration to the appearance and physiology sticks around and doesn't disappear.

Bo Xia, is the first author of the study (formerly a graduate student at New York University and now a principal investigator at the Broad Institute).

RELATED ARTICLE: Feline Evolution in Brief.

Study Citation

Xia, B., Zhang, W., Zhao, G. et al. On the genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes. Nature 626, 1042–1048 (2024).

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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