Tuesday 22 October 2024

Israel wants to raze the Gaza Strip to the ground and possess it

The security minister of the Israeli government, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has demanded the resettlement of the Gaza Strip during a party-like atmosphere on its border with Israel at a time when there was renewed Israeli bombing of northern Gaza which left hundreds of Palestinians dead.

The security minister has made it clear that they want to possess the Gaza Strip as far as I can tell. He said: "We will encourage voluntary transfer of all Gazan citizen. We will offer them the opportunity to move to other countries because the land belongs to us."

I don't know whether he's speaking on behalf of the Israeli government or not. He may well be but I suspect that a government spokesperson will say that he isn't. But he is in my view. Because the 70% destruction of infrastructure in the Gaza Strip by Israeli bombing together with the 42,000 men, women and children killed and we don't know how many animals, is compelling evidence to believe that what the security minister says is true.

The IDF is making the Gaza Strip uninhabitable and in doing so they want the residents there to leave and find other homes so that the Israel government can possess the Gaza Strip and call it a part of Israel.

Having read this news, I did some research on the history and the creation of the Gaza Strip and its bearing on today's conflict. It's a very complex story. A story of mismanagement by the West I would argue and what is now a complete mess of an arrangement which can never work and will never work. Although, I confess I'm being very pessimistic but perhaps I'm being realistic.

Below is the history of the Gaza Strip. I think it is useful to read it very carefully because it explains a lot of what is happening today.

The history of the Gaza Strip is deeply intertwined with the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the legacies of colonialism and geopolitical strife in the Middle East. Its modern creation and development have made it a central flashpoint in this long-standing conflict. Below is a summary of its historical context and relevance to today's situation.

1. Pre-1948: Ottoman and British Rule

  • Ottoman Empire (1517-1917): The Gaza Strip, part of historic Palestine, was under the control of the Ottoman Empire for centuries. It was a modestly populated area, primarily consisting of Arab Muslim communities, with smaller Christian and Jewish populations.
  • British Mandate (1917-1948): After World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and Britain took control of Palestine under a League of Nations mandate. During the British Mandate, tensions between Jewish and Arab communities grew, exacerbated by Jewish immigration to the area due to Zionist movements and European anti-Semitism, particularly after the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s.

2. Creation of Israel and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War

  • 1947 UN Partition Plan: In response to growing violence and competing claims over Palestine, the UN proposed a partition plan that would divide the land into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control. The Jewish community accepted the plan, but Arab states and Palestinian leaders rejected it.
  • 1948 War and Nakba: After the creation of Israel in 1948, surrounding Arab nations (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and others) declared war. The conflict led to the displacement of around 700,000 Palestinians, an event known as the "Nakba" (catastrophe), many of whom fled to the Gaza Strip, then occupied by Egypt. By the war’s end, Israel had expanded beyond the UN’s partition boundaries, controlling 78% of historic Palestine, while Egypt held the Gaza Strip and Jordan took the West Bank.
  • Egyptian Control (1948-1967): After the 1948 war, Gaza was controlled by Egypt, but it was not annexed. Gaza became a narrow, densely populated enclave, primarily housing refugees from the war. Egypt did little to develop the area, and it remained impoverished, with no formal Palestinian government established there.

3. 1967 Six-Day War and Israeli Occupation

  • 1967 War: Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in what became known as the Six-Day War. Israel captured Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights.
  • Israeli Occupation: Following the war, Israel began occupying the Gaza Strip, instituting military rule over the Palestinian population. Israeli settlements were established in Gaza, and the Strip became a zone of intense conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian resistance.

4. Oslo Accords and Palestinian Self-Rule (1990s)

  • Oslo Accords (1993): The peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) led to the establishment of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which gained limited self-rule over parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The agreement envisioned a two-state solution, though key issues (borders, refugees, status of Jerusalem) were left unresolved.
  • Division Between Hamas and Fatah: In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew its settlements and military forces from Gaza, although it retained control over Gaza's borders, airspace, and waters. In 2006, Hamas, an Islamist militant group, won Palestinian parliamentary elections. A year later, a violent split between Hamas and Fatah (the ruling party in the West Bank) left Hamas in control of Gaza, while Fatah maintained authority over the West Bank.

5. Gaza Under Siege: Blockade and Conflict (2007–Present)

  • Israeli-Egyptian Blockade: After Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade on the Strip, severely restricting the movement of goods and people in and out of the area. The blockade has been devastating for Gaza's economy and living conditions, resulting in widespread poverty, high unemployment, and shortages of basic necessities.
  • Hamas-Israel Conflict: Since Hamas's rise to power, Gaza has been at the center of recurring wars between Israel and Hamas, often sparked by rocket fire from Gaza and Israeli airstrikes. Major conflicts occurred in 2008-09, 2012, 2014, and most recently in 2021. These conflicts have left thousands dead, mostly Palestinians, and Gaza’s infrastructure severely damaged.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: The population of Gaza has continued to grow, with over 2 million people living in a territory about 140 square miles. Over 70% of Gaza's residents are refugees or descendants of refugees from 1948. The blockade, wars, and Hamas' rule have contributed to a dire humanitarian crisis, with the UN frequently warning that Gaza is becoming unlivable.

6. Relevance to Today:

  • Ongoing Conflict: The Gaza Strip remains a focal point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The blockade, combined with the militant activities of Hamas, leads to regular flare-ups of violence, resulting in civilian casualties on both sides. The area has become symbolic of the broader struggle between Israelis and Palestinians, with Gaza often seen as emblematic of Palestinian suffering and resistance.
  • Geopolitical Significance: Gaza's situation is a source of broader regional tension. Hamas is supported by Iran and other actors opposed to Israel, while Israel’s policies are backed by the U.S. and other Western nations. Egypt also plays a key role, controlling Gaza’s southern border and often mediating between Hamas and Israel.
  • Humanitarian Concerns: Gaza’s economy is on the verge of collapse, with inadequate access to clean water, electricity, healthcare, and education. International organizations continue to call for an end to the blockade and for more aid to be allowed into the area.
  • Peace Efforts: The split between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority complicates any peace negotiations, as Israel, the U.S., and others consider Hamas a terrorist organization. This fragmentation in Palestinian leadership, coupled with Israel's security concerns and expanding settlements in the West Bank, has stalled peace efforts for a two-state solution.

Key Points Today:

  • Gaza remains a densely populated area under blockade.
  • Hamas controls Gaza, leading to periodic escalations in violence with Israel.
  • The humanitarian situation is dire, with international calls for improved living conditions and peace.
  • The broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including issues of borders, refugees, and Jerusalem, continues to fuel tensions.

In conclusion, Gaza's creation, its history of occupation, and its role as a site of conflict are central to understanding the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The situation in Gaza exemplifies many of the broader regional and political dynamics that make the conflict so difficult to resolve.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

Necropsy would help solve the mysterious deaths of up to 10 cats

NEWS AND VIEWS. MANSFIELD, NOTTS, UK: This is the kind of story that I see a lot in news media online. It concerns the death of at least five cats (perhaps as many as ten) and the poisoning of a dog. They are described as mystery deaths because at the moment nobody has got to the bottom of them. An investigation has been launched by the RSPCA and council officials. But nobody has reported, it seems to me, that they necropsy has been carried out (an autopsy in human terms).

I'll explain. Where the cats are dying there is the beginnings of a development of a housing estate and the area is fenced off for ecological work before the 169 homes are built.

Nick Brooks' dog, a Patterdale terrier called Rocco suffered poisoning symptoms after walking on the site referred to. He went downhill very quickly and a veterinarian diagnosed poisoning. He recovered. Mr Brooks knew about the cats dying in the area and put two and two together and thought that the same cause of the poisoning of his dog had killed these cats.

Necropsy would help solve the mysterious deaths of up to 10 cats
Jasper was poisoned. Image: Facebook.

Joe Manning, and his partner Charlan Hopkin live close to the development site. They let their Bengal cat out unsupervised. They know that he went on to the site. They said that "He came back and wasn't well but he went out again on August 29 and we never saw him again."

We are told that an ecologist on the site saw Jasper, unable to walk. He was able to move his head and was clearly in great distress. The ecologist went to fetch a blanket to recover him but when he returned Jasper has disappeared.

It's believed a fox took Jasper but there's no evidence for that. Comment: why did the ecologist want to pick Jasper up with a blanket? He must have believed that Jasper was toxic in some way. Was the ecologist putting down poison to kill rats?

And according to a Facebook group 10 cats have gone missing in the area. One cat was found "on the top of bushes upside down". Many other cats have turned up dead. Cat owners are beginning to keep their cats inside.

Comment: the point I want to make is that the Daily Mail report does not tell us that one of these recovered cats has been taken to a veterinarian for a necropsy. If that had been carried out they'd be able to discover the nature of the poison which killed the cat.

And knowing the type of poison which killed the cat the RSPCA would be better able to decide the origin of that poison. Suggestion: it could be that the developer has put down rodenticides to kill rats in the area before they start work on the development of the site. They might have done this to protect workers who are about to enter the site in large numbers.

If they did that, rats would have been killed. Outdoor, wondering cats will find these rats and probably nibble them instinctively. The cats would have been poisoned by the rodenticide. That's a possible scenario.

Another possible scenario is that there is a sadistic, cat poisoner in the area killing cats because they don't like them. This is possible but I would argue much less likely than my suggestion.

I think my suggestion is credibility because these deaths are linked to this development site which points to the cause of deaths being linked to the development and not to a random individual who doesn't like cats.

It's clear to me that a necropsy needs to be carried out and then the RSPCA will be better able to confirm if my suggestion is a good one.

Also the construction company needs to be interviewed and asked if they are putting down poison. That, at a stroke, would solve the matter in my opinion.


Necropsy and autopsy both refer to the examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death or the nature of any disease or injury. 
  • Autopsy is typically used when referring to the post-mortem examination of human bodies.
  • Necropsy is more commonly used when referring to animals, although it can also be used for humans in some contexts.
In summary, both terms mean the same procedure but are often used in different contexts.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

Sunday 20 October 2024

Long-distance bus traveller leaves their cat at bus station and jumps on

The story comes from Halifax, UK. A unnamed person with a black-and-white cat had planned to travel on a long-distance bus from Halifax in the north of England to London in the south. 

The abandoned cat now named London abandoned at Halifax, UK bus station and rescued as there was a rescue centre over the road! Image: Halifax Courier.

According to the reports they had booked their seat and had a ticket but had not made arrangements for their cat to accompany them on the bus.

The driver appears to have refused to accept their cat and they jumped on the bus themselves and left their cat at the bus station. It is as straightforward as that apparently.

Animal advocates will find their behaviour shocking but they will also know that cat abandonment in its various guises happens a lot. It is the first time I have bumped into this variation.

Sadly it demonstrates a rather careless or callous attitude to cat caregiving but we don't know the full circumstances. There may be some mitigating circumstances but that said it is still unsatisfactory as there was a good alternative to raw abandonment.

The cat was rescued partly because just over the road from the bus station is a rescue centre! Brilliant and David Aitken-Alexander, deputy manager at the Halifax animal centre, said the following:
“As we’re just across the road from the bus station it was probably the first place the kind member of staff thought of when they realised that London had been left behind, and we were pleased to be able to help.

“We were told the owner had brought her to the bus station, but hadn’t booked a ticket for her to travel, so they took off but left her behind in her carrier.

“London hasn’t let this unpleasant experience affect her at all though, she’s settled into cattery life straight away.

"She's a beautiful, confident, friendly and chatty little lady, who entertains everyone here with her funny little ways.

“We’re hopeful we’ve already got a wonderful new home lined up for her, so it’s only been a short stop with us, although we have lots of other cats who equally deserve a happy ending - some of whom have been with us considerably longer than London - and we’d encourage anyone who is thinking of welcoming a cat into their family to visit our website.”
An excellent ending. Lucky though. Many abandoned cats are not so lucky. This cat has a nice new home I suspect.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

Life of Britain's greatest cyclist shattered

Quick note. This is how life can be so cruel. One minute you are on top of the world and the next it is the end of your world - literally.

Sarra and Chris Hoy. Image: Jane Barlow/PA Archive.

Chris Hoy Chris won a total of six gold medals at the Olympic Games. He achieved this feat at the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Olympics, making him one of the most successful British Olympians in history.

He was awesome as a sprinting rider. He is married to Sarra and they have two children, seven-year-old Chloe and 10-year-old Callum.

He has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. They found a lump in his shoulder and then cancer throughout his body. It is reported that he has 2-4 years to live.

Some weeks before his cancer diagnosis, his wife Sarra had tests on a tingling sensation in her face and tongue.

Then just before Christmas it was confirmed she had multiple sclerosis (MS) that was “very active and aggressive” and needed urgent treatment.

I take this to mean fulminating MS that is usually fatal within a few years. This is not stated in the news story but it looks like it.

I am a big admirer of Hoy. It looks like his life and the life of his wife will end in around 3 years. As I said. life is cruel. These things happen. Humans are vulnerable and fragile. Life is precious. It can end quite suddenly.

Hoy is strong and pragmatic as I would expect. He accepts his fate and will live life to the fullest for as long as he can. I am sure Sarra has the same viewpoint. A great couple.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

XL Bully cat is a dwarf Sphynx (Bambino) and has been around for a long time

The news headlines at the moment from the cat world are something like: " UK experts warn against buying ‘XL bully cats’" It is a reference to the hairless pet cats being bred to have some of the aggressive and odd appearance of the XL Bully dogs.

XL Bully cat. A 'Bambino' in cat fancy parlance. A dwarf Sphynx.

The point I want to make here is that the XL Bully cats are actually Bambinos! Yes, a name from Italy which describes the dwarf Sphynx cat.

The hairless Sphynx is very well known and quite popular but frowned upon by experts as it is unnatural and it is unfair to leave a cat without a coat.

Add the genetic mutation that causes the hairlessness to the mutation that causes dwarfism and you have a dwarf hairless cat namely the Bambino.

Another version of the Bambino is the Dwelf. This dwarf breed which is very rare has a third additional genetic mutation namely the one that causes the ears to fold backwards as seen in the American Curl.

What I an saying is that the XL Bully cats have been around for a long time but in a different guise: dwarf Sphynx cats.

Dwarfism carries 2 major health risks. Click here to read about them. Plus the cat has not coat and no whiskers. No coat means this is an indoor cat and no whiskers affects the cat's natural behaviour detrimentally.

The Germans would call the making of this strange cat: torture breeding. Hairless cats have folded skin as well which can harbour germs and dirt.

These cats need a lot of extra maintenance as their coat gets dirty and smelly. I would guess that most people who adopt one learn that they become troublesome. You have to be a real cat afficionado to be prepared to deliver excellent care for the shortened life of these breeds.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

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i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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