Devon Rex cat - photo by Clark~
Devon Rex cats for sale are relatively rare. Although overall this is not that rare a purebred cat.
Before searching for Devon Rex cats for sale, you might find it useful to look at these two pages. One is about Devon Rex cat breeding and what they do to protect the health of their cats as best they can and the other page is about genetic diseases in purebred cats. Purebred cat breeders are almost always concerned people who put the health of their cats first and this is supported by the fact that the information about the blood typing problem mentioned on first linked page above comes form the Cat Fanciers Association website, who are cat breeders themselves or people who support cat breeding - good for them. I like the CFA.
Adopters of a purebred cat should know a bit about the maintenance requirements of the cat breed they intend to keep and that includes information about potential health issues. Health is a very important issue, so say more than 60% of people considering keeping a purebred cat. The ideal contract on the purchase of a purebred cat (and a contract between buyer and breeder should be automatic) is one in which the buyer is well informed and the breeder/seller has the welfare of her cats at heart. In other words breeding for health and temperament. A well informed customer is much more likely to be the right kind of cat keeper. This means a more stable and better life with less disturbance for the Devon Rex purebred cat.
Once you've had a look at the above pages, here is a list of breeders that I like and who have Devon Rex cats for sale. A visit to the cattery is essential. They are mainly UK based as this is the home of the Devon Rex and they are the top ranked websites:
Bountiful Devon Rex
Located in Lancashire, UK. This is in the north of England. The breeder cattery is run by Gloria and Stephen Brynes.
Curlypurpot Devon Rex
Located in Lancashire, England, UK. Run by Emma Rhodes and her partner Dave.
The 2 breeders above stood out in the UK. In the USA I struggled to find free standing breeder websites so resorted to the CFA eventually.
Permarex Devon Rex
USA located - North Carolina. In the interest of their cats they do not ship, allow their cats to be outdoor/indoor cats (i.e. your cat will need to be a full-time indoor cat) and wisely they are firmly against declawing. They have great looking cats. I am not sure where in the USA they are based. Blood typing is done (see Devon Rex breeding ).
For more Devon Rex cats for sale in America I'd visit this page:
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