Wednesday 18 June 2014

Alley Cat Allies Calls For Dismissal Of Ohio Animal Humane Officer

Barry Accorti

There is a police officer (title: "humane officer" whatever that means - not much apparently) who works in an area around North Ridgefield, Ohio, USA.  About a year ago he shot 5 kittens who were hiding in a woodpile while children watched. The woodpile was in someone's backyard. The whole thing smacks of madness but the officer got away with it.  Nothing happened. The mayor of the city, Mayor G David Gillock, and the police chief, Michael Freeman, both turned a blind eye to this officer's behaviour. The officer's name is Barry Accorti (see photo).

Of course, there was a public outcry but still nothing happened. How many times have you seen that? It doesn't just happen in America. It happens in the UK as well and many other places where police officers do bad thing and nothing happens despite a public outcry. It simply serves to undermine the police force and if you keep on doing it long enough you breakdown the trust between the police and the public.

This is a follow-up post because this completely animal-insensitive police officer has now shot a baby raccoon, which as I understand it, he'd trapped. He shot and killed the baby raccoon in her cage while children watched. He does like to let children watch his cruelty to animals, doesn't he? What in heavens name does he think he is doing?

The well-known cat charity Alley Cat Allies has written a letter to the North Ridgeville Mayor requesting immediate termination of Mr Accorti's employment contract and the dismissal of the chief as well...
“We are also calling for the immediate dismissal of Humane Officer Barry Accorti and Police Chief Michael Freeman......These cruel practices cannot and will not be tolerated,” says Becky Robinson, president and founder of Alley Cat Allies. “The fact that a duplicate incident has arisen, with the same officer—who was, against advisement, permitted to keep his job—and the same supervisor, demonstrates the clear need for real change after last year’s cruel event."
Click this for the full letter.

Hands up those people who could shoot a kitten or a baby raccoon at close range with a pistol?  Imagine what it's like when the bullet hits the animal.  Imagine the destruction, the blood, the fear and terror in the other kittens who are nearby, the distress caused to the children who were nearby and the continued desensitisation of the person who did it.  Every time a person does something like this he simply reinforces his insensitivity and so he becomes more and more inured to gross animal cruelty.  This is not the sort of person who should be a police officer and to call himself a humane officer is turning the world upside down. Sack him.


  1. Why aren't you upset with every parent that teaches their child how to use a gun to safely and humanely put-down their 4H steer, goat, lamb, or any other animal for your weekend rural barbecue?

    Nice to see that you are joining in the cyber-bullying ranks with the rest of your mentally-ill cat-lickers. LOL

    Here's a link explaining the best ways to administer a gunshot to an animal for humane and LEGAL euthanasia:

    granny-miller D0T com SLASH small-animal-livestock-euthanasia-on-the-homestead-what-you-need-to-know/

    Though in the case of cats, I would strongly advise against a head-shot. Use a precision chest-shot to a vital organ -- out of the HUNDREDS of these vermin that I had to shoot and bury on my own lands to stop them from annihilating all the wildlife, these vermin cats always died in under 3 seconds, often less than 1, not even enough time to make a sound. From my own experience, and on the advice of others, I tried a head-shot once. Apparently a precision aimed head-shot to a cat, right between the eyes and even angled to split the spinal column, does not involve one of their vital organs. (I surmise this is the origin of them having 9-lives. People trying to destroy cats by harming their non-vital brains.) It was the only time it took 3 more shots for a cat to die. I never repeated that "experiment". (Mostly due to more than one on-sale bullet costing 1/3rd of a cent each was even too much to waste on any one cat.)

    1. "Why aren't you upset with every parent that teaches their child how to use a gun to safely and humanely put-down their 4H steer, goat, lamb, or any other animal for your weekend rural barbecue?"

      Give me an example and I'll be upset for you. Just give me a good example.

      Jim please stop going on about shooting cats. You are hopelessly in need of psychiatric treatment. A frontal lobotomy.

    2. Wow, brain-dead much? I already gave you a link that shows how to use a gun to kill farm-animals (DOMESTICATED ANIMALS) for dinner -- or to put an injured or rabid animal down.

      Would you like a link to show you how to use exsanguination by slitting animals' throats instead?

      How's that mommy's-basement bambi-cartoon-life of yours? Does she ever let you out of the basement? I bet if someone was ever stupid enough to even take you fishing for your dinner, you'd run screaming just from having to put a worm on a hook. I don't think I've ever run into anyone with a man's name who claims to be a man who is as squeamish and spineless as you. LOL Go suck on your pacifier. Leave the real world to REAL men.

    3. Many parents, like myself, never permitted their children to even play with toy guns, slingshots, or any other instrument that could cause harm, Jimbo. Weapons were invented only for the weak who aren't able to defend themselves physically and for the mentally ill who find them entertaining.
      Unless one lives in Texas, the hellhole of America where brisket rules, barbecuing isn't so appealing anymore. Farming is obsolete too.
      Ofcourse, there still are those that fire up a grill for quails, plovers, doves, willets, and ducks. But, they are in the minority.
      Get a grip!

    4. correction:

      I already gave you a link that shows how to use a gun to kill farm-animals (DOMESTICATED ANIMALS) for dinner -- or to put an injured or rabid animal down, or to destroy any dangerous or even any nuisance animal -- you know, like any vermin stray cats.

    5. Could you give me instructions on how to poison a person called Woody? ;)

    6. The hallmark of every last one of you useless cat-lickers on earth -- you are also a self-professed and self-evident sociopath/psychopath. You would much rather have any humans be hurt or even die (or ANY other life on earth suffer and die) than any of your disease-infested, invasive species, pestilent, vermin cats.

      JUST so you can desperately try to feel good about yourselves and pretend to feel needed -- because nothing on earth needs nor wants you fools. Not even your cats need nor want you. That's why so many cats try to escape from their supervised confinement, outsmarting their owners. (Proving too that even their cats are smarter than you sociopathic cat-lickers.) It even proves that your cats are smart enough to know better and don't even want to be around people as phenomenally stupid and psychotic as their owners.

      Here's another thing that you sociopathic cat-lickers never realize: Someone who will save the life of a deadly disease-infested vermin cat over that of the life of any human is not to be trusted by any other human alive on this planet. Not even you cat-lickers can trust your fellow cat-lickers to save each others' lives when it comes right down to it. Truth is, you'd even rather that your own family and friends die (if you have any) than any of your deadly disease-infested cats. Sociopaths and psychopaths, one and all -- right to your very cores.

    7. Can you follow what's being written here, Jimbo?
      Can your mind follow the train of thought at all?
      Can your comments be relevant to the subject?
      Have you licked a bird's ass recently so that your brain is filled with bird doo-doo?

    8. Holy Shit, Nature Advocate, don't you realize that we shouldn't be using weapons and practices like this in an urban environment? Especially residential areas? We're not dealing with nature where killing is practically a stalk away, fuck no, we're dealing with an urban environment where we use poison to kill rats and we don't pull out guns for the random sake of quick dispensing and efficiency. And to which point Nature Advocate, would it be natural to domesticate Cat's just for the point of hunting and following the same standard as a domestic cow, are you really trying that hard to remain as indiscriminate as our lovely humane officer Accorti there.

  2. Dee, someone like you needs to go out and slit a steer's throat, just so you don't have to sit there smugly thinking that you're not killing animals by buying your food in stores, all neatly wrapped for you. You even cram them into cans and bags for you then slap a cat-food label on them for you.


    1. AGAIN...
      Can you follow what's being written here, Jimbo?
      Can your mind follow the train of thought at all?
      Can your comments be relevant to the subject?
      Have you licked a bird's ass recently so that your brain is filled with bird doo-doo?

    2. Answer Dee's question, can you actually engage in polite conversation? Is your whole life spent shouting at people. What happens at at supermarket checkout:

      "Hurry up you f***ing bitchh. Give me MY FOOD NOW!"

      Something like that, is it? Are you married Jimbo?

    3. Sorry, c_nts. You dance to MY tune. I don't dance to yours. LOL

    4. When you invade someone else's turf, you're the dancer, Tweety Bird!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. You do realize that that makes absolutely no sense (just like every one of your posts), don't you? If not -- get a fucking clue you useless and unwanted cat-licking cunt.

      That's like saying that when your cat invades my turf and ends up shot dead, that your cat was calling all the shots. LOL!!! (I guess, in a way that's true. It called a diet of lead right to them. LOL)

    7. Hey! Watch your cat dance when it invades my turf! For about 3 seconds. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!


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