Wednesday 11 June 2014

A Group Of Cat Lovers (a photo)

It is not often that you get a group of cat lovers altogether at a criminal court and it is even rarer for a photograph to be taken of them, so here it is:

I admire them of course.  What were they doing?  They were attending the court where Andre Robinson made an appearance.  You may remember that he is the young man who kicked a stray cat while being videoed.  The cat is a grey and white cat and his name is King.

King has been re-homed.  It is time to re-home Mr Robinson...inside a jail!

This group of ladies included Margaret Lee of Manhattan and Kiri Blakeley (a writer).  They are referred to as advocates in a newspaper article.  They are advocates - the voice of the vulnerable animals who have no voice.

They are at court to try and tell the world to make sure that Andre Robinson gets his just deserts. Often people who abuse animals are handed very light sentences on conviction.  To animal advocates the sentences for animal and cat cruelty are inadequate.

Andre Robinson has been charged with a misdemeanour which as I understand American law is a minor crime.

Andre Robinson's mother, Mary Kirby told her son to “leave these arseholes alone" as they passed in the court building. For my part, I believe that groups of animal lovers like these ladies do a good job to highlight society's need to protect the vulnerable animals that live within human society.  Not enough, at present, is being done to carry out that duty.

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