Tuesday 28 April 2009

Flickr Photostream for Your Blog

It is very easy indeed to create a Flickr photostream for your blog. It need not be a Google Blogger blog. You can drop the code into any blog or webpage. First, of course, you have to be a Flickr member if you want to show your own Flickr photos. That's easy and I'll leave you to work that out - just follow the instructions.

Once you are a member and have posted (uploaded) some photos to your home page and/or joined some groups you can make a slide show (photostream) from the pictures and place that slide show on your website or blog. The photostream can be of your photos or the photos of photographers who are members of a group. A "group" in Flickr terminology means a group of people who have joined together to show off their photos that are all part of a theme.

I am a member of a Flickr Group (Black Cat Brigade) and I formed a group called cat-photo-technique (this is on my site Pictures of Cats.org). And see the Flickr page here: Flickr cat-photo-technique). You can make a Flickr photosteam from your own group or any other group. Here are the steps:

Flickr Photostream for Your Blog - Your Photos
  1. Go to your home page.
  2. Click on the tab labelled "You".
  3. Select Your Photostream.
  4. Your photos come up.
  5. Top right hand side you will see two options, "Slideshow" and "Share This". Select "Slideshow".
  6. Your Slideshow comes up against a black screen.
  7. Top right of the screen you will see some options, select, "Share".
  8. A window opens and select, "Grab the embed HTML".
  9. Drop this code into your blog. In Google Blogger just paste the code into"Edit Html" mode and return to compose. That's it.
Flickr Photostream for Your Blog - Group Photos
  1. Go to your home page.
  2. Select "Groups" from the horizontal menu at the top.
  3. Select "Your Groups".
  4. This takes you to groups that you have formed or just joined.
  5. Select the one of your choice.
  6. When you get to the group photos select, "Group Pool" which is just under the heading for the group.
  7. This takes you to the group's photos.
  8. Top right hand side you will see two options, "Slideshow" and "Share This". Select "Slideshow".
  9. Your Slideshow comes up against a black screen.
  10. Top right of the screen you will see some options, select, "Share".
  11. A window opens and select, "Grab the embed HTML".
  12. Drop this code into your blog. In Google Blogger just paste into in "Edit Html" mode and return to compose. That's it.
You can see the photostream to cat-photo-technique below:

If you simply want to add photos to your Blogger blog using a widget the steps are very easy:
  1. Go to Layout page.
  2. Select "Add a Gadget".
  3. In the search box (top right of window) type "Flickr" and press enter.
  4. A list of almost 300 photostreams comes up.
  5. Select the one of choice. This will be widget sized photos though. The better way is as described above as it gives more control.

From Flickr Photostream for Your Blog to Home Page


  1. This is so helpfully laid out, but unfortunately my Group pool only gives me the option to 'share' and no option to view as a 'slideshow' (it's not just my group pool, I've checked whether I can do this on other people's too and the option isn't there - although it is there for my own flickr sets). Do you know if there's a reason why?

    Thank you.

  2. Share (Only) comes first(without a sign of Slideshow icon), I had one photo, so I addded another. Clicked it. Then, Looked to find the slideshow icon (not on the top right hand, not yet) on the whole (black) page, found & clicked it. There, I got it.

    NExt time, I checked, the slideshow icon sat next to Share icon on top right, where it was said to be.

    Just keep looking. Slideshow icon is on the page. Click to find it.


Your comments are always welcome.

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