Here is a list of cat bacterial infections.
Salmonella - causes a gastrointestinal infection. It is more prevalent in crowded unhygienic conditions. The bacteria can stay alive in soil and manure for many years. It is acquired by cats when they eat raw food contaminated by the bacteria or by licking manure or diarrhea (from coat or paws). An infection causes a fever, vomiting and diarrhea leading to dehydration and weakness. There may be blood in the stool. Other symptoms include pink eye and abscessed organs such as the liver and kidneys. The acute part of the infection lasts for 4-10 days. It can be fatal. Some cats are carriers but have no symptoms themselves. Treatment is antibiotics and re-hydration. Prevention is concerned with providing high quality sanitary conditions for cats.
Campylobacteriosis - causes infectious diarrhea in kittens (and humans incidentally). Cats with intestinal infections and in rescue facilities can suffer from this bacterial infection. An infection is acquired through ingesting contaminated water, animal feces or uncooked meat. Symptoms is watery diarrhea that can be bloody. Treatments include treating the diarrhea, administering antibiotics where appropriate and rehydration. Prevention is as for salmonella. Kittens' diarrhea may contain zoonotic pathogens (an infectious agent that can be transferred from cat to human).
Clostridium perfringens - A bacteria that produces airborne spores and a toxin that causes severe diarrhea that may contain mucus and blood. Treatment: antibiotics and correction of cat's hydration.
Tetanus - this is the Clostridium tetani bacteria - rare in cats due to good immunity to the infection. The infection is acquired through the skin (open wound). The bacteria produces a toxin. The toxin affects the nervous system of the cat. The signs might include: spastic contractions, rigid legs, difficulty opening mouth and swallowing. Treatment: full veterinarian care. Prevention: attending to wounds promptly and properly.
Helicobacter pylori - cats can be infected asymptomatically. Causes vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the abdomen. Treatment: antiacid and antibiotics.
Tularemia - this is the Francisella tularensis bacteria. It is rare in cats but present naturally in wild animals. Acquired through a bite from a tick or flea or direct contact with an infected wild animal. Symptoms include weight loss, fever and depression. There may be pneumonia or mouth ulcers. It may also cause discharges from eyes and nose. Treatment: antibiotics. Prevention: exterminating parasites from the environment. Full-time indoor cat living. Don't feed cat rabbit meat. The disease is zoonotic. People can acquire it through a cat bite or scratch.
Plague - this is the Yersinia pestis bacteria. Cats acquire this disease by flea bite or contact with their mouth of infected rodents. The signs are high fever, depression, apathy, loss of appetite, cough, mouth ulcers, difficulty breathing. There are swellings from enlarged lymph nodes (under chin). Abscesses form from the swellings. 30-50% of cats die from the disease. People should be very cautious as the disease is zoonotic - transferable from cat to person. The flea bite is the most common form of transmission to people. If your cat might have the plague, see your doctor urgently. Treatment: antibiotics. Prevention: control of the flea.
Tuberculosis - Mycobacterium - Acquired by cats by ingesting cow's milk or contaminated uncooked beef. In cats the bovine type of this bacterial infection affects the gut. Signs are loss of condition and wasting even when eating well. Abscesses in intestinal lymph nodes and liver plus lung infection leading to labored breathing. Treatment: antituberculous drugs. Prevention: pasteurization of milk has had a major impact. Humans can become infected.
Bordetella - the Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria. URI. It is a secondary infection to a viral URI. Seen in crowded, stressed conditions such as at shelters. Signs are lethargy, fever, coughing, anexoria, nose and eye discharges and swelling under chin (lymph node). Treatment: antibiotics
Feline Pneumonitis - Feline Chlamydiosis - Chlamydophilia felis bacteria-like organism. Signs are pink eye and mild, persistent URI. Treatment: Tetracycline drugs.
Feline Mycoplasmal Infection - Mycoplasma felis - may occur secondary to viral infection of upper respiratory tract. Signs: nasal discharge and pink eye. Treatment: Tetracyclines.
Feline Infectious Anemias - Cytauxzoon felis and Mycoplasma haemophilus. Causes feline anemia.
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