Friday 22 February 2008

Cat Coats Pointed with White

pointed and white cat
Seal Point with White in a mitted pattern. Photograph copyright Helmi Flick

Cat Coats Pointed with White is another posting in a series that I have made on cat coats. This is the penultimate (I think :).

I have discussed pointed cat coats on this page. When the gene that produces the pointed coat is accompanied by the White Spotting gene or Piebald gene ("S") you have a pointed with white coat. You can read about this gene on this page as it can also have an effect on eye color and cause odd-eyed cats.

Pointed with white cats have blue eyes. See all the postings on cat coats by clicking on this link. A rather rare cat that has a pointed with white coat is the Seychellois.

The White Spotting gene is semi-dominant and its presence is shown in a wide range of appearances ("variable expression"). Here are examples in addition to the header picture:-

pointed and white cat
Seal Tortie Point with White. Photograph copyright Helmi Flick

pointed and white cat
Seal Tortie Point with White. Photograph copyright Helmi Flick

pointed and white cat
Seal and Blue Point with White - Bicolor. Photograph copyright Helmi Flick.

From Cat Coats Pointed with White to Home page

1 comment:

  1. I love all the cats here. I have41 cats.we support them with our website www, .


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