But what are the most important facts? They have to be to ones that help lead us to an answer as to how to stop it. It is good to prosecute people who commit crimes of animal abuse. But the law cannot always be enforced effectively. Neither is animal abuse always apparent. How many cases of animal abuse are there compared to the numbers reported? I don't know but I'd bet that the number reported is the tip of the iceberg.
Some 7 years ago, HSUS compiled facts about animal abuse relating to 2000, which indicates to us the source of the problem and the problem is the same in the US and the UK, I feel. But is something happening? Not in the UK in any event.

Facts about animal abuse - First fact is that it is perpetrated by males. Of these 31% are 18 or younger. Some (4%) are younger than 12 and 21% of the incidences involved family violence. It is companion animals that are the most likely to be hurt (cats and dogs).

Facts about animal abuse - Chart showing that companion animals (cats and dogs mainly) are usually the victims of animal abuse.
A companion animal is to all intents and purposes a part of the family. In order to be violent we must be angry unless it is a crime conducted in cold blood and that sort of crime does not in any way relate to animal abuse cases in my assessment. The classic animal abuse case will be an expression of anger against something or somebody that cannot be hurt so the perpetrator vents that anger on a creature close to the person that they want to hurt or an animal representing the person or persons. Or it is a simple undirected expression of anger as if the person was kicking a door or banging a desk with their fist.
The reason why some people can vent anger on animals without a conscience or sentiment is because they lack social responsibility for their actions (unaware of the consequences) and/or have an arrogance and ignorance in relation to other animals on the planet. For example some people think that cats don't feel pain or simply don't consider that the cat might or will suffer when they injure or kill them.
If most animal abuse occurs in a family environment (I conclude this because the vast majority of animal victims are family animals) and nearly all cases are due to angry males it would seem to be a far conclusion that fathers are teaching sons to be angry and to strike out. The scenario is angry (maybe drunk?) father teaches boy how to be violent and disrespect animals and people. In other words the classic dysfunctional family.
Another likely scenario is the absent father. When the father is absent particularly in relation to boys the boy tends to lack boundaries and the requisite strong guidance demanded. Single women who have children by more than one father tend also to be inadequate and unable to provide proper parenting. The child will learn the wrong things from his peers who themselves may come from dysfunctional backgrounds.
Facts about animal abuse should lead us to a solution not to simply mopping up the mess. The bottom line is that the solution must come from better parenting, more stable families and the education that follows.
The RSPCA (UK) recently disclosed convictions for animal violence in the UK showing a marked increase between 2006 and 2007.

Facts about animal abuse - Chart showing increase in convictions for animal violence in the UK 2006-7 (src: RSPCA). See Cat Abuse for more on animal protection law - worst and best US states.
The increase is in line with people's feelings and experiences in the UK about the increase in youth violence expressed in a sharp increase in knife crime perpetrated by youths and the age of the youths is decreasing. There are other issues one of which is that a more hostile society is fostering the use of dogs as weapons and as a macho image.
There are other categories of violence against animals and cats. The above is a simplification. But it is still the young who tend to be the worst. Some simply declare, "i hate cats". They have little understanding as to why. There can only be one reason why - they were taught it (or they learned it indirectly from observation). There is a wealth of ignorance about other animals including wild animals (sport hunting) and cats (my particular concern).
Some more Facts about animal abuse:
Which States in the USA are the worst offenders?

Facts about animal abuse - chart showing Florida leads the way for neglect and abandonment. Florida is probably the worst State for animal abuse overall - tell me why please. (src:www.pet-abuse.com). Abandonment and neglect is the biggest area of animal abuse in America according to pet-abuse.com. Florida is equal top with New York for beating animals and is in sole top position for strangulations (of animals of course). It is no wonder the Florida Panther (Cougar) is in such dire straights. In 1997 Florida was the second most dangerous State for crime (src: http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1997/jul/d16-002.shtml). The source looks reliable. If so this supports the well known concept that violence against animals is a precursor to violence against people.
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