Preparedness seems to be the key factor. Getting in extra water and cat food in case these are not available for several days would seem common sense. Having a safe place to go to during the hurricane must be a priority. Apparently there are special shelters in Florida for people but not cats! That means setting up some alternative safe shelter to protect your cat during the storm. Perhaps your own shelter or a local veterinarian might have facilities that are suitable.
Ultimately it also means sticking with your cat if you can. Reassurance and familiar activities will help to settle a cat when he or she is frightened by noise.
We should check that our cat carriers are to hand and in good working order too. Finally what about the stray and feral cats? We can't do much for them, sadly. But we might be able to figure out something that can help such as enticing them into a shelter of some kind. Although they might be better finding there own shelter. Cats are pretty good survivors.
From Hurricane Preparedness for Your Cats to Home Page
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