Friday 5 August 2011

Chats British Shorthair

People in France search for British Shorthair cat breeders and information about the breed. "Chats" means "cats" in English. There is a restaurant or restaurants called "Les Chats" too!

Another search phrase is "femelle british shorthair" - female British Shorthair. Another French search phrase is, "chatons british shorthair". "Chatons" means kittens. And "chats de race british shorthair" and " chatterie de british shorthair".

So on this page I list some British Shorthair breeders in France. As for information about the British Shorthair, visitors can translate this website in stages by clicking on the following link and using Google Translate.

British Shorthair Breeders France

Les British de Zabarah - breeding black smoke and Chinchilla coated Brit SHs and longhairs. You can explore their site to see the cats and the type of coat that this is.


Breeding a nice range coat colors including mink (pointed). Charming kittens. Some longhaired cats too sometimes.

Les Chamin 'Ors

They have a gorgeous male cinnamon coated Brit SH on the home page.

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