Wednesday 13 October 2021

Man prepares cat food bowl behind a closed bathroom door to stop his cats interfering

This is a bit extreme I think. A guy on Reddit admits this: "So I prepare my cats food in my bathroom to avoid them nibbling while I’m making it. They are well aware of this. I am a slave."

Man prepares his cats food behind a closed door as he does not like them interfering and nibbling it why he is making it up
Man prepares his cats food behind a closed door as he does not like them interfering and nibbling it why he is making it up. Screenshot.

Enough said. It's pretty clear that he doesn't like his cats interfering with his preparation of their food. I think I know why; they are bloody starving!! 

Watch the video: when he opens the bathroom door his cats are waiting outside as they know the routine. They both eagerly jump up and dive at the food which he has removed. The cats are desperate. I think this guy is underfeeding them slightly. He certainly keeps them hungry or perhaps the food is super-tasty. Although, in all fairness, it has to be said that they look the correct weight.

: This is a video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.

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