Wednesday 17 December 2008

Cats are being Dumped

Because of the economic crisis, more cats are being dumped. The law treats cats as chattels (objects). The law is outdated, old fashioned or so I thought. The law is not outdated, now I know. Some people treat cats as chattels. 

Photo in public domain. Words added.

There are reports on the internet and in the papers of rescue centres being fuller than ever of rescued, dumped or abandoned cats. It doesn't matter how one describes these animals. They have no human companion and they are meant to be domestic cats. These cats shouldn't be born. How do I know?

Because all we can do, nearly all the time, is destroy them, put them in a freezer and then what? Where do they go after that? I don't know.

Sometimes the bodies are used commercially, in my view. And that just compounds the wrong. We allow cats to breed when we shouldn't. And we then kill them and use the carcass. 

Man, it makes some of us sick. Here are some cat rescue centres reporting higher numbers and more euthanising: 
  • Shenton Park Cat Haven - Perth, Australia;
  • Battersea Dogs Home (they also rescue cats) - London, England;
  • The Auckland (New Zealand) SPCA has recorded a 25-year high in the number of animals dumped.
I could list lots more. Cats are being dumped because people don't ask themselves if they are able to care for a cat for the life of the cat. If they can't answer in the affirmative the cat should not be adopted.

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