Saturday 6 April 2024

Screams from mother and daughter as carpet python attacks their cat

It seems that the carpet python is a relatively small python, a snake which kills their prey by wrapping themselves around it and squeezing the life out of them. Nonetheless, this was a terrifying and shocking moment for mother and daughter living on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

I guess, in Australia, as is the case in America, but is not the case in the UK, you have to watch out for predators of domestic cats. It's another aspect of cat caregiving.

Screams from mother and daughter as carpet python attacks their cat
Screenshot from Facebook video.

The video on this page is on Facebook. It's from a snake catcher who was called in by the mother. However, by the time he arrived, it seems that she had removed the snake from her cat and the snake had retired to a quiet corner of her property under the barbecue. I don't think the snake presented a particularly difficult problem for Mr McKenzie, the snake catcher.

Although he remarked that it was a crazy situation and the video is one of the most insane that you will see which indicates that this was a rare event so cat owners living in Australia shouldn't be overly concerned but vigilant.
'This is one of the most spine-tingling crazy videos you will ever see.'
Below are some more facts about the carpet python which may interest you.

From Sunshine Snake Catchers 24/7:
"This afternoon Stu attended a job in Buderim where a large Carpet Python grabbed the pet cat out in the family courtyard! The mum and daughter were able to get the snake off the cat safely and call us to come and relocate it! Some of the footage (and screams) were caught on the security camera out the back! Unbelievable!

Some facts about the carpet python

Let’s explore some fascinating facts about the Carpet Python (Morelia spilota), a remarkable snake species:

  1. Appearance:

    • Carpet pythons exhibit highly variable colouring, ranging from olive to black, adorned with white, cream, and gold markings.
    • Their patterns can be roughly diamond-shaped or intricate bands on a background of grey or brown.
    • The triangular head features a conspicuous row of thermo-receptive labial pits.
    • Males are typically smaller than females, with some regions having females up to four times heavier.
    • Adult Length: Carpet pythons can grow to be five to eight feet in length. However, some individuals may exceed this range, reaching up to 12 feet when fully grown.

      Distribution and Habitat:
    • Found throughout mainland Australia (except the arid centre and western regions), Indonesia (southern Western New Guinea), Papua New Guinea, and Yule Island.
    • Inhabit diverse environments, including rainforests, woodlands, arid islands, and temperate grasslands.
    • Often found near human habitation.
  2. Lifestyle and Behaviour:

    • Semi-arboreal: They climb trees but can move on the ground.
    • Nocturnal: Active during the night, but they may bask in the sun during the day.
    • Shelter: Seek refuge in hollow tree limbs, rock crevices, and abandoned burrows.
    • Predator: Carpet pythons are skilled ambush predators.
    • Non-venomous: They kill prey through constriction, coiling around it until it suffocates.
  3. Diet and Prey:

    • Carpet pythons feed on a variety of prey:
      • Small Mammals: Rats and other rodents.
      • Birds: They can capture birds in their habitat.
      • Lizards: A significant part of their diet.
      • Incidents: There have been reports of carpet pythons devouring domestic cats and small dogs.
  4. Conservation and Threats:

    • Habitat Destruction: Loss of suitable hiding places affects their ability to hunt and shelter.
    • Road Kill: Collisions with vehicles.
    • Pet Trade: Some are kept as pets.
    • Predation: Feral cats and foxes pose a threat.

Remember, these snakes play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, and their unique adaptations make them captivating creatures in the wild! 🐍🌿

Sources: Reptiles Cove, Animalia bio, Wikipedia and more.

How do they catch birds as prey?

Carpet pythons employ a combination of stealth, patience, and ambush tactics to catch birds as prey. Here’s how they do it:

  1. Camouflage and Ambush:

    • Carpet pythons blend seamlessly into their surroundings due to their intricate patterns and colors.
    • They often lie in wait on tree branches, rocks, or other elevated positions, where they remain motionless for extended periods.
    • When a bird approaches, the python strikes with lightning speed, coiling around its prey.
  2. Striking Technique:

    • The python’s strike is precise and well-timed.
    • It lunges forward, extending its body to grab the bird.
    • Its sharp teeth sink into the bird’s flesh, securing a firm grip.
  3. Constriction:

    • Once caught, the python wraps its body around the bird.
    • It constricts, squeezing the life out of its prey.
    • The bird’s ability to breathe is compromised, leading to suffocation.
  4. Swallowing Whole:

    • After successful capture, the python begins the process of swallowing the bird whole.
    • Their flexible jaws allow them to accommodate prey much larger than their head.
    • The bird is gradually ingested, headfirst.
  5. Digestion:

    • Carpet pythons have a slow metabolism.
    • They can survive on infrequent meals.
    • The digestive process takes several days, during which the python remains relatively inactive.

In summary, carpet pythons are patient hunters, relying on their cryptic appearance and ambush skills to capture birds as part of their diet. 🐍🦜


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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