Thursday 4 June 2009

You Tube is Down 4th June 2009

As far as I can see, at 21:00 GMT You Tube is Down 4th June 2009. I find it astonishing that this can happen. Allegedly, on an earlier occasion about one year ago, the Pakistan government somehow blocked YouTube from functioning as a video or videos insulted the Islam faith. Well I am not going to comment on that as I don't know if that is true.

But I wonder if it is true that a government (or an organization) can block YouTube and bring it down or stop it working. There are many millions of videos embedded in websites all over the world and they are all blank as at this precise minute. A disaster for millions of site. I don't rely on YouTube video but have a reasonable number on the site and it doesn't look good right now.

If this became a routine problem it would damage YouTube badly, maybe bring it down as there are alternative websites that host videos.

Can anyone clarify what is going on. Maybe Google are just smartening up the site but they usually warn of down time and it seems impossible to have YouTube down for any time as too many people depend on it 24/7.

Update 4th June 2009: It is back on. Down time lasted about 20 mins that's all. Is this just upgrading the servers? I find it odd that a site this big should go down at all at any time.

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