Showing posts with label fake videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake videos. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Woman in China locked out of her home uses her cat to get in (video). True or False?!

USA Today introduces the video below with these words: "A woman in China was locked out of her home after forgetting her keys. Luckily, one of her cats was able to unlock the door for her."

Do you see the ginger cat unlocking the door? I don't. They don't question whether this is implausible. It has to be a false assessment. A lie - a fake. Strong words but I feel that they are true words.

The cat lets the owner in by jumping up onto the door's handle and pulling it downwards using their weight. They did not turn any key or adjust any locking mechanism inside the door. They simply pulled down on the handle as stated. This means that the woman outside on the other side of the door was able to pull down the handle in just the same way. 

Therefore, she was not locked out. Also, it means that this is a fabricated video as so many are to try and get some views and a little bit of internet fame for the video maker vicariously through their companion cat. 

It is incredibly tiresome for someone like me and it is compounded by the blind journalism simply regurgitating what they've been told in the video or by somebody else.

This video may disappear over time as they often do and if so, I apologise but I can't control this as it is embedded into this site but held on USA Today's server.

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Report fake animal rescue videos to YouTube administrators

You may have heard about fake YouTube animal rescue videos. To the best of my knowledge these videos emanate from Asia. What happens is this. Because people want to make a lot of money through advertising on YouTube, they target the sort of video that is attractive. Animal rescue videos are attractive. It is impossible, almost, to make a genuine animal rescue video because these events are so rare and you've got to be in the right place at the right time.

Because of these factors, unscrupulous people are creating fake animal rescue videos. So, what they do is they take an unwanted stray kitten, of which there are many in Third World countries, and they place that kitten in a precarious, life-threatening situation such as very near a snake pit or the kitten or cat is dumped into a deep pool of mud. Or they might put a jar or can over the cat's head which temporarily blinds them.

Fake animal rescues of YouTube. This one has been on their website for 2 years.
Fake animal rescues of YouTube. This one has been on their website for 2 years. Screenshot.

The next step then is to approach the animal with a smartphone in one hand recording the rescue, while the other hand is used to rescue the animal by taking off the can over their head or extricating them from a pool of mud and so on.  You can tell the video is fake partly because only one hand is used when two would be far more effective. They publish the video as genuine and many of them get a good number of hits which enhances their prospects of earning a decent amount of money from Google AdSense advertising.

One major thing wrong with this exercise is that the animals are the victims. They are the unwitting players in these mini-films. They gave no consent to be abused like this. It is a straight case of cat or dog abuse. And of course, they are deceiving the public. They are immoral and they should be deleted from YouTube. When you complain to YouTube administrators they might be deleted.

It has to be said that the YouTube administrators are very reluctant to delete anything on their platform. They believe in free speech which is great but arguably they give too much leeway and so free speech becomes hate speech and animal rescue becomes animal cruelty. It appears to me that YouTube is managed by left-wing liberals. That is not a bad thing per se. It's just that they are snowflake types. They are woke and there is little robustness about their decision-making. That's my personal view.


You will find that reporting a video to them which is unacceptable may be fruitless. They may delete the video a long time after receiving the report. They may not delete it. And the whole process of reporting is very opaque. There is no feedback, there is no response from them. You click your report through and it goes into a black hole. No light emanates from that hole. It is hit and hope. YouTube are not good at communicating. They do their best to not communicate.

The reason for that is because they simply don't have the manpower to deal with the plethora or flood of problems and reports. They can't manage the videos themselves so they rely on users to report problematic videos. That in itself as a model is a poor one. It is abdicating one's responsibility to ensure that all the videos on their platform are decent and will not corrupt minds or promote animal abuse or human abuse. I'm moaning about YouTube and they may punish me for it. They can be vindictive as well.

Notwithstanding all these issues, if you do bump into a video which you think is a fake animal rescue then please report it to the administrators as it might help to save lives and prevent animal cruelty.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Video of tabby cat with bright emerald eyes

This is a video on of a tabby cat with the most astonishing emerald eyes. Initially when I saw a still image of the cat (and not the video) I thought that this was an example of excellent photo-editing. But can you photo-edit video material like this? I think you can because I just can't bring myself to believe that this eye colour is genuine.

Update: the video failed. They always do from Reddit. They are hopeless on embedded videos. So hopeless that I think they deliberately make them fail. But if you click here you can see it on Reddit (hopefully).

Here is a screenshot from the video:

Tabby cat with bright emerald eyes
Tabby cat with bright emerald eyes. Screenshot.

But, you know, I could be wrong. It could be genuine. I'd love someone to tell me that I am wrong in a comment. Amazing cat. He/she should have an Instagram page. I can't find a page on Instagram which features this cat. Is that proof that the eyes are too special to be real?

Monday, 21 September 2020

YouTube video makers are staging kitten rescues for money

I've been watching some cat and kitten rescues on YouTube. I thought I would catch up with what's going on in that marketplace. Immediately I smelled trouble; the two videos I saw made me doubt their veracity. They both appear to be staged. 

It is as of the film maker planned the whole thing like a mini-movie. Particularly the one on this page. It shows a kitten with a piece of cast-iron drainpipe around her body. This is a heavy piece of iron. The video maker walks up to the kitten who is struggling in what appears to be a part of a farm near some abandoned machinery. 

The filmmaker very, very slowly removes the cast-iron drainpipe from the kitten. It is done in the most elaborate and theatrical way. The moment is teased out over several minutes. It is quite ridiculous and it is shameful. The person uses one hand while the other holds the bloody camcorder! Shit. It is so crappy.

There is no way this kitten would end up with a piece of cast-iron drainpipe around her body unless it was put there by somebody. And I allege with complete conviction that it was put there by the filmmaker. Why would a kitten push their body through a piece of tight drainpipe like that? What was at the other end of it? What reward was there for the kitten to do it? How did the kitten manage to do it? They are all so unlikely as to be impossible to envisage.

If I'm correct, and I am convinced that I am correct,  this is shameful behaviour. This filmmaker is conning YouTube into believing that they are involved in genuine kitten rescue. They are conning Google AdSense who are paying them for adverts on their video. And they are conning the advertisers who want to place their adverts on their video. Finally, they are conning the public into believing it is genuine.

YouTube need to investigate this sort of thing because I believe that it is more widespread than people believe. The comments under the video indicate that those who have watched it don't understand what is going on. Nobody is asking the common sense question as to how this happened. As I said, it is likely that the only way it could happen is if it was staged.

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i hate cats

i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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