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Are these the two women who dumped two cats at a pet store in Dewsbury, UK? Image: Pets at Home CCTV. |
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Are these the two women who dumped two cats at a pet store in Dewsbury, UK?
Britain's worst hoarder with bodies of up to four mummified cats on shelves wrapped in newspaper
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Image: Blanchards/Triangle News. |
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
21 kittens found in minivan in severely cold weather in NYC
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21 kittens found in what appeared to be an abandoned van in New York City. Screen grab from video below. Video by NYPD (believed). |
NYPD 19th Precinct: Cold cats left in a car overnight rescued! Shortly before 5am, we received a 911 call of kittens locked in an unoccupied van. With freezing temps our cops acted fast and with the help of our Emergency Services Unit, freed the 21 felines and transported them to @NYCACC for care. https://t.co/798PcVtgKU
Monday, 27 November 2023
Experiences before and during stay at animal shelter leaves dog terrified (video)
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Terrified dog at animal shelter. Screenshot. |
Saturday, 25 November 2023
An example of why people don't stop their car when they hit a cat on the road
Friday, 24 November 2023
Video inside cabin as couple rescue 3 kittens from Serbia and fly them back to Chicago
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Couple rescue 3 kittens from Serbia and fly them back to Chicago in the cabin. Screenshot. |
We found 3 kittens in a village in Serbia at 3 weeks old with no mom🥺 so we took them in and decided to keep them! Now they travel Europe in our van with us… but we were going home for the holidays so of course they had a come with!
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Veterinary nurse decapitated two dead cats and took the heads home
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Veterinary nurse decapitated 2 dead cats and took the heads home. Image: MikeB |
Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Istanbul street cat is feed with a knife and fork at a restaurant
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Istanbul street cat gets his way at a restaurant. Screen grab. |
Scottish wildcat suffered "extinction by sex" and is making their last stand in the Cairngorms
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Scottish wildcat. A hybrid or a genuine wildcat? It's hard to tell the difference from appearance. You have to do DNA testing. This picture, I believe, as in the public domain. |
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The Cairngorm region of Scotland where they hope the Scottish wildcat will make their last stand and thrive and grow their population. The image, I believe, is in the public domain. |
Monday, 20 November 2023
Richest 1% cause 16% of carbon emissions. Time for greater equality.
"It would take about 1,500 years for someone in the bottom 99% to produce as much carbon as the richest billionaires do in a year. Governments [must] tackle the twin crises of inequality and climate change, by targeting the excessive emissions of the super-rich by taxing them more. This could raise much needed revenue that could be directed to a range of vital social spending needs, including a fair switch to clean, renewable energy as well as fulfilling our international commitments to support communities who are already bearing the brunt of the climate crisis"- Chiara Liguori, the senior climate justice policy adviser for Oxfam
Social media "influencers" must put an advert label on their video if they're paid to promote a product
Since then the ASA has drawn up rules that state that influencers are required to put an advert label on content if they have received payment, and any other incentive or are personally or commercially connected to the brand."
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Screenshot. |
Sunday, 19 November 2023
If your cat is really, really anxious going to the vet you can now give them pregabalin in the USA
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Image: MikeB |
A little over half of cats given Bonqat had a good to excellent response during both transportation and the veterinary visit compared to about one-third of cats given placebo. In addition, 83 of 108 (77%) cats given Bonqat showed improvement in levels of fear and anxiety over the course of the two physical examinations, compared to 46 of 101 (46%) cats given placebo.
Friday, 17 November 2023
Social media celebrities Travis Nelson and his cat Sigrid were knocked off their bike in London
The accident
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Travis and Sigrid knocked of their bike by a moped. The moped rider apologised and admitted that it was his fault. Travis was magnanimous. Screenshot. |
Criticised on social media
Thursday, 16 November 2023
One key factor in making more money as a social media influencer
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JoJo Barbie has 10.3 million followers. She flashes the flesh a lot while showing off her bum and breasts. Image: Instagram. This is her latest post at 16th November 2023. |
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Cat has five ferret servants
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Is there are matchup between cats of a certain character and people of a certain character?
I think I can keep this short and concise. The question is asking if, for example, gentle, shy people get along better with cats that are shy, gentle and timid. Or whether aggressive people get along with more dominant cats. Or perhaps they'd get along with submissive cats? There are a huge number of permutations. And also, both human and cat personality is very fluid and complex. It is difficult to categorise both human and cat personality with precision. Do opposites attract or repel?
The news media like to find neat answers to the question by saying that this cat breed is a perfect match with this type of person. The problem there is that you are only referring to cat breeds and not moggies which means you have cut out of the discussion the vast majority of domestic cats as pedigree cats are much rarer than random bred cats.
And the breeds can have different characters in general terms while moggies don't. For moggies it is all about the character of individual cats. But that applies to purebred cats too. For purebred cats there is the character of the breed and the character of the individual cat working together. Although the character of the breeds is exaggerated by news media and the cat fancy.
The answer to the question in the title is almost certainly No. I don't think it is possible to create a nice neat chart which cross references the breeds with people of a certain character. I have just visited a website where they did that and it is all fiction. The truth is that online media like to neatly package things to make it easy to digest for the mass of internet surfers but they are being misled if they believe the stuff.
The only way to match up a cat of a certain character with a person of a certain character is for the latter to meet the former and see if they get on. To see if the cat comes forward and appears to enjoy the company of the person. It is a one-on-one encounter to see if they are compatible; have chemistry. Then you build on that in the relationship. Actually, it can start badly and warm up. Sometimes the most unlikely partnerships between cat and person blossom and become great.
Don't rely on charts and formulae which look too good to be true because they are. And don't believe what the experts say about the differences in cat breed character. There are some differences but they can be subtle and they can be overridden by the character of an individual cat. There are two overlapping factors: cat breed character (an umbrella concept) and the character of an individual as mentioned.
Keeping a good news secret will improve your energy levels
Monday, 13 November 2023
Conflict between customers and management at Tesco, Hornsea over ginger tabby who likes to visit the store
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Lincoln resting and watching on the compost bags as they are nice and comfy. Image: Facebook. |
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Feral cats are becoming a nuisance at British military bases abroad
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British military base in Cyprus. Image: AP. |
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Cat's hind leg has a mind of its own forcing the cat to fight back
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Hind leg fights back! Screen grab from video above. |
Jamie Lynn Spears blames Tesla cars for killing her cats!
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Jamie Lynn Spears is a cat owner and she lets then go outside where more than one has been hit by EVs. Image credit: see base of page. |
"We have now lost — I don’t want to tell you how many cats — because they don’t hear the Tesla crank and unfortunate things happen and it’s really devastating and tragic for everyone involved. Elon Musk, let’s figure this out. You owe me a couple cats.”
Thursday, 9 November 2023
Pumba the pet caracal is anxious almost all the time living with humans
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Pumba is anxious at best living in the human environment. Screen grab from video below. |
Retired lawyer and professor shoots dead two environmental campaigners on a highway in Panama in front of video cameras
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i hate cats
i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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