Saturday 7 April 2012

Prevalence of FeLV and FIV

Here is some data on the prevalence of two well known diseases in cats that were domestic and feral: FeLV (Feline leukemia virus) and FIV (Feline immunodeficiency virus).  There is a comparison in some rows between domestic and feral cats in the table.




Animal shelter, Birmingham, England - 1997

2% feral cats and 3.6% tame cats

20.4% feral cats and 9.4% tame cats

Vets - Istanbul, Turkey

6% outdoor cats and 5% for indoor cats

22% for both indoor cats and outdoor/feral cats

Texas University, USA

5% of cats trapped

6% of cats trapped

Florida University, USA

7% of cats

7% of cats

North Carolina Uni

4% of cats

4% of cats

Prince Edward Island, Canada

5% of trapped cats

6% of trapped cats

Some added information:
  • In Istanbul, FIV was more common in male cats probably because they were not neutered. 
  • In the Florida and Carolina and Prince Edward Island studies FIV was more prevalent in male cats.
  • An interesting conclusion was that in colonies where TNR is practised the prevalence of FeLV and FIV was found to be low. Conclusion: TNR managed sites are a limited or low threat to the health of other cats.
  • The university programs in the USA relate to trapped cats. These were therefore feral or stray cats.
    Source: The Welfare of Cats edited by Irene Rochlitz:

    This is a very good book. Scientific, yes but sound.

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