Showing posts with label 77 cat pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 77 cat pictures. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 October 2008

British blue shorthair cat

British Shorthair cat - blue coat - photo copyright Helmi Flick

Here is a fantastic British blue shorthair cat photographed by a fantastic cat photographer, Helmi Flick and the cat wrangled by Ken Flick. His name is Earl Grey, the name of a well known and refined English tea.

The blue coat is a dilute form of black (see a description of the term genetic dilution and more: cat coat color dilution). The actual color is a blue/gray. The color could be described more accurately as grey or gray. In the 19th century, when this cat breed started out in the cat fancy, the term "blue" sounded better. Perhaps it still does.

The British blue shorthair cat has been popular throughout the long history of the breed. When the British Shorthair cat is slate blue/gray she looks like the Chartreux, a French cat that also has a long history. The Chartreux is one of the grey cat breeds.

If you'd like to see more of Earl Grey and see more fantastic cats, plus a full description and history etc. please visit: British Shorthair cat. The American Shorthair cat is founded upon the first British Shorthairs imported to North America with the first settlers in 1620 and looks like the Brit SH too.

British blue shorthair cat to Home page

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Javanese cat

Here is a beautiful Javanese cat (a classy purebred show cat) photographed by Helmi Flick, the best cat photographer. Great color. And a fantastic plumed tail.

Javanese cat
Photo of Javanese cat copyright Helmi Flick

The Javanese cat is a long haired relation of the Siamese cat. I would describe the cat as a long haired relation of the Modern Siamese cat. There is a difference: see Siamese cat history.

The cat was developed in the United States by selective breeding of Siamese cat offspring that had long hair. There is no connection with Java.

The genotype can be written as: cscsll. The letters cscs indicate the Siamese allele in homozygous form. ll represents the long haired gene in homozygous form.

The body is athletic and elegant and the coat is easy maintenance, silky and very glamorous especially with that long haired (plumed) shaded tail.

Javanese cat to Balinese cat - the Balinese cat is a relation as this breed is also a longhaired "Modern Siamese" but with less coat color combinations than the Javanese cat.

Monday, 29 September 2008

American Wirehair Cat

This is a fine picture of an American Wirehair cat by Helmi Flick, the best cat photographer. You can see this picture and more on this page: American Wirehair.

American Wirehair cat
American Wirehair cat photo ©copyright Helmi Flick

This is an odd-eyed cat. Robinson's Genetics for Cat Breeders & Veterinarians (4th Ed.) says that it is thought that the gene that gives this shorthaired cat the rough and unruly coat is monogenic with incomplete penetrance but dominant to the normal coat. The gene is a mutated gene. The gene symbol is Wh. Normally a shorthaired cat's coat has an even texture provided it is groomed normally. The American Wirehair cat's coat has the usual three "layers" of hairs, guard, awn (bristle) and down (wool hairs) but they are not normal.

The hairs are thinner than normal and curved. This particularly affects the awn hairs, which have an exaggerated undulation. This is a sparse wiry coat that is coarse but pleasant to touch. It is steel wool in the form of fur. The coat comes in a range of colors and patterns.

Gloria Stephens in the Legacy of the Cat suggests that the American Wirehair cat is not as robust as the American Shorthair. The skeleton is medium in size and not as substantial as the Shorthair. However, this is a muscular, agile, independent and active cat.

I conclude, on the Rare Cat Breeds page of the main website that this is a rare cat breed. In measuring rarity out of 10, where 10 is the most rare, this breed came 8 on my assessment. There are rarer breeds (e.g. the Sokoke). In confirmation of that assessment, Gloria Stephens says that in all the years that she was judging, she only saw one Wirehair cat.

American Wirehair cat to American Wirehair

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Traditional Doll Face Persian Cat

Here's one of the best photographs of the Traditional Doll Face Persian Cat. He is a Traditional Orange (Solid Red) Persian Cat. His name is Faolán - the photograph is copyright Dani Rozeboom. You can see more of him here:

Traditional Doll Face Persian Cat
Faolán - all Persian boy cat - copyright Dani

Please respect copyright

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

American Bobtail cat

Here's one of the best American Bobtail cat pictures by Helmi Flick:

American Bobtail cat
American Bobtail cat - photo copyright Helmi Flick
This is a photograph of "Jessee"

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat
Photo of Abyssinian cat copyright Helmi Flick

Here is a fine photograph of an Abyssinian cat by Helmi Flick, probably the best professional cat photographer. The Abyssinian is a purebred cat of long standing in the cat fancy. It is probably fair to say that there are about ten cat breeds that are at the core of the cat fancy and the Abyssinian is one. The history of this cat is rather uncertain. Without wishing to be unkind, this cat breed was either created (hybrid) by a breeder in the 19th century or was discovered in India, exported to Ethiopia and then re-exported to England where it was refined through selective breeding. You take your pick! "Abys", as they are affectionately referred to, are elegant cats with an active, athletic appearance. There is a limited range of colours which I think marks this cat out from the other breeds. They are very popular and in the top five on my reckoning....see more.

Russian Blue Cat

Here is one of Helmi Flick's great photographs of the Russian Blue cat:

Russian Blue cat
Russian Blue cat - Photograph copyright Helmi Flick

Update: A Russian Blue won the Best of the Best award at the CFA/Iams Championship at Madison Square Garden 19th October 2008. His name is Runner. Full name is Platina Luna Blade Runner. The proud owners/keepers are not cat breeders, just exhibitors. There names are Teresa Keiger and Rob Miller.

From Russian Blue cat to Household pets

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