Showing posts with label plastic sugery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plastic sugery. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Attractive woman destroys her face in trying to look like a cat in seeking influencer fame

Jolene's story in summary is below. And below the summary I provide my thoughts for what they are worth. There are also before and after pics for readers to judge for themselves. But I'd be surprised if anyone thinks the result is acceptable or anything other than horrendous.

Jolene Dawson, a 28-year-old musician from Gold Coast, Australia, has made a feline transformation that’s turning heads. She spent over £10,000 (approximately 10 lakhs in Indian Rupees) to achieve a cat-like appearance. Here are the details of her unique journey:

  1. Cat-Like Features:

    • Jolene underwent injectables to give her a cat-like snout.
    • She also had an experimental suspension thread procedure to flare out her nostrils.
    • The result? A transformation that makes her feel more like herself and comfortable posting on social media without makeup.
  2. Inspiration and Social Media Influence:

    • Jolene considers herself a social media influencer with 18,000 Instagram followers and a presence on TikTok.
    • She believes her cat-like appearance will inspire other young people.
    • Cats resonate with her because they are independent, self-sufficient, and chic, just like her.
    • As a child, she had a Devon Rex cat that she found very chic.
  3. Previous Transformations:

    • Before her cat-like makeover, Jolene had already found success as a social media influencer.
    • She had previously spent £55,000 (around 106,000 Australian Dollars) on cosmetic surgery to look like a Bratz doll.
    • However, she felt that too many other influencers were replicating the Bratz doll look, so she decided to change her appearance.
  4. Overcoming Past Challenges:

    • Jolene had previously undergone a botched nose job during her Bratz doll quest.
    • Despite vowing never to have similar procedures again, she opted for injectables and the thread procedure for her nostrils.
    • Her cat-like transformation cost her the equivalent of £6,000 for injectables and approximately £4,000 for the thread procedure.
    • Most of the expenses came from her savings and earnings as a musician.

In her pursuit of self-expression, Jolene has truly embraced her feline identity! 🐱

The reality

Before and after:

Before the surgery. Image: Mirror newspaper

After. Image: Mirror newspaper.

It seems to me that the reality of the story is very different to what this woman is thinking. She is like someone suffering from anorexia. She is looking in the mirror at herself and seeing something which is different to what actually is there in reality.

This woman's reality is distorted by her mentality. That must be the case because what we see after the surgery is a "destroyed" - as far as I am concerned face - that was attractive but is no longer.

And I fear that this woman will now proceed to the next stage of plastic surgery because it becomes addictive. And she will go on doing this until her face has been obliterated and there is no way back.

Secondly, I don't think it is realistic to think that if you look like a cat you are going to be a more successful social media influencer than if you look normal and attractive. But Jolene believes that if she looks like a cat (which she doesn't) then she will be more successful.

And that's another point. She doesn't look like a cat or even more like a cat than she did when she looked like a human. She just looks like a person who has had unsuccessful plastic surgery and her face has become less attractive, some would say ugly.

I don't want to insult or upset her but the result is horrendous to someone like me, a bystander commenting on this story.

Very sad

Also, for me, it is a very sad story. I hate to see a person - and it doesn't matter whether they are attractive or unattractive initiative - mess around with their appearance in the mistaken belief that it will make them more financially successful. 

We need to accept ourselves as we are. Learn to even love ourselves without being arrogant and conceited about it. And without being narcissistic. But we need to love ourselves as we are and live our lives as we are meant to live them with the skills and abilities that we have.

There is no room in life to modify our appearance like customising a motorcar. We are too precious as we are. It would have been much better for her if she had simply accepted her appearance. The work on herself should have been about her mentality not physically cutting into her face to end up like she has; looking quite crazy in my book.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Woman transitioning to a 'human cat' with many body modifications and more to come

The image and videos that you see are of a young 22-year-old Italian woman named Chiara Dell’Abate aka Aydin Mod who wants to transition to a 'human cat' through plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos and other body modifications. Does she look like a cat? The answer is no quite definitely. I don't know what her thinking is but to an outsider like me, she has not realised her objective; nowhere near. I find it very sad indeed that she has done this to herself. For me she looks revolting.

Italian woman transitioned to a 'human cat' through 20 body modifications with more to come
Chiara Dell’Abate aka Aydin Mod. Screenshot (modified) from YouTube.

Apparently, she is very excited about her transitioning to a human cat. She started the long journey at the tender age of 11 when she received her first body mod. She now has 72 piercings in her body.

Her body modifications include punched nostrils, 0.8 cm upper lip piercings and a 1.6 cm inner labia piercing. Her tongue has been split (see video below). Horror. I can't see that that is anything at all to do with being a domestic cat. Domestic cats do not have split tongues but snakes do. 

She struggles to speak properly. I wonder if she struggles to eat properly too. And what about day-to-day functioning? These body mods must get in the way.

But she is very happy with her body. She said, "I'm thinking that I would be a pretty cool cat lady".

In addition to the above, she has submitted herself to a blepharoplasty which, I'm told, removes excess skin or fat from the eyelids. Her eyeballs have been tattooed!! She has pointed ears, forehead implants and claw-like nails. And permanent eyeliner.

She added: "I think becoming a cat lady is more appropriate for me as I don’t really want to look like a cartoon character. I have always loved cats, and I think I’ll look really bold and fierce as a cat lady with the right body mods."

She is not finished. She was to become more like a human cat.

"To achieve the full cat-like look, I will need a cat eyes lift or canthoplasty — surgery to produce more elongated and naturally almond-shaped eyes — teeth reshaping, upper lip cut, more fillers."

And she said that she will employ something called a transdermal which is like a micro dermal to attach a tail and definitely more tattoos. 

She said that the procedures hurt a lot but the pain is temporary and not a big deal to her. Some people have slammed her for her desire to dramatically alter her appearance. For me, the alterations are very much to her detriment. She looks horrendous to me. But I am an old man with particular views. Perhaps I'm a bit old-fashioned but....she looks horrible...

Some people have labelled her psychotic and disturbed. Others have been supportive and praised her for living freely. She said that through her body modifications, "I feel free to stay true to myself, regardless of what people think."

I just wonder whether she wants to modify her body because she is unhappy with it. I wonder if she does have mental health problems. I am not saying that she does by the way. She sounds perfectly normal and rational but I also wonder whether she will think exactly the same way in 10 or 20 years' time. I doubt whether she will. I wish her well.

But because there is more to come, she'll get progressively worse until she turns into a monster. And what about the cost? And has anyone checked out her mental health? People should be protecting her.
P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Woman addicted to plastic surgery wanted cat's eyes

The humble domestic cat can be a silent influencer as this woman - a social media influencer herself - decided to have cat eye cosmetic surgery.

Woman addicted to plastic surgery wanted cat's eyes
Woman addicted to plastic surgery wanted cat's eyes. And got them. Image: aesthetic_clinic_london/Instagram

This is a classic story of a woman addicted to plastic surgery who in her latest session under the knife (in a foreign country where it is considerably cheaper?) decided have her eye shape modified to look that those of a domestic cat. She did not stop there. I think it was done in Turkey where this sort of surgery is big business. A lot of Brits go there for cheap surgery. Katie Price does for example. Update: Yes, this doctor is based in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Turkish doctor responsible, Dr Hakan Ozocak, explains the nips and tucks he made.

She had other mods done at the same time which the surgeon recommends (he would) and also in the final flourish decided to take the opportunity to interview the surgeon on camera and to publish the video on her TiKTok webpage. What else? Why not?  Here it is:

For someone like me of the old school it is a reflection of modern madness. The manic desire to alter your appearance like customising your car and to put the whole experience on social media for the world to see. What do people think? 


My guess is that most readers and viewers will be appalled and feel sorry for her. She had a bum job too with tons of silicon stuffed into her buttocks. After many surgeons refused to do it, she found one who would in some faraway place I expect but it all leaked out of her bum. 

Yes, well, that is the kind of risk you take with the only body you've got when you go for these cosmetic procedures. She became addicted to lip filler at an early age. 

It is an addiction as strong as nicotine, alcohol and betting. It should possibly be banned. These woman and some men need to be protected from themselves.

And you know what, the domestic cat's eye is not really what she thinks it is. It is a cosmetic surgeon's version. But it appears to be an eye which slopes upwards at the corners adjacent to the temples.

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