Showing posts with label Scottish fold munchkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scottish fold munchkin. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Why are cats so cute?

Why are cats so cute? Answer: because they look like babies. They have large eyes and in general round heads. The cutest cat is probably the Scottish Fold Munchkin - flat ears so the head is even rounder than normal combined with short legs.

Scottish Fold Munchkin - super cute.
The behaviour of kittens and young adults is also cute because they tend to be foolish and get into trouble. Just like kids. I don't find kids cute by the way. Quite the opposite.

People consider babies cute. Once again, I don't. But the general opinion is that they are cute because adults need to be drawn to them to nurture them. Cuteness is an attractant. That's my theory anyway.

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