Sunday 4 June 2023

Stoic tabby cat epitomises the strength of Ukrainians against murderous Russian aggression

I love the Defense of Ukraine photos and videos. They are so professionally produced. This one so beautifully sums up the stoic attitude of Ukrainians in the face of the criminal and murderous bombardment of their homes by Putin. He wants to kill old ladies and their cats. He is a criminal madman.

Stoic tabby cat epitomises the strength of Ukrainians against murderous Russian aggression
Stoic tabby cat epitomises the strength of Ukrainians against murderous Russian aggression. Screenshot.

This sweet-looking tabby is dressed as if in a hijab. The blanket is to keep her warm. She looks calm if a little pissed off which is to be expected. Her brow is furrowed. She looks dead ahead. I love the expression. Who said that domestic cats don't have expressive faces?!

The domestic cats of Ukraine have suffered as much as their caregivers. Many have been killed. Many have lost their caregiver and become feral. Then they scavenge for food among the ruins of their home and the homes of others.

This tabby cat appears to be in a shelter, probably a station of Kyiv's underground railway system. That's the safest place during these bombings of apartment blocks as they are deep underground.

I guess when they emerge into the daylight, they must be anxious as to whether their home is still standing. The constant fear must undermine their lives terribly.

But they are stoic, just like this cat. They will keep going for as long as it takes and make the most of what they have which means having some fun from time to time as can be seen in the video.

Putin must hate to see that, which is one reason why the PR department of the Ukrainian government creates these superb videos.

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