Thursday, 17 October 2024
How did the Manx cat lose its tail? Infographic.
Monday, 23 September 2024
Infographic explains the basic differences between cat and human sleep
This is a cross-post as I think it is a quite important topic for cat caregivers.
Wednesday, 11 September 2024
The most obvious inherited health issues of the Peke-face Persian: BAS.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
4 iconic wild cat species' numbers slashed over past 50 years (Infographic)
Friday, 16 June 2023
Pets really ARE fur babies! We love our pets because they remind us of infants, expert says
We all know it and we don't care! Most of us who are cat and dog caregivers have a relationship with our companion animal which bears a resemblance to the parent-baby/infant relationship. There are some distinct similarities, some of which are listed below in the infographic.
There are some slightly controversial aspects. The psychopathic tendency argument about cats is understandable but they more often show the opposite; a real connection and warmth.
This is not necessarily comprehensive. Cats and infants make a nice comparison in terms of parental relationships and the cat owner often feels like a parent to a child and it is nice.
People want to be nurturing. It is within most of us. That evolutionary impulse is increasingly be discharged on our pets and not on babies and infants as in the West having babies seems to be going out of fashion among the non-ethnic minorities. Germany has a falling human population as I recall except for immigration which props it up and Russia certainly has a falling human population (no surprise there!).
Pope Francis is concerned that Italians are having pets and not kids. He sees the development as slightly ungodly.
Substituting Dogs and Cats for Children
Dr Burnett, a neuroscientist, said: 'Dogs and cats are small with big heads and eyes, they can't speak, they are often playful, but they depend on us rather a lot.'We are emotionally sensitive to these traits, because they are just like those of babies, so we want to protect them.'
Thursday, 1 June 2023
Be the person that your dog or cat thinks you are!
Ricky Gervais, a well-known animal advocate, tweeted the above saying. Actually, he only referred to dogs but the same applies to cats in my view with a slight difference, which is why I have a section on cats as well on this page.
It is a very pertinent/important saying. If you aren't sure why, I will, with your permission, explain.
The domestic dog regards their human caregiver as the alpha. The human caregiver's family is the wolf pack. The dog looks up to the alpha who is the leader of the pack. This accounts in part for their incredible loyalty. Loyalty which allows the human caregiver if they go wrong to abuse their dog and the dog to accept it.
When that happens, it is something terrible to behold because it is a complete breach of trust and it must be incredibly confusing to the domestic dog to be attacked by the leader of the pack.
This is because the leader of the pack has duties such as guiding, teaching and caring for their pack members. The alpha wolf leads their pack to improved survival chances under difficult conditions. The pack members look to their leader for that kind of guidance.
The alpha wolf is a benevolent dictator if you like. But they must be benevolent. They must behave nicely towards their pack members.
Going back to the title to this post, it is saying that the dog's caregiver/owner should be benevolent towards their dog. It is what their dog is expecting of them. It is what their dog thinks that their human is like.
The domestic dog's expectation is that their owner is going to be a decent person and in response to that known expectation the person MUST be decent. There is a strong obligation on dog owners to treat their dogs well in order to meet with their dog's expectations.
Gervais and dog. He is the person they think humans should be. Image: Twitter. |
The domestic cat is not by nature a member of a pack. We know that domestic cats are essentially solitary although they have become very sociable creatures throughout the 10,000 years of domestication. This is because they live in human homes where there is often more than one person and pet.
But essentially, the domestic cat views their human caregiver as a surrogate mother. A parent. A mother who cares for them and looks after them. Who feeds them. Who keeps them safe. Who prioritises security.
The cat looks to their mother to provide them with warmth and tender loving care. In the wild, the mother also teaches their kittens how to hunt and survive. The human doesn't do that but in caring for them they keep their cat in a state of permanent kittenhood, in effect.
The domestic cat has a reliance upon the human and that reliance is dependent upon the human acting and behaving decently at all times. That is the cat's expectation. There is an obligation on the human to meet this expectation.
If they are cruel to their cat, once again the animal is confused, bemused, anxious and frightened. It would be a breach of trust once again by the human. It would be a breach too of the unwritten agreement between human and domestic cat which is one of mutual support.
Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Infographic on 5 categories of hazard in the home for domestic cats
It is my belief that a lot more domestic cats are being quietly and unknowingly harmed inside the family home than we imagine because a lot of cat caregivers are unaware of the full range of hazards that are dangerous to cats. I have a page in fact on a full list of cat poisons which you can see by clicking on the link below:
230 cat poisons (list) - a very long list as you can see.
Probably the most poisonous item in a home are lilies of the Lilium species as one drop or two of pollen from the stamen can kill a cat if it lands on a cat's fur and is subsequently ingested. Although some lilies are safe for cats it is wise to avoid lilies entirely if you have a cat. No risks should be taken as they are potential killers.
There are many pages on PoC concerning items that are toxic to cats. Please click on the link below to see the full list of articles:
Hidden chemicals that are potentially toxic are fire retardants and carpet chemicals which are designed to extend carpet life. There are many household cleaners and disinfectants which can poison cats such as products containing phenol.
The list is extensive.
Sunday, 5 March 2023
Infographics on 3 cat companion behaviours that need correction plus training fear out of your cat
I am thankful for Jackson's thoughts on this. He has his own language for describing cat behavior. I am not sure that the Infographic needs to be expanded on but I will add some words.
Fridging and cocooning?
Two of these behavioural traits: liking to be on top of the fridge or underneath furniture which Jackson exceeded describes as fridging and cocooning respectively, are due to anxiety even fear. They are not that uncommon.
Domestic cats have to be quite wary in some homes where the environment is not really conducive to a cat expressing their natural behaviours.
So, if a cat caregiver sees this kind of behaviour, they might accurately presume that their cat is anxious. Other signs might be over grooming themselves even to the point where they barber the hair from the inside of their legs were on their belly, both easily accessible places.
Jackson Galaxy, American's favourite cat behaviourist, suggests that in order to allow a domestic cat to gain their confidence and become less timid, the cat caregiver should provide a cocoon for them which is a transformational place.
This is a hiding place which is more open to the possibility of them interacting with what is going on around them. It is an intermediate location where a cat can feel secure and when it suits them integrate into general household life.
Train to reduce fear in a cat
Here is another infographic on a similar topic.
Infographic by MikeB at PoC. |
Sunday, 15 January 2023
20 causes of domestic cat vomiting prepared by an AI computer
- Eating too quickly or eating too much.
- Eating spoiled or spoiled food.
- Eating non-food items, such as plants or string.
- Gastrointestinal infections or parasites.
- Certain medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease or liver disease.
- Food allergies or food sensitivities.
- Hairballs, which can block the digestive tract.
- Medications or changes in diet.
- Stress or anxiety.
- Certain types of cancer or other underlying health issues.
- Pancreatitis.
- Kidney disease
- Bladder stones or crystals
- Intestinal blockages
- Poisoning
- Hormonal imbalances
- Hyperthyroidism
- Gastritis
- Bowel diseases
- Gastric dilatation-volvulus (twisted stomach)
Wednesday, 7 December 2022
Infographic on speciesism and how it can lead to animal abuse
Here is an article built around an infographic on speciesism and how it can lead to animal abuse. It is greatly unfair to indulge in speciesism. I firmly that we should treat all animals equally and on a par with humans. A lofty and perhaps unattainable goal.
Cat and dog meat
When I think of speciesism I sometimes think of cat and dog meat. It is a pet topic of mine. Perhaps I shouldn't think of it. But the cause or the underlying reason for cat and dog meat is speciesism. The celebrated contemporary artist Ai Weiwei, a Chinese citizen now living in Portugal, says that the Chinese' relationship with animals is one of functionality. Animals need to be functional and serve the human.
It is based upon an old-fashioned idea I would suggest in the modern era that humans have dominion over animals, and they are there to serve us. The concept of "dominion" comes from the Bible. The Bible did untold harm in my opinion. Christianity has a very bad relationship with animal abuse. Think of the persecution of domestic and stray cats during the Middle Ages under the orders of a papal bull.
So, in the modern era cat and dog meat is a form of speciesism. A very brutal and horrific form. It isn't the actual eating of cats and dogs that is perhaps the worrying aspect of this tradition going back perhaps thousands of years. It is the fact that they have to be killed brutally in order for the meat to taste good and be medicinal. That's the superstition and cat and dog meat which is based upon superstition. Cat meat is eaten in many other countries including USA.
Superstition is part of speciesism. They are in the same rotten group of human thoughts and behaviours. And as I say in the Infographic, there are millions of examples of speciesism.
The domestic cat is loved by the majority of people but there is a significant number who hate the domestic cat and more so the stray and feral cat. In Australia they hate feral cats because it preys upon their wildlife. It is an invasive species. It is vermin in Australia. They need to be killed as fast as possible. This is speciesism. The human is superior to cats, and dogs are also superior to cats.
The feral cat is at the bottom in terms of a hierarchy of animal species. Small, native mammal species in Australia preyed upon sometimes by the feral cat are considered to be far more important and valued more highly than cats in general in Australia in my view.
This too is an example of speciesism, and it results in an enormous amount of abuse and cruelty of cats on that continent.
In China dogs were beaten to death before the Olympic Games in Beijing. They, too, were considered to be pests. During Covid, I recall in one instance a group of men in white hazmat suits walking into a flat and beat a pet beloved dog to death in order to try and control the spread of Covid. This was 'just a dog' not a human and therefore it could be beaten to death without any conscience. It was ghastly and another horrific instance of speciesism in China.
I don't want to harp on about China, but you will see a lot of this animal abuse based upon speciesism in that large Asian country.
Sometimes important animals can be reduced to lowly animals in the eyes of humans. Take for example the tiger. An iconic species. An endangered species. One that needs protection on this planet. Many people in India try and protect the Bengal tiger.
Unfortunately, it is poached for its body parts by traders who take the body back to China where those body parts are converted into medicinal products such as tiger bone wine for the Traditional Chinese Medicine market which is enormous. TCM as it is called is perhaps the biggest threat to the extinction of the Bengal tiger on this planet. Even more so than habitat loss. This is a dire example of speciesism.
An iconic species has been reduced to livestock to be cut up and eaten for superstitious reasons. And livestock are abused all over the world because they are just that "livestock". They are there to serve people. To provide food to people. They are not sentient to farmers although they are sentient creatures.
They feel pain and anguish, highs and lows but to farmers there are just livestock and to be killed and eaten. Another example of speciesism leading to animal abuse.
It is Paul McCartney, of the Beatles who said that if abattoirs had glass walls nobody would eat meat anymore. A clear statement that what goes on in an abattoir is horrific and people should see it. It might change some people from being speciesist to non-speciesist. It might change people from meat eaters to vegans and vegetarians. This is McCartney's objective.
Cats and dogs
Speciesism can occur in more minor ways. Take dogs and cats. Some people are dog people others are cat people are. The truth is that people should be animal people and like dogs and cats equally and if you don't like dogs but like cats you should at least respect dogs and treat them nicely as you would a cat in terms of fundamental welfare.
But some dog people hate cats, and they see cats as sinister and aloof. She them as aggressive and difficult and uncommunicative. They don't see them as loving companion animals which they are. And you will see many instances of stray cat abuse by people who dislike cats. A further example of speciesism. These people put dogs on a pedestal, but they put cats in the gutter.
Singer versus PETA
Singer's definition is only about humans being superior to animals but in my view, it is far better to define speciesism in a way that PETA has namely that it is differentiating between animal species and giving some animals greater value than others as well as giving humans greater value than all animals. This is a wider definition and I think far more useful because a lot of animal abuse comes about through treating some animals as sentient and others as non-sentient.
What about fish? A lot of people regard fish as nuts and bolts. Didn't see them are sentient creatures. These huge trawlers fish the oceans for millions of fish. When they are caught and dumped onto the deck of their boats they suffocate because they can no longer taking oxygen from water. So, they die of suffocation and in pain. Can fish feel pain? Yes, is the answer to that question.
Once you regard fish as inanimate objects and non-sentient you are engaging in the act of speciesism resulting in the abuse of this devalued animal which is purely regarded as a source of food and non-sentient.
What about bees and wasps? Bees have been found to be quite intelligent. They enjoy playing with balls and pushing them around the place. People will often simply swot bees and wasps to death when they come into their home because they are 'just insects'. But insects are animals and to simply swot a bee because you feel it is dangerous is yet another example of speciesism.
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i hate cats
i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...
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