Showing posts with label helping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label helping. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 July 2024

JD Vance is a bad Christian as his actions do not follow his faith

JD Vance is one of the most overtly religious major politicians in America. He is described as a conservative Catholic in The Times. He is Donald Trump's running mate and therefore a potential vice president when Trump is elected president which seems likely at the moment. 

But his actions do not follow his declaration to the world that he is a Christian. He is a bad Christian.
Declared Christian JD Vance by Michael Broad


Being a Christian is good politics it seems in America. And Vance appears to be a strict Christian. He is a student of the Latin Mass, an opponent of abortion and gay marriage, and given to quoting St Augustine. 

An old-fashioned Christian with old-fashioned values which I think he promotes for political advantage. And I think Donald Trump does the same thing and indeed is one reason why he chose J.D. Vance as his running mate.

So what does Christianity say about helping the vulnerable; the needy, those in need? Well, the people of Ukraine are vulnerable and needy. They need all the help the rest of the world can give them. 

Helping those in need is a core principle in Christianity.  Here are some key points:
  • Love thy neighbor: This teaching from Jesus (Matthew 22:39) emphasizes helping anyone in need, not just fellow Christians. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) reinforces this idea.
  • Caring for the poor and oppressed: The Bible includes many verses urging followers to help the less fortunate. Proverbs 14:31 says, "Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."
  • Following Jesus' example: Jesus himself ministered to the sick, poor, and marginalized. His teachings on compassion and generosity inspire Christians to do the same.
  • Putting faith into action: James 2:14-17 emphasizes that faith without works is dead. Helping others demonstrates genuine faith.
But about Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent long-standing war employing trench warfare, JD Vance says the following: 
"I gotta be honest with you, I don't really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another," Vance said in February 2022."
He added: 
"I do not think that it is in America's interest to continue to fund an effectively never-ending war in Ukraine"
So he is against helping Ukrainians who are desperately in need of help. That, I would argue, is very anti-Christian. It is not the kind of statement that a genuine Christian would make.

Therefore, I have to conclude that he is not a genuine Christian. He is a Christian for political purposes. It looks good. It makes him more popular. Perhaps he had an eye on being Donald Trump's vice president years ago and he knew that Donald Trump would use Christianity to his political advantage.

This is exactly what he has done after Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to assassinate him with a rifle. Donald Trump has used God after that assassination attempt by saying that it was God that saved him. And it is God who is dictating that it is Donald Trump's time to be the president again. God is paving the way for him. God is on his side.

He knows that there are millions of Christians in America living in the Bible belt. Perhaps he is trying to capture them as followers, acolytes, voters.

But the point here is that JD Vance is, I would argue and allege, a fake Christian.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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