Showing posts with label cat jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat jewelry. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Ragdoll Cat Jewelry

Ragdoll cat jewelry is quite popular, which is unsurprising as the cat itself is one of the most popular purebred cats in the world.

This is because it is a large, long haired cat with real presence and a great personality. You can't really ask for much more.

The Ragdoll cat jewelry that I will present first is from for the North American marketplace.

I have thrown in two items that are not jewelry! Sorry but this widget requires a minmum number of items and has four items that relate to Ragdoll jewelry.

Precious Pets has some nice gold jewelry featuring this cat breed. You can see it here: Ragdoll gold jewelry.

This Ebay store has a nice pair of Ragdoll earrings for sale at about $13. These show the Ragdoll more accurately. I don't know how permanent this link will be. It may disappear.

Next up is a Mahogany Jewelry Box - Ragdoll Cat. Once again I cannot guarantee that this link will remain good. This item is made to order, by the way.

If you'd like a Ragdoll cat necklace you might try this one from Animal Den. Just click on the photograph:

Ragdoll Cat Necklace

Michael Avatar

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Monday, 7 April 2008

Persian Cat Earrings

Give me back my earrings..... Photo copyright akk_rus

Persian Cat Earrings are a consumer item that people look for so I've done a bit of research to see if I can list out some online cat jewelry retailers to make things a bit easier for people.

Persians are in the top 5 for popularity of all the domestic cat breeds. It is no wonder that Persian cat earrings are popular too. They'll be a kind of statement to everyone you meet that you live with a Persian cat or simply love Persian cats.

The first website that I have bumped into has silver earrings and the cats are Ultra Pesians. They headline for the pictures of the earrings says, "other Ragdoll...." - getting mixed up it seems. They're definitely Persian cats that have been painted or transfered onto a white or ivory colored background. This site is The Tiger Cat Jewelry store. This link takes you directly to the relevant page. It is Victorian jewelry and the store sells in US dollars.

Persian Cat Earrings

Persian Cat Earrings

Nothing beats the exceptional look and quality of our Persian Cat Earrings. Among the finest made, you will be provided with great satisfaction and long lasting enjoyment. Why not pamper yourself or give a loved one a Persian Cat gift to show them how much you care. The Persian Cat Earrings will make the perfect gift for any Persian Cat lover. Shop with confidence, because all products come with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Click over now to see the big selection of Persian Cat gifts we offer.

The above earrings cost $14 and are hand crafted from a solid resin material so I guess that they are durable.

The next may be the best as there are 4 pages of earrings. The site is Esquivel and Fees Craftsmen. The products are solid gold and silver and expensive as a result. There is though a much wider selection. This is once again a USA based site.

The last is Precious Pets who also have a wide selection and plenty of earrings. Enjoy but you might consider not buying and giving some of the money you saved to a Persian cat rescue center instead and make a small contribution to changing the world for the better. It'll make you feel better for a lot longer too. Click on this link to go to some USA Persian rescue centers, three of which are based in California. Purebred Persians can be abandoned as can mixed breed cats. Sometimes it is because of an inability to cope with maintenance and/or litter problems. Litter problems can be due to the human keeper. Persians can get stressed and stress can cause bad litter habits. Quite a high percentage of Persians have bad litter habits apparently.

Update: A pair of Persian cat earrings from Amazon, where else!:

Persian Cat Earrings to Persian Cats

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