Showing posts with label Lion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lion. Show all posts

Friday, 2 June 2023

What the bible says about cats

The bible says nothing about domestic cats. Nada. Zilch. Some wild cats are mentioned. Dogs are poo-pooed.

A search for 'domestic cat' on the website produced nothing at all. I know this from previous searches. The domestic cat is not mentioned in the bible at all. Other animals are. The dog is. The domestic cat, no. Wild cats are sometimes referenced but rarely; such as the leopard and lion below. P.S. The dog is mentioned over 40 times in the bible but nearly always in a derogatory and contemptuous manner.

What the bible says about cats
What the bible says about cats. Image: MikeB
Genesis 1:26

Then God said, 
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 
Search for 'domestic cat' produced no references in the bible as mentioned twice already!! A search for 'cat' produced the above. 'Cats' produced the following (a reference to the leopard):
Daniel 7.6: After this I looked, and behold, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.

 The lion mentioned on search for 'lion'. There are other mentions.

Psalm 104:21: The young lions roar for their prey, seeking their food from God.

Why isn't the domestic cat mentioned in the bible? The Bible Research Today website says this:

"The most common explanation for the omission of the cat within Hebrew biblical texts is that it was a reaction by monotheistic Israel against the Egyptian practice of worshipping cats (or gods that were fashioned in the form of cats)."

When it comes to the bible forget about the domestic cat which was very much part of the lives of some Jews at the time of Christ (plausible and reasonable suggestion). Perhaps they were quite rare among Jews. 

The domestic cat existed at that time as the Egyptians had domestic cats for thousands of years before Christ. There were probably fewer pet cats than pet dogs among the Jews.  Today the Jews are generally very kind to stray cats. There are lots of them in Israel. Too many actually! Ironic that.

Remember too that the bible was written over the course of almost a century after Jesus' death. That's a factor. It is an historical account.

Thursday, 11 August 2022

The "Lioness", the world's first smart vibrator!

I am entitled to write about this device for women - and I admit that it is a sensitive topic - because of its name "Lioness". This site is about chatting about cats and that justifies my intervention; just about😎. This smart vibrator is described as "essentially a pelvic floor biofeedback instrument". 

Note: This is an embedded video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source or the video is turned into a link which would stop it working here. I have no control over this.

It costs US$229 (£187), which is expensive as I understand it but the cost is justified because it contains an array of sensors which pick up data during use which help to analyse a woman's orgasm which in turn allows women to better understand their orgasm and therefore to maximise their pleasure which further in turn will help to bridge "the orgasm gap". What is the orgasm gap?

This is the fact that in a 2016 study from the Archives of Sexual Behaviour it was found that 95% of heterosexual men report that they usually or always orgasm during sex compared with 65% of heterosexual women. The device has to be inserted for it to work and pick up the data.

Anna Lee and her smart vibrator the Lioness
Anna Lee and her smart vibrator the Lioness. Image: her Instagram account.

It seems to be based on the fact that researchers at Charles University in Prague have identified three key patterns of pelvic floor contractions in the female orgasm, as reported by Jane Mulkerrins in The Times.

The Lioness vibrator was created by Anna Lee, a 31-year-old Buckley educated mechanical engineer. She began her career at Amazon Lab126 which is the concept engineering arm of the tech giant.

She was interested in developing the vibrator because she felt that after eons of orgasms by humans the experts had not got to the bottom of how to maximise the female orgasm and people were left in the dark as to how it worked.

Lee intends to build an orgasm database. The idea is that the Lioness team collate and aggregate the information received from thousands of users to enable them to establish a full and informed understanding of female arousal and orgasm.

Scientists have identified three main types of female orgasm: avalanche, wave and volcano. These are the scientists who work at Charles University in Prague. They state that: 

"The wave looks like undulations or successive contractions of tension and release at orgasm. The avalanche rides on a higher pelvic floor tension, with contractions that lower the tension downward during orgasm. The volcano rides on a lower pelvic floor tension but then explodes into tension and release during orgasm".

The description comes from a man - which may irritate some women - and whose name is James Pfaus, a professor of neuroscience at the University. Their study is reported in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. I expect that you can access it online for a small fee.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Lion versus Tiger - Lion Wins

This is a very long, very comprehensive page full of links and information on the once hotly debated subject of lion vs tiger. Please scroll all the way down if you are interested in reading a full treatise on the subject. This page supports the argument that the lion would win. The page was first published in May 2012. I have decided that it needs to be republished almost 10 years later as it is too good to languish at the bottom of the archive. I hope you enjoy it. You will if the fictional lion versus tiger fight (in the wild) interests you.

Updating note: When this was published a couple of years ago (it feels a lot longer) all the links worked but now many are broken. Sorry. But this happens with external links. A lot of sites simply move, delete or archive pages over time. This page remains a useful resource for those researching the lion versus tiger debate.
It is really a hypothetical fight because these two species of big wild cat don't meet unless it is under artificial, human contrived conditions. I have a page on lion vs tiger that is also comprehensive in its own right: Lion vs Tiger. This page has lots more lion vs tiger information and it has been carefully collated and researched.

Except for this introduction by me, the page was written and prepared by Braddah Keala who lives in Hawaii. Thank you Braddah. I think he is the world's expert on the lion vs tiger debate. I think it is fair to say that Braddah favours the lion in a lion versus tiger fight but he is fair in his assessment. You will see that from the large amounts of historical information presented below which favours the lion.

Note: there are many links below. Over the intervening 10 year some have failed which is normal because webpages are deleted from time to time. It remains an excellent body of work nonetheless.

This is what Braddah says:

I think the following information and links are a proven indication that the lion will never be just a push over if the fight is on steady ground. Check these out. I put together my own summary for my personal use of the lion's side, here...It concerns the ideas of  Expert’s, Trainer’s, Tamer’s, Owner’s, Zoologist’s Opinion’s on Lion vs tiger’s... Braddah Keala ^_^ (Hawaii, USA)


First, here are some pictures of lions fighting tigers provided by Braddah. I would like to claim fair use for the publication of these pictures here on educational grounds. If anyone has a problem with these pictures being published here please tell me and I'll delete if your arguments are sound. Thank you.


Then I would like present a list of notes and links provided by Braddah Keala. This is a long page! This shows how comprehensively Braddah has collated the information. Note: over time some of these links will become dead. I can't do anything about that, sorry.

1. Tiger and lion expert Dave Hoover, said lions are the better fighters:

2. Indian zooligist Jam Sahib comments on "biased" cat enthusiast Karish Singe and witnesses 4 occasions when lions beat tigers and gives his opinion on lions.

3. Animal trainer and expert Louis Roth, favors the lion over the tiger in a fight. In his book:

4. Animal expert Alfred Court, thinks the lion wins over the tiger in a fight:

5. Animal trainer John Helliot, favors the lion over the tiger in a fight. He’s the guy on the right hand side of Clyde Beatty who also wrote a lion kill a polar bear article.

6. Animal expert Dave Salmoni, says he’d give the edge to a lion in a fight with a tiger.

7. Animal tamer Clyde Beatty, said lions will win 9/10 against tigers.

8. Animal enthusiast and poet Oliver Goldsmith, ranked the lion over the tiger.'&source=bl&ots=g1TAll-5xC&sig=DGi-ZspT444D1ZdbX5jYWUItBO4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=oEu7T_L7OaiviALuyoXVDQ&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA

9. Animal expert an tamer Courtney Cooper, said lions usually win more in tiger fights. In her book she state’s LIONS"N"TIGERS"N"EVERYTHING 1924 By Courtney Riley Cooper.
Page 32, I like the tiger cat more than I like the lion cat.
Page 68, lions are "King Of Beasts"
Page 70, lion kills a tiger in a very brutal fight.
Page 78, Cooper says lion is "King Of Beasts" and a good father.
Pages 84-85, FEMALE tiger kills heavier MALE tiger defending her cubs.

10. Poet an painter an animal enthusiast Geroge Buffon, picked lions over tigers in a fight.

11. Big cat trainer Jim Chipperfield support’s the lion in a fight with a tiger. {Lion vs tiger Book}

12. Big cat trainer Edward Jewitt Wheeler, say’s the lion is superior to the tiger. {Lion vs tiger Book}

13. Big cat tamer Isac Kaufman Funk agrees lions are superior to tigers. {Lion vs tiger Book}

14. Lion an tiger trainer Willam Seaver Woods, say’s a lion would beat a tiger. {Lion vs tiger Book}

15. Tiger an lion tamer Arther Stimson Draper, says lions usually win against tigers. {Lion vs tiger Book}

16. Brother of Isac Kaufman Funk, Wilfred John Funk agrees lions are superior. {Lion vs tiger Book}

17. Marco Peters a lion and tiger trainer says male tigers are afraid of male lions.

18. Big cat expert Alex Kerr goes with a lion in a fight with a tiger.

19. Indian zooligist Kalish Shankala says lions beat tigers due to their manes.

20. Sir Frank owner of Bowstock says lions are more dangerous than tigers.

21. Lee Yong Phil zoo keeper says lions dominate tigers.

22. Frank C. Mendel, professor of pathology, says male lions mostly win in fights with other cats

23. Chapter 4 Sajamu, religious dances rein acting of lions that killed and ate tigers.

24. Circus performer and big cat owner Geroge Conklin says in his book the male lion has the advantages over other cat’s

25. Beatty Cole states that lions do kill tigers

26. Caroll Soo Holl apparently knows lions are capable of killing male tigers

27. Burt Nelson says lions usually whips tigers

28. Entire team of Tiger Territory a site that has 200 pages of studying information dedicated to the tiger, has a confirmation that lion’s are superior to tiger’s in fighting…

29. 1842 animal news article having a trainer of all animals…saying lions were the most dominant animal and feared more above tigers.

30. The menagerie…lions will not stay in the same cage with tigers. "We tried this once, putting a lioness in with a Bengal tiger. There was a fierce fight and the lioness nearly killed the Bengal." Chapter V11

31. Caviar and Cabbage by Melvin B. Tolson . Tolson was a professor, poet and writer portrayed by Denzel Washington in The Great Debaters , which is based on a true story from 1935 America.

32. Sir Samuel W. Baker has carefully compared the strength and other qualities of the lion an tiger and he decides in favor of the lion.
Recorded Historical Documents of Lions Killing Tigers

1. Genius books/Animal facts, Lion named Nero killed Tim the tiger in an Australian zoo – Documentary.

2. 1936 Agartala Zoo in Bengal, a lion kills a tiger. (Local news report)

3. 1935 Sikestonians saw a lion kill a tiger in a local town circus act.(Documentary)

4. 2 tigers died, In the big cage tiger from a lion-(Video) which Clyde Beatty is talking about lions in general… when they are intermediate family they will gang up on tigers. Other than that lions will not help another lion,

5. 1955 Oct, 6 Natural history society, page 465-468, 3 separate accounts lion won all 3. (Documentary)

6. 1960 Korea pit fights male lions won majority of all fights stated by zoo keeper Lee Young Phil. (Hidden news Report)

Lee Young Phil said there were a few tiger and lion fights staged and recorded. And only one in which the female tiger fought the lioness was aired… with harsh words by the Korean narrator saying, the lion was no match, yet it was a 50/50 fight with the tiger bleeding to death. Also saying the films were edited an spliced in favor of the tiger, which if there were more than a few male fight’s recorded, why weren't the others ever shown? It is highly concluded the male lion’s won all, and the videos were destroyed due to cultural idealism of the Koreans. Here’s the other alibi to that same fight…

7. 1981 Martin. L Albert witnessed a lion kill a tiger.(Documentary)

8. 1954 Lion kills tiger with one blow in Baltimore Zoo.(Documentary)

9. 1935 In the town Bedford, Massachusetts a zoo lost a tiger to a
lion. (Local news)

10. Gir Forest - 3 tigers vs 3 lions, all lions won. (Video) -Youtube-

11. 2011 Korea two teen lions killed a adult Bengal tiger in an enclosure.(Video)- Youtube-

12. King Edward the lion kill’s Dan the male tiger. (Book)

13. Calcutta zoological gardens -  a lioness kills a tiger (news article)

14. Gambier Bulton, British menagerie saw a lioness kill a tiger. (news article)

15. 1925 Rudolf Kludsky had said several lions had killed his tigers.

16. M. Herbert’s menagerie lion kills male Royal Bengal tiger. (news article)

17. 1970 Pittsburgh press lion kills tiger in India. (video)

18. Mr F. C owner of Bowstock had a lion kill a tiger before his act. (news article)

19. 1949 in Fitchburg a lion kills Roger the male tiger in circus act. (news article)

20. 1851, In the Landshuter Zeitung a lion killed a tiger. (German news article)

21.1985 Alan Gold’s circus lion kills tiger

22. Lion kills tiger in a circus (February 1951. Detroit).

23. Lioness kills tiger: Happened in a zoo (September 1951. Madras Zoological Gardens).

24Dave Hoover 2 tigers killed by lions:

25. Beatty Cole lions kill 2 tigers:

26. Clyde Beatty’s circus act Caesar the lion kills Bobby the male

27. Bavenna, OH, Lioness kills tigress.

28. 2008 Cheongi the lion kills 50 pound bigger Siberian tigress name Hobi. Jeonju zoo.This is Hobi the tiger before the incident sparing with a friendly lion…
And this is Hobi after the incident with Cheongi the not so friendly lion…

29. 2006 lion's mate kills huge white tigress in Leberic a Czech zoo. There was only one bite mark on Isabella’s throat and no other wounds concluding even though 2 lions occupied the same enclosure with Isbella the tiger, only one lion attacked Isabella.

30. Lion kills Puna the male tiger:

31. A lion kills a tiger in a palace of an Indian prince in front of
It’s on this site called tiger territory, on here…

32. TIGER: THE STORY OF THE INDIAN TIGER 1977 By Kailash Sankhala. Saw
on four occasions lions defeating tigers in the wild.
His book was taken from his original text here…

33. Jam Aahib has wittnessed 3 fights each time the lion defeats the tiger in his book here…
also in his summary when he exploited Keshari Singh he points them out again here…

34. 1834 diary of a lion defeating a tiger.

35. A lion kills a bear and tiger in 1 fight.

Historical Artifacts and Sculptures

These are mostly from museums, portraying the lion winning against the tiger and each has a back story if you care to look them up. Apparently they would have to have seen the incident, to etch it or sculpture it and these are from different people from Rome, to India, to Britain, to China all portraying the same thing the lion winning.















































Cultural knowledge - Seyoung lion defeating tiger

Lion fighting a nian who the tiger couldent.

Indian folklore has the lion as the ultimate test not tigers.

Lion god’s diplicted by men.

ANATOMY - Power of the lion’s mane

Note from admin: there are some long quotes here from what appears to be old books etc. Once again I claim fair use on educational grounds if the work is still protected by copyright. If anyone wishes text be deleted please contact me and present your argument and I would be pleased to oblige.

Source 1
Now both males attack, one grappling with her head as the other bites her stomach. She twists away in pain from the stomach bite. Note the protection offered by the mane on the lion on the left as the female's claws and blows are cushioned by the thick matted fur.

Source 2
Indeed there are good scientific data that male lions with long manes are more likely to survive and have fewer injuries. The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease By Peter D. Gluckman, Mark Hanson

Source 3
This tiger was captured in India and went against a lion after being in captivity for only few days. Don't tell me that these few days changed the tiger's behavior in which it could not deliver a fatal neck bite. It was the tiger's fight and he knew it. He sprang at the staggering lion, took a fearful chop on the nose without flinching and set his teeth into the African's hairy throat. They wrestled desperately, and the lion's heavy mane saved him from suffocation. Great mouthfuls of long coarse hair catching in the Tiger's teeth not only preventing him from getting a death grip, but so interfered with his with his respiration that he had to release the hold, whereupon the Lion swatted him with a tremendous uppercut and sent him tumbling twenty feet away.

Source 4
The lion's mane, not possessed by the female, is evidently such a weapon of defense; it is a excellent means of protection against the bites which the male lions try to inflict on each other's necks when fighting for the females; consequently those males with the strongest manes have the greatest advantage in the sexual struggle. The History of Creation, Or, The Development of the Earth and Its Inhabitants by the Action of natural causes. By L. Dora Schmitz, Sir E Ray Lankester

Source 5
“Down sprang Caesar, determined to seize the offensive, but before he could do so, Bobby had battled his way through Caesar's paws, grabbed his mane so stubbornly that he couldn't move. For the next couple of minutes each struggled and strained for an advantage, but Bobby's hold was so tenacious that they only succeeded in twisting a little. With the cameras continuing to grind and getting nothing but a little harmless tug of war… Energy spent, the exhausted Bobby tried to roll away from Caesar, but Caesar's hold now was as firm as Bobby's which had been on his mane. Seeing this turn in affairs, I dashed into the cage. Already Caesar's jaws had crunched Bobby's neck and when I got there Caesar was shaking Bobby's limp, bloody head and throat from side to side. Bobby's eyes were turning stary. He was dead and it was only two minutes since I had dashed the ammonia into his face. I was keenly sorry that I had done it, but in thinking it over I became convinced that my part had been negligible. The lion is frequently the
superior; he doubtless would have been the winner in this case no matter what I had done.”

Source 6
If so, it is conceivable that a single male lion attacked by a pack of hyenas could reduce injury with the help of its mane. Manes protect males in interaspecific in other species. It may additionally confer advantages by limiting wounding in the neck region. ~Antipredator Defenses in Birds and Mammals By Timothy M. Caro

Source 7
The lion's mane, not possessed by the female, is evidently such a weapon of defense; it is a excellent means of protection against the bites which the male lions try to inflict on each others necks when fighting for the females; consequently those males with the strongest manes have the greatest advantage in the sexual struggle. The History of Creation, Or, The Development of the Earth and Its Inhabitants by the Action of natural causes. By L. Dora Schmitz, Sir E Ray Lankester

Source 8
The mane is also a means of protection to the face and neck during fights between male lions.

Source 9
It causes him to look bigger without increasing his weight or need for food. It also protects him from bites and scratches should he have to fight another male.

Source 10
The mane protects the lion from bites to the throat or the neck.

Source 11
The mane protects the lion during fights with other males.

Source 12
The lion’s thick mane protects his neck against raking claws during fights with other males for membership in the pride.

Source 13
(e.g lion's mane protects him from teeth and claws in a fight).

Source 14
Male lions are the only cats with manes. This collar of long, thick hair covers the head, except the face, and the neck down to the shoulders and chest. The mane makes the male look even bigger and stronger than he is. It also protects him during fights. The long, thick hair softens the blows of his foes.  Schaller, George B. "Lion." World Book Encyclopedia. 2002 ed. The best naturalist of the 20th century said that.

Source 15
On the open savannah, a lion's mane advertises his maleness from a great distance. To enhance his mane, a lion will do the "lion strut": tip-toeing on front legs, erect body and tail. The mane also protects against claws and teeth in male combat.

Source 16
A male lion's mane is designed to protect the animal from attacks from other lions. It apparently also works with hand grenades as well. Marjan's neck and chest were spared serious injury, but his face was badly mutilated by the blast.

Source 17
The most distinctive feature of the male lion is its mane, a collar of long, thick fur. An adolescent male's mane will begin to grow at 18 months, after which it will continue to grow and darken until the age of five. A visual indicator of gender and power, the mane also serves to protect the lion's neck from other lions.

Source 18
The mane helps protect the lion’s neck during fighting and make him appear larger to competitors.

Source 19
Their mane serves a number of purposes: a) it identifies him as a mature male to other lions, even at a distance b) it gives an appearance of increased size with little weight cost c) the condition of the mane conveys the level of health and vigour to female lions d) it can help protect the head and neck area in fights with other lions.
Source 20
Samantha Stephens, says the lions mane might not make a big difference, but it might be that crucial amount of difference.

Source 21
“When one animal attacks another, he seems to know by instinct. He strikes for the neck for a quick kill. Nature seems to have provided the lion with a defensive covering -- a mane to protect the neck area.” ~The Lion in Fact and in Fiction

Source 22
“The mane is strictly a male attribute and gives lion’s their majestic aura… It acts almost like a fencing mask, absorbing paw swipes aimed at the head and necks during fights between rivals. When mane’s grow to big for both rival’s, the fight can last up to hour’s due to the mane protecting the main arterie’s, little to nothing can be done to male’s who have mane’s that grown larger than others for it’s main reason is for combat .”
~The Art of Being a Lion

Source 23
The mane plays an important role in the lion’s life. While a long mane that blows easily in the wind may be difficult to hide when hunting an alert zebra, it is a distinct advantage in defense… That same mane gives his neck a good bit of protection in case the intruder does not turn away and chooses to challenge the resident lion for his position.
~The Last Big Cats An Untamed Spirit

Source 24
Male lions are larger than females and possess a voluminous mane which contrast with the sleek pelage on other parts of the body… The distinctive colors and sizes of manes may also help animals to identify individuals. An important secondary function of the mane is one of protection during fights. The dense mat of hair absorbs blows and harmlessly tangles claws in a part of the body towards which most social contact is directed; bites too, may leave an opponent with a mouth full of hair rather than skin. ~The Serengeti Lion A Study of Predator-Prey Relations Wildlife Behavior and Ecology series.

Source 25
There is no direct evidence, but if we examine the probabilities in the case of a confrontation between the two some inferences can be drawn. In a fight would de unable to get close to the vital joint of a lion’s neck because of his thick mane, but the tiger is vulnerable to the lion. The film showed that the tiger was at an immediate disadvantage. Tigers use a throat grip as their primary means of killing and the lion's thick protective mane prevented the tiger gaining a hold on the throat joint. On the other hand, the tiger had no special protection, so was vulnerable to attack. In this fight, the tiger was killed. In any inter-species confrontation lions would also have the advantage of the who pride. But in my opinion a tiger is no match even for a single lion of equal strength. In any inter-species confrontation lions would also have the advantage of support from members of the whole pride. But in my opinion a tiger is no match even for a single lion of equal strength. Tiger! The Story of the Indian Tiger, by Kailash Sankhala.

Source 26
Now, as to a lion and tiger, I should say that the tiger is the more powerful of the two. At the same time, it is more cowardly, has more of the slinking nature of the cat, and is more treacherous. I believe I’m fully qualified to state, as I’ve had them both on me. I bear the teeth marks of a lion that shut his jaws tight on my legs. But it isn’t the teeth of the big cats trainers fear so much. It is the claws, being hooked, tear out the flesh and sinew as they are withdrawn. When a lion goes at a trainer he starts right towards him, with no subterfuge, mouth open and tail as stiff as a poker. A tiger cringes and crawls until he makes his spring. In a fair fight it would be hard to guess which animal would come off victor, and much would depend, I think on the one that got the first good hold. The lion also is protected around the neck by the heavy mane, which is an advantage. ~George Conklln, “Adventures With a Circus”
Impressive Lions
- 900 pound lion,2398849
800 pound lion named ponto fight’s off 2 tiger’s
826 pound lion named simba
800 pound lion named mubasa
826 pound lion
800 pound lion attack’s tarzan
2… 800 pound lion’s 1 named Prince an 1 named clarence
Lion kill’s bear’s
1.1902 lion named Roosevelt killed Peary the polar bear.

2.John Heliot’s circus lion named Brutus kills polar bear.

3. lion kills polar bear 1955 By Alfred Court.[Book]Pages 131-132,

4. lion kills polar bear Louis Roth, forty years with jungle killers,
[Book] page 204-205.

5.1893 Pezon in limoges, Leo the lion kills polar bear

6.Boltimore the lion kills Russian grizzly

7. Lion stale mate’s enormous grizzley bear

8. Lion kills Bruin the grizzly bear


Roman Arenas

Caspian tiger's closest genotype, were Siberian tigers by only a fraction off their DNA. So in term's scientist have concluded, they were imported from Siberia and fought with the Barbary lion.

There's only one source of all the story's that has branched out for a victory of the tiger's side, over the lion in the gladiator event's. It was a man named Martial Peters who saw a tiger kill a lion in the arena. Every time you here tiger's invaribly won, or the tiger won is manipulated to have been every match... but every one unbeknownst they are only quoting Martial Peters, but they ignore his what he says  that it was very unexpected and it was a rarity to see a tiger win, meaning lions were usally the dominant animal. That's absolutely the only account on hand that date's that far back for the tiger's side, which were blown out of porportion's of claiming that was the usual outcome.

On the other hand there are over 15 historical artifacts an over 10 remnants and scriptures, that explain the lion was the usual victor in the gladitorial events here...

1. “Next, the arena was lowered to feature combat between them as lions tore apart tigers, and went up against bears, leopards against wolves. It goes without saying that the Romans had never heard of animal rights.” ~Ken Spiro; WorldPerfect
2. “The amphitheatre had grown so still, that the clear melody of the flute was distinctly audible over the whole vast space. As soon as the disturbance ceased, the king of the beast, apparently untroubled by the new visitor, returned to his food. But the cowardice, peculiar to nocturnal beasts in the daylight, awoke in the tiger. He beheld in the shrieking multitude friends of the flute-player, and seeing the lion eating, seized the nearest piece of meat. But with a single bound the lion sprang forward, roaring loudly, to defend his property. The
tiger’s claws clutched the lion’s and a fierce struggle began. The lion aimed terrible blows at his antagonist, which the tiger avoided with marvelous skill; the tiger’s teeth seized the lion’s mane, but at the same instant the latter tore off with his claws from the upper
part of the tiger’s head half the skin, from which an eat and a broad trail of blood upon the sand, the tiger returned to his cage, where he howled piteously. The grating was raised, and soon only a faint whining was audible. Either the animal was dying, or the keepers had
stupefied him to be able to cure him. The lion stood fiercely over his prey, which no one now disputed.” ~Antinous; a Romance of Ancient Rome
The Memoirs of Cleopatra
3. “They took on tigers, bears, bulls, and wild boars. Usually the lion won. page 284”
4. "Another subspecies very closely related to the Asian lion - the
Barbary lion or Panthera leo leo - became extinct in the wild in 1922
(in Morocco). This animal the Barbary lion had been the dominant
animal in the blood sports of the Roman arenas."
~Martin Seyer's dissertation (synopsis), Vienna University.
5. Tiger territory, AKA lairweb .com has stated tiger's were reluctant
to enter combat as much as lion's greeted foe's in the arena, also
proven in same concept of everland's video's how male lion's show high
agression at time's an drive off tiger's proclaiming there natrual
dominant trait's.

6. An half way down, in this archive here, they state roman's cheered
when lion's tore apart tiger's...

Cheer's mate, I'm having a few beer's an I was just blasting this song
I found... if you have a kicken sound system that has alot of bass an
treble and can really sub out like really loud... than you'll really
like this song...
A' Hui Ho,  Malama' Pono
Which mean's in Hawaiian= Take care, until we meet again. ^_^

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Almost perfect 28,000-year-old lion cub found in thawing Siberian permafrost

The best-preserved Ice Age lion cub dated to around 28,000 years ago has been found in Siberia's thawing permafrost due to climate change. Sparta is the younger of two lion cubs found in the permafrost. The other has been named Boris and he is dated to 43,448 years ago. They believe that both clubs died when they were a couple of months of age perhaps due to a landslide or falling through a permafrost crack in the ground.

Almost perfect 28,000-year-old lion cub found in thawing Siberian permafrost
Almost perfect 28,000-year-old lion cub found in thawing Siberian permafrost. Photo: Centre for Palaeogenetics

Sparta is very well preserved with grey to light brown fur. Her whiskers were also preserved. She is largely undamaged. They were unearthed in 2017 and 2018 by hunters of mammoths in the Semyuelyakh River, Yakutia, in what is now eastern Russia.

Location of lion cub finds
Location of lion cub finds. Source: the study mentioned below.

The Independent newspaper tells us that only four Ice Age lion cubs have been discovered. They referred to a scientific study called The Preliminary Analysis of Cave Lion Cubs Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from the Permafrost of Siberia. The summary of the study states:
"A preliminary description is presented of the well-preserved frozen mummies of two cubs of the extinct cave lion Panthera spelaea (finds of 2017–2018, Semyuelyakh River, Yakutia, eastern Siberia, Russia). The fossil lion cubs were found in close proximity, but they do not belong to the same litter, since their radiocarbon ages differ: the female (named ‘Sparta’) was dated to 27,962 ± 109 uncal years BP, and the male (named ‘Boris’) was dated to 43,448 ± 389 uncal years BP."
They state that the cubs were 1-2 months old. They both lived in a cave. They are called cave lions and they believe that the light coloration of the fur was an adaptation for Northern snow-covered landscapes.

The melting permafrost due to global warming has created a 'a large mammoth-tusk hunting industry'. The temperatures in Siberia have been amazing; up in the 30s Celsius. There have been extensive forest fires too. If anyone still doubts that climate change is happening, think again. The scientists have brought forward the date at which it will be irreversible unless profound changes are made to humankind's lifestyle.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Do lions and tigers get along?

The answer as to whether lions and tigers get along can probably be obtained by referring to domestic cats. If a single domestic cat in someone's home sees a strange cat in their backyard, they will normally chase it away. When you introduce a new cat to a resident cat the likelihood is that they will not get along. They might accept each other and they might even make friends but generally speaking, because of their inherently solitary nature, domestic cats don't, in general, get along with other domestic cats.

This even applies to siblings who at one time were great friends until they grew up and became great enemies! This is because when they become independent, they want their own home range and the other encroaches upon it. But this is not a 100% outcome. There is variability due to variations in cat personality and gender. And some grown siblings do get along.

Captive tiger and lion are best friends
Captive tiger and lion are best friends. Screenshot.

I've seen lions and tigers get along in captivity within private zoos. But these lions and tigers are semi-domesticated and pacified by their captivity. Sometimes they may even be drugged. Or they may have been chosen by the zoo owner to get along. There can be a certain amount of chemistry between cats just like people (see video below). There may be harmony. You'll see it in videos by high-profile private zoo owners. They'll have leopards in there as well looking like a big happy family of big cats. So, it does happen.

The caption to the video below states:
A social 6-year-old lion and an old solitary tiger are putting their differences aside to be life-long friends at Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in Georgia....In nature, what you’re seeing here is as unlikely sight as you’ll ever see. But at this sanctuary in Georgia, it’s an odd pairing that, actually, came naturally.
But in general lions and tigers don't get along. They may fight and one may kill the other. The default position, in short, is that they won't get along. The same, I would argue, could be said about a couple of adult tigers. They won't get along either.

Lions as we know live in groups called prides and you get coalitions of outsider male lions roaming around waiting to take over a pride. These related male lions (brothers and/or cousins) get along because they work in a group but this is highly unusual in the cat world.

The domestic cat is quite sociable after 10,000 years of domestication but still this inherent anti-social behaviour can come to the surface in respect of territorial rights and ownership.


The problem really is that it is difficult to answer the question in a clear manner which is what people want. It depends on various circumstances. An interesting thought, however, is that there is no need for tigers and lions to get along because they never meet in the wild. They live on different continents. It is only in captivity that they meet at which point the question in the title becomes relevant.

But you don't put tigers together in captivity unless they have been 'domesticated' and even then, fights break out. There was a recent story of a male tiger in a private zoo getting into another male tiger's enclosure to kill that tiger with the intention of freeing up access to a female to mate. In other words, the male tiger killed the male partner of a female tiger to have her for himself. That's how friendly the tiger world is.

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