Showing posts with label Albino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albino. Show all posts

Monday, 11 July 2011

White Siamese Cat Photo

You are looking for a white Siamese cat photo? You must mean an albino Siamese. Well here is a nice picture by Stephen Reinhardt of his albino Siamese, Fanny:

Albino Siamese - photo by Stephen

They are rather special, aren't they? Fanny is quite famous these days. You can see two more pages on the albino Siamese: Oafie an all white Siamese cat living with Lyndsey in Canada and another picture of Fanny on a previous page I built some time ago.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Albino Siamese cat

Albino Siamese cat 
Albino Siamese cat -Fanny - photo by stephen522 

This is an experimental breed of cat, one that is not established or fully recognized. The picture is of a cat that is not as far as I am aware part of any breeding program - correct me if I am wrong, but an albino Modern Siamese cat who lives with a person who has allowed me to publish the photo under a creative commons license - thanks. 

The Albino Siamese cat should have pale blue almost pinkish eyes and Fanny has. I have subsequently come to understand that albino cats should have pink eyes as shown in the pictures below although you can see a faint blue content. The cats below are not Siamese but here to show the pink eye of the albino cat.

Pictures: PoC

Fanny has a classic Modern Siamese appearance - see Modern Siamese cats and Traditional Siamese cats and Thai cats (Thai cats, as far as I am concerned, are a modern version of the traditional or classic Siamese cat). Albinoism can of course occur in any type of cat, purebred or not. It is not the same as the white created by either the white spotting gene or the dominant white gene - see White cat coats. An Oriental Shorthair cat that was an albino cat would look the same as or similar to the cat above. Genes that produce white fur can also result in a deaf cat and an odd-eyed cat. If you've got a picture of an albino cat can we see it please? (upload it here).

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