Showing posts with label odd cat breeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label odd cat breeds. Show all posts

Friday, 3 April 2009

Renegade Cat

The Renegade cat is one of those almost invisible experimental cat breeds that are on the far fringes of the cat fancy. There is very little to say about this cat breed and no pictures I am sorry to say. Although it is possible to a certain extent to visualize the outcome of a mating between a Maine Coon, a large semi-long haired and much loved cat breed with the athletic, shorthaired and spotted (usually) Bengal cat, also much loved and popular.

So this is an experimental Maine Coon x Bengal cross producing a large cat with tufted ears with the appearance of an Abyssinian! I think that the objective is to produce a large wild looking cat with a bit of wild blood. This is probably a breed too far, to be honest. It seems sometimes that cat breeders check the books to find out which cat breed has not been breed with which cat breed and then to chose that for a new experimental cat breed. May be I am wrong, I don't know.

The Renegade cat is unlikely to make progress but I could be wrong about that too.

P.S. Updated: Click on this link to see a claimed Bengal X Maine Coon cross.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Irish Shortear cat

The Irish Shortear cat is a cross between the Burmilla and Scottish Fold only the ears are short and not flat or folded.

Hey, wait a minute this is more fiction, part of the fiction of the Painted cats series that caused quite a stir about a year or more ago.

There is no such cat and there is nobody painting cats either, thankfully. The Irish Shortear, if it existed, would have short ears, a relaxed nature and large eyes. The guys who made this up also created a fictional piece of genetics, referring to the "macro-retinal" gene. Nice one guys. I guess they were teasing the cat breeders and the fact their lives revolve around genetics.

From Irish Shortear to Home page

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Albino Siamese cat

Albino Siamese cat 
Albino Siamese cat -Fanny - photo by stephen522 

This is an experimental breed of cat, one that is not established or fully recognized. The picture is of a cat that is not as far as I am aware part of any breeding program - correct me if I am wrong, but an albino Modern Siamese cat who lives with a person who has allowed me to publish the photo under a creative commons license - thanks. 

The Albino Siamese cat should have pale blue almost pinkish eyes and Fanny has. I have subsequently come to understand that albino cats should have pink eyes as shown in the pictures below although you can see a faint blue content. The cats below are not Siamese but here to show the pink eye of the albino cat.

Pictures: PoC

Fanny has a classic Modern Siamese appearance - see Modern Siamese cats and Traditional Siamese cats and Thai cats (Thai cats, as far as I am concerned, are a modern version of the traditional or classic Siamese cat). Albinoism can of course occur in any type of cat, purebred or not. It is not the same as the white created by either the white spotting gene or the dominant white gene - see White cat coats. An Oriental Shorthair cat that was an albino cat would look the same as or similar to the cat above. Genes that produce white fur can also result in a deaf cat and an odd-eyed cat. If you've got a picture of an albino cat can we see it please? (upload it here).

Monday, 1 September 2008

Abyssinian Bobtail

The Abyssinian Bobtail is a cat that is neither purebred not pedigree but possibly a feral Abyssinian cat that has suffered a genetic mutation resulting in a very short tail.

Either that or someone decided to cross a short tailed cat such as the Manx, Japanese Bobtail or Kurilian Bobtail (there are of course others) with an Abyssinian cat, an exercise that I am not sure is or was sensible. (or am I being too harsh?)

As I said, no cat association has recognized this cat breed. If the breed does or did exist it is a breed that could be argued is a breed too far (i.e. an unecessary breed without merit)in my opinion. Genetic mutations that produce shortened tails can also produce conditions that affect the health of the cat. Read about the Manx cat.

I have been unable to find a picture of the Abyssinian Bobtail, sorry.

Abyssinian Bobtail to Abyssinian cat

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