Friday 6 September 2024

Time for the cat fancy to do something about the Persian cat's polycystic kidney disease

It is well beyond the time when the cat fancy - and I'm referring mainly to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) - does something tangible about the shameful health of the flat-faced Persian cat, created through decades of selective inbreeding of cats carrying the disease to fix the cats strange appearance which as a consequence, and as a side effect, has led to this breed suffering, interminably, from a nasty kidney disease which quite often proves fatal.

That disease, as mentioned in the title, is polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Cysts form on the kidney rendering the organ ineffective and it can start at a very young age. Ultrasound detects it which is why sometimes it cat shows you will see an ultrasound engineer on site to scan the interior of a Persian cat and other cats if need be. See video at end of article. The infographic sums it up.
Update: Some cat associations such as the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) require breeding Persians to be screened for the PKD gene defect. Langford Veterinary Diagnostics have documented a decreasing prevalence of the PKD gene in Persians in the UK, from ~28% in 2005 to ~2% in 2016, showing how effective this type of targeted intervention can be. - quote from the following study: Persian cats under first opinion veterinary care in the UK: demography, mortality and disorders.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in Persian cats in an infographic by Michael Broad

I know I have banged this drum for far too long. I've become boring in constantly restating my distaste at knowing that the cat fancy has allowed this ill-health to be perpetuated for so long. The Persian cat was an extremely popular cat. In fact it was the top cat breed in terms of popularity for many years in America.

But nowadays, it has relinquished that top position to other cat breeds such as the Maine Coon. And it is very plausible to argue that a major reason is this inherited health problem combined with other inherited health problems such as tear duct overflow due to a distorted tear duct thanks to the flat face.

It's just not right. We don't have to be so obsessed with the appearance and in any case the cat fancy has overshot the mark with the Persian cat because initially they wanted the face to be a little more flat but now it has to be completely flat as if the cats been punched in the face. All the elements of the face of got to be in vertical alignment which is frankly madness. How did they get to this situation?

My answer to that is that the CFA administrators have been working in this closed shop for decades feeding off on another and supporting each other with what can only be crazy ideas. They think that the flat face is attractive compared to the traditional Persian cat which has a much more normal face which is in truth far more attractive. They tried to make that attractive Persian face more attractive but ultimately they went in the other direction and made the cat very unnatural and unattractive in my view and I would argue in the views of many others.

Let's tackle this PKD problem in Persian cats as soon as possible. The only way to do that is to lay down some laws regarding the breeding of this cat which would introduce fresh genetics into the Persian breeding lines to improve genetic diversity, to remove some of the inbreeding which would change the appearance of the cat but most importantly improve their health. And as mentioned to screen for PKD and 'cull' (remove) these cats from breeding programs.

Inbreeding causes inbreeding depression among other things. This is a weakened immune system and general ill-health.

Health supersedes appearance if we are really concerned about domestic cats. Unfortunately for many years appearance has trumped health in the cat fancy or in various elements of the cat fancy. I can't generalise because some breeds are healthier than others and clearly some administrators are more concerned about health than others.

On this page is an Infographic, as you can see, which was created by me and which summarises in a few words the important information about PKD in Persian cats. I hope it helps.

Below is a video of ultrasound scan on a Persian cat at a cat show in the US to check for PKD:


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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