Saturday 21 September 2024

Lost Siamese cat walks 900 miles home from Yellowstone National Park to Roseville California

The domestic cat's astonishing navigation abilities combined with their natural homing instinct and enormous persistence have appeared to combined in compelling this Siamese cat to go home from Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming to Roseville, California; a journey of about 900 miles and his owner believes that he did it all on his own. His owner believes that he he was not transported in a vehicle but simply made his way home after he got lost on a camping trip to that wonderful park.

Note: you can see that Beau has a slight squint which is typical of Siamese cats. Reason? Click this to find out.

Lost Siamese cat walks 900 miles home from Yellowstone National Park to Roseville California
Image: MikeB made with images from Sky News.

His name is Rayne Beau which I think is a very clever name because it is a take on the word "rainbow". And interestingly, his owners, Benny and Suzanne Anguiano, saw a rainbow on their way home from Yellowstone National Park to their home in Salinas having searched high and low for their beloved cat. They took the rainbow as a sign that Beau would come home.

They Beau him and his twin sister to Yellowstone's Fishing Bridge RV Park on June 4. This was the cats' first trip to the forest.

The holiday ended badly because Rayne Beau ran off into the wilds of the park and couldn't be found. The couple searched for four days but with heavy hearts they returned home to Salinas, California.

They didn't give up hope and fortunately Beau was micro-chipped and in August the couple received a surprise phone call from the microchip company. They were told that Beau was safe and well at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Roseville, California.

That's about 200 miles from their home and they drove to the shelter to collect him. Apparently a woman saw Beau wandering the streets of Roseville. They fed him and gave him water until is they managed to catch him on the 3rd August and then took him to the shelter.

Beau had lost 6 pounds which apparently is about 40% of his body weight and his protein levels were low due to inadequate nutrition. His paws were very sore. These are the reasons why Ms Anguianos believes that Beau walked all the way back without help.

They've now fitted him with a GPS tracker and I have to say that this is not the first instance on a domestic cat making a remarkable return home using their natural navigation abilities.

And about the wild cats:


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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