Thursday 12 September 2024

Pet owners could be fined £5,000 for burying beloved cat or dog in garden

UK: The title might look a bit worrying and I would argue it is slightly misleading because it was taken from an online newspaper's website 😊. The truth is you can bury your pet cat in your back garden (backyard) if you own the property. But you can't bury your pet cat in the communal grounds of a block of flats or condominium because those grounds are owned by the freeholder or landlord and you would have to get their permission to do so.

The chance of being fined £5000 for burying your beloved cat or dog in the communal grounds of a block of flats is highly remote. Firstly, the landlord/freeholder would have to know that you've done it which is probably unlikely if you did it surreptitiously. And I'd doubt if the police would be interested! 🙄

But, then again, you wouldn't want to bury your beloved cat in communal grounds because you don't own those grounds and you don't want anybody walking over those grounds. The better choice would be to cremate using an individual cremation service by which I mean you cremate your cat individually to ensure that you receive the ashes of your cat and no other cat.

It would also be illegal in the UK to bury your pet in public places. It might be legal somewhere but most local councils have specific regulations and guidelines regarding the disposal of deceased pets. Public areas such as parks and streets are not permitted for pet burials due to health and safety concerns.

I suspect that these UK rules apply to other Western countries because they are common sense rules.

But it would be a good idea to check with your local council or environmental health department for specific regulations and guidelines in your area, in your country.

It is advised that the burial shouldn't be in contact with any water sources and be buried at least three feet deep in light soil to safeguard against scavengers. - Angela Slater, an expert at Hayes Garden World

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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