Saturday 28 September 2024

Britain temporarily becomes Russia in imprisoning non-violent climate change activist for two years

Britain temporarily becomes Russia in imprisoning non-violent climate change activists for two years
Phoebe Plummer. Her X image.

NEWS AND COMMENT, UK: Of course this is my opinion. Share yours please. Many will disagree with me and they will be wrong. 😱 Britain has temporarily become Russia under Putin: a repressive state with a mindless, establishment judge hammering a couple of courageous protesters campaigning under the Just Stop Oil banner by imprisoning them for two years in the case of one protester and 18 months for the other for throwing Heinz soup over a Vincent van Gogh sunflower painting protected by glass in the National Gallery.

They knew that the painting was protected by glass. The prosecution argument is that the soup MAY have damaged the 17th-century frame. We don't know whether it was or wasn't. I doubt whether it was damaged. We should know. 

So what they did was entirely visual. It was a visual statement and it worked in that sense. It has received lots of publicity but this government wants to stamp on perfectly respectful protests. Protests about climate change, which presents an extensional threat to the planet.

It is the young people of today who are nervous about the future because of climate change and other developments. The two women jailed for this extortionate amount of time for an entirely non-violent protest on a critical matter of importance to the survival of humankind are Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland. Plummer told the hearing at which she was sentenced to 2 years in prison that she will take the punishment on the chin and smile.

Given the existential threat of global warming, the actions of the Just Stop Oil protestors can be seen as just and proper, even if they broke the law in doing so. Their protest caused no physical damage, did not lead to disorder, and was motivated by a genuine concern for the future of the planet. Rather than being punished, these activists should be recognized for their role in raising awareness of a global crisis that demands urgent attention. Praising rather than punishing them would not only acknowledge the gravity of the climate crisis, but also send a message that civil disobedience in the name of a just cause is a vital tool for driving social and political change.

Lousy judge

I think she's a wonderful person. As is Anna Holland. The horrible judge, part of the establishment, who I would totally disrespect because of this unwarranted punishment, is Judge Christopher Hehir. He signalled beforehand that he would punish them severely and he has. A ghastly man. He is taking orders from the government, I would allege which is illegal.

He appears to have justified the punishment in saying the following. They crossed the line from "concerned campaigner to fanatic". In addition he said that the "cultural treasure" could have been "seriously damaged or even destroy".

That is entirely incorrect. This judge, I think, is showing his hatred for these protesters. He is allowing his emotions to affect his judgement which should be an objective process, a fair process. Yes, this couple of young women should be punished for causing minor, very minor criminal damage I would argue in the cause of a great protest but it should be a very mild punishment (a small fine) because their cause is critical to the survival of the planet.

The lawyer representing the couple said that they knew there was glass over the painting and therefore the painting would not be damaged. The judge got this entirely wrong.

New copy protest

And remarkably, three new Just Stop Oil protesters have now been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage after they threw some more soup over two versions of Vincent van Gogh's sunflowers at the National Gallery. This is a fresh protest in protest over the overly harsh sentencing of the couple of young women now languishing in jail.

This recent development is a great one. Judges can't go on imprisoning protesters and campaigners against the continued burning of oil and gas, exacerbating climate change, in the UK because firstly there are not enough spaces in prison to imprison these people because of a lack of prison construction over the years.

Madness of imprisonment

And secondly, this government has decided that imprisonment is not a good form of punishment. They recently released over 1,500 prisoners. These were men who committed real crimes. This government is releasing genuine criminals, often harden criminals, who are in and out of jail all the time and imprisoning people who are fighting for the survival of humankind! It is totally bonkers.

This new group of three Just Stop Oil activists been arrested and they made a good point. Their spokesperson, Phil Green, said that the 25 supporters of their group now currently in jail would be regarded by future generations as being "prisoners of conscience" and on the right side of history.

This is a good video. Important:

In future years we will look back at the imprisonment of these activists has wholly incorrect and unwarranted. We will look back at the madness of it. These people are doing something good. This should be praised. They have been forced into carrying out these dramatic protests in order to get the attention of the media and the government. If the government was doing something about global warming they'd be no protests. Just Stop Oil wouldn't exist if governments worldwide were doing their job and making genuine progress on protecting the planet.

The suffragettes’ struggle is an excellent analogy for today’s climate activism. Like the suffragettes, climate activists are working for a just and necessary cause in the face of institutional inertia and societal resistance. The harsh punishments they face today may one day be seen, as the suffragettes’ punishments are now, as unjust responses to moral bravery. Just as we now honor the suffragettes for their role in advancing human rights, future generations may honor today's environmental activists for their role in protecting the planet.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

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