Showing posts with label woke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woke. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Woke movement has shifted our tolerance of cruelty in chasing perfection in competition

The woke movement is an evolving phenomenon. It originally meant being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. It's use expanded to encompass awareness of various social inequalities including sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression.

In 2024, 'woke' is often associated with social justice activism and progressive politics. Focusing on identity politics and systemic issues like white privilege and advocacy for marginalised groups and challenging social norms. 

The word "woke" has become divisive. Some people dislike it; others support it passionately. It's an important concept and it has altered society in Western countries. Supporters emphasise its importance in highlighting injustice while critics view it as promoting excessive sensitivity or political correctness.

But in my view, its meaning has broadened and it's influence has broadened to encompass the lowering of acceptance of abuse and cruelty in chasing perfection in competition.

This can be seen in various ways currently with the castigation of Charlotte Dujardin who used a lunging whip to abuse a horse when training in dressage. It was horse abuse, no doubt about it and objectionable but the horse was not hurt and Charlotte Dujardin's achievements have been trashed. She's been banned from competing in the Paris Olympics, she lost the chance to achieve another gold medal and she has lost her funding by the UK authorities.

What she did was not unusual. Deploying a long whip to train a horse to raise its feet in a stationary trot called the piaffe is not unusual but she overdid it. There are other aspects of dressage which are today probably deemed unacceptable such as the position of the head which is alleged to damaged ligaments and impede breathing. This was seen as a fair practice; now it is not.

As an extension of that, in the Paris Games, modern pentathletes will ride horses for the last time. At Los Angeles in 2028, the equestrian event will be replaced by an obstacle course of high walls, rope swings and scramble nets. The change came about because in 2021 a trainer punched a horse called Saint Boy. A scandal followed and Los Angeles threatened to drop the whole sport. This ended the 19th century concept of the pentathlon using a horse.

We can extend the concept of woke further because in the UK, the BBC's most popular show, Strictly Come Dancing, is going through an existential crisis because three professional dancers have been implicated in abusive treatment of their amateur, celebrity competitors when training them too hard. One complained and then another complained and the professional dancers are being investigated. They've lost their contracts with the BBC and their careers are harmed.

At the moment there's been no findings by the investigation and therefore these are allegations but the cultural change brought about by the woke movement has, I believe, infiltrated areas such as this BBC show and altered the mindset of the competitors to the point where they will no longer accept what they perceive as bulling and abuses, as inequality, as unfairness, when seeking dancing perfection. It's a change in societal norms in the competitive areas of life and entertainment.

The argument is that people in general and those that watch these competitions should be prepared to accept lower standards in the interests of protecting the welfare of horses in the case of the Olympics and the celebrity competitors in the case of Strictly Come Dancing. It's a fine balance between seeking excellence and how far you go in that quest and how much you put competitors through in achieving excellence.

In the case of people they will do it voluntarily initially. In the case of horses and other animals it's even more important because they do not give their consent. 

I would argue that the Dujardin alleged abuse is more fundamentally wrong than any abuse against a person in seeking perfection and that would apply to many other Olympians such as those representing China. 

Chinese gymnasts are picked at a very young age. The take them young and shape them as children putting through highly rigorous training programs leading to physical punishments and injuries. China can do this because it's a quasi-dictatorship. People do what they're told to do and they become accepting of it.

But in the West, in democracies, they have the power of self-expression due to equalities bestowed by the democratic process emboldened by the woke movement.

Postscript: in the paper today there is a story about Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest man. It actually concerns one of his offspring, his boy who transgendered to become his daughter and who has named herself Vivian Jenna Wilson. Musk said that his son "had been killed" by the "woke mind virus". He claims that he has lost his son and that he is dead and he blames the woke movement. His daughter, Jenna, blames him for being an absent and cruel father who criticised her femininity and queerness. An example of the way that the "woke" concept polarises people's views including within a family to the point where the family is broken.

Key Points:

  • There's no single, universally agreed-upon definition of "woke."
  • Its usage is often subjective and depends on the speaker's perspective.
  • The term has become a lightning rod in cultural and political debates.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Thursday, 7 March 2024

LGBTQ Nation accuses Dakota Johnson of spreading transgender myths about students identifying as cats

The LGBTQ Nation website has accused Dakota Johnson of spreading and disseminating "the absurd and transphobic myth that schools are allowing students to identify as and behave like cats".

LGBTQ Nation accuses Dakota Johnson of spreading transgender myths about students identifying as cats
Dakota Johnson talking about kids identifying as cats. Image: LGBTQ Nation.

You might remember that time (I do) when in 2022 there was a big story about teachers allowing schoolkids to identify as cats and even providing them with litter trays. The kids describe themselves as furries. It was part of a movement of children identifying as animals and something similar occurred in Australia as I remember.

The same 'problem occurred in Wales at about the same time. See the image below:

The whole thing was massively hyped up by news media. It was hard to tell whether it was true or false and clearly LGBTQ Nation believe that it was all a terrible transgender myth.

Dakota Johnson is the daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. She is quite a high profile actress who I recall starred in the film 50 Shades of Gray.

To be clear, transphobia consist of negative values feelings or actions towards transgender people. And Dakota Johnson is being accused by LGBTQ Nation of being negative towards transgender people.

But I don't get that because a person identifying as an animal isn't a transgender person is it? I am as confused as the next person. If you understand what's going on then please leave a comment! 😊

Apparently she made the comments in an interview with Bustle in a "discourse around this rising polyamory".

What's polyamory? Is the practice of having multiple intimate relationships whether sexual or just romantic with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. Okay that is the definition.

Dakota Johnson was talking about allowing people to do what they want to do if they weren't hurting anybody. That makes good sense. She then moved on to students behaving like cats and appeared to be supportive of those students.

She mentioned her stepson who had a friend who was saying that at their school some kids were identifying as cats. And she thought that was okay. I would too I think. I can't see a problem unless it disturbs school life and interferes with education which it might.

Also, sometimes schoolchildren don't know really what they want and therefore teachers and leaders should not necessarily reinforce strange behaviour by students and young people if that strange behaviour is based upon misplaced ideas and ideals.

But that's the news! It's non-news. But it contains a reference to cats!


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

In San Francisco it is NOT cats who are defecating in public places but PEOPLE!

Decayed San Francisco
Decayed San Francisco. Image: DALLE-E

Ron DeSantis, the presidential candidate, recently threw his hat into the ring on the discussion about the new woke culture. It's said that he made a bizarre speech. He was speaking to the Conservative group's Road to Majority conference and was discussing wokeness. And he made this comment about it:

"When woke overtakes our criminal justice system — like it has in San Francisco, like it has in Los Angeles — the average person becomes less safe in their communities as a result.” He vowed to leave “woke ideology in the dustbin of history.”

“Don’t tell me it doesn’t affect people’s lives. I was just in San Francisco. I saw — in 20 minutes on the ground — people defecating on the sidewalk. I saw people using fentanyl. I saw people smoking crack right there in the open, right there on the street. It was a civilization in decay.”

Yes, he is saying that he saw the gross degeneration of society's values to the point where adult humans were defecating on the sidewalk and getting high on fentanyl and so and so forth. And he put it all down to wokery; the new woke culture.

It's quite nice in a way to see humans being criticised for defecating in public (if it is true) because so often we see criticism of feral and domestic cats who are pooping in a neighbour neighbour's garden for instance or in a public place which neighbours don't like. The feral and outdoor domestic cats get a very bad rap in the news media concerning going to the toilet in the wrong places.

You might be wondering what the word "woke" means. 

Well, as I understand it, it means that the people who have adopted the woke movement are enlightened enough to see the truth in society. To be ENLIGHTENED and to act fairly towards everybody even if their attitudes and standards are different. And this applies a lot to the binary and non-binary discussion about people's gender.

The woke culture would argue that there are a spectrum of genders or sexes whereas the non-woke person might argue that gender is binary, either you are female or male based upon your biology/anatomy.


When I was in Afghanistan in the 1970s it was common practice for the citizens of Kabul, the capital, to defecate down a side alley. The trousers had a sort of vent in them to allow them to shit without pulling them down! True.

San Francisco

Note: San Francisco is said to have gone downhill massively because of slack and soft administration resulting in a crime wave and people moving out of the city in droves.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Kids pretending to be cats are taking over the classroom in wokery nonsense but there are serious undertones

 The argument from the right-wing is that pupils pretending to be cats are taking over the classroom and undermining the teacher who's probably too sensitive to the woke movement. They've allowed kids to become furries and in doing so undermined their authority. It's worse. One teacher admonished another for refusing to accept the concept of gender spectrum (non-binary). This is a merging of two wokery movements. 

Note: there is a wide spectrum of sexuality to which we must be enlightened and sensitive but I believe - without being disrespectful - that there are two sexes. Sex is biological. All the rest is in the head.

This is impossible and it must be stopped with firm leadership and guidance from parents initially and supported by teachers. Image: DALLE-E.

One girl self-identifies as a male cat and insisted on being addressed as 'kit'. The girl had merged the furries movement with the trans gender movement. Highly complicated and confusing. The culture becomes very fraught.

It disrupts the classroom and the education process. The UK education secretary, Gillian Keegan, has said that it is silly for pupils to self-identify as an animal. She takes the common-sense viewpoint. I feel sure that most Brits would agree with her. But is it just silliness? It may be a symptom of much more troubling mental processes in pupils and girls in particular. Too many are suicidal.

In Britain the classroom is becoming an impossible place for teachers which is why huge numbers are thinking of quitting.  It is a disturbingly high percentage. According to the BBC four out of ten teachers are planning to leave the profession! It is a catastrophe. The British education system is in a silent crisis and it is deteriorating. You can add inflation into the mix. Teachers have been striking for a huge pay increase. This is partly due to the difficulties of the job. Who'd be a teacher in Britain?

It will need a much firmer approach from heads and teachers. I'll be sexist and state that there needs to be more men in teaching. There are far less nowadays than in the past. In 2021/22, 75.5% of school teachers were women. Women have moved into teaching believing that it will suit them but no clearly not for a huge percentage.

They can be too gentle. Perhaps they sometimes lack sufficient confidence to stamp their authority over the classroom. That said the teachers are asking for guidance from the Dept. of Education on how to deal with this problem. Keegan will provide it, she says.

To be fair, it is very difficult for a teacher to deal with a child who wants to identify as a cat because of the modern snowflake culture. If teachers are too firm with pupils they can get into trouble when the child complains to their parents who then complain to the head teacher. It is toxic.

Teachers are having to be surrogate parents as parents abdicate their duties. Too many are capitulating to their children's fads to be trans or cats!! There is a merging of these movements as mentioned. Is this all about confused kids bossing around parents and teachers because they are too frightened to be firm and provide old-fashioned guidance?

Kids are also in crisis with an astonishingly high percentage of girls self-harming or having suicidal thoughts (30%!!). This can't go on. To me it is clear that there is a link between the high level of suicidal thoughts and wanting to opt-out by self-identifying as a cat.

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i hate cats

i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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