Showing posts with label gender transitioning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender transitioning. Show all posts

Friday, 2 August 2024

Imane Khelif has XY chromosomes according to the IBA and probably has DSD

Olympics boxing is broke thanks to woke. I am sensitive to gender issues but this has gone wrong. Please read the information provided carefully. Update: Khelif won gold! 😒😢


There is uproar and the controversy about the recent boxing match at the Paris Olympics between Imane Khelif of Algeria and Angela Carini of Italy. Carini threw in the towel i.e. gave up, after 46 seconds of the bout because she had been hit by two punches that were the hardest that she has ever felt and caused her extreme pain, she said.

She stopped to protect herself from possible long-term injury. In effect she was surviving, saving her life because she instinctively felt that she was in danger of suffering a serious injury. And in the past, in boxing matches between men, there have been some serious brain injuries so it reminds us that boxing is a dangerous sport.

And due credit to her; for listening to her instincts. But the uproar comes about because Imane Khelif, with the deepest respect, it looks like a man and biologically, according to the International Boxing Association (IBA) she is a man because when they were in charge they conducted DNA tests which showed that Imane Khelif had "XY chromosomes and were thus excluded". They also refer to another boxer with XY chromosomes. Typically, biological sex is determined by chromosomes:
  • XX chromosomes usually indicate a female.
  • XY chromosomes usually indicate a male.

This section is important as it explains a lot. And it is useful in understand what is going on.

Update:  The Times Saturday August 2024. This newspaper adds some useful information to this debate. The IOC, the organisation which vets and approves boxers in the Olympics, removed a reference from Kehlif's official profile yesterday saying that "her elevated levels of testosterone failed to meet the eligibility". Comment: it appears that online there was evidence, more evidence, that Imane Khelif was ineligible for the boxing match and shouldn't have been there.

What is more useful, to me, is Janice Turner's comment in the same paper. She has some useful information about the Algerian boxer's gender and DNA. She states that "two controversial boxes at these games, Imane Khelif and Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting, have a DSD. This stands for "difference of sexual development". It's a misunderstood phenomenon arguably wilfully misunderstood according to Janice Turner. These individuals are not "intersex" i.e. between a mix of the two sexes because no one is. She argues that they "almost certainly have 5-ARD: they are biological males with XY chromosomes but whose bodies lack the receptor that creates external male genitalia. She argues that the genitalia is internal but that the genitalia have produced testosterone in the case of these individuals. She adds that "at puberty their internal testes start producing testosterone at normal levels so they acquire most of the strength, muscle mass, height and power of other men."

The IOC spokesperson said that there is a witch-hunt is taking place and that Khelif "was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, has a female passport." Yes, but the information above explains what's going on. And it's clear that some countries actively search out these people because they know that they will have the edge in female competitions of any kind but in boxing it is particularly dangerous to have this edge on common sense grounds.

Further sidebar/update on this story: two Times well-respected journalists have weighed in again on this ongoing story which has captivated the world. The first I want to mention is Owen Slot. He is a senior Times sports journalist. He starts off today with this paragraph "The boxing controversy at the heart of these Olympic Games was transformed into the most distasteful of circuses at the North Paris Arena yesterday. It is disgusting what has befallen two young athletes here, all in the name of sport." 

He very much believes that Khelif should not have been accepted as a boxer in this woman's event.

But we must be sensitive towards Khelif. It is said that he is a victim as well. And he strongly says that "I am a woman. I feel good. It's the first Algerian woman boxing medal. I want to thank the Arabic world." She had just won a bronze medal in her weight category. She weighs 66 kg. 

But then Algeria is her effective sponsor, and want her to win a gold medal. It is said by some that Algeria and other countries support women with DSD (it is reported that she has this condition) because they know they have an advantage in women's events. They have testosterone produced by internal testes. So arguably, and I say this with the greatest sensitivity, she may have been indoctrinated into believing that she is a woman and she is actually woman but with some male characteristics which I would argue make in illegible for this event.

The IOC is backpedalling all the time and making excuses and rationalising why she is in the event as is the South Korean boxer with a similar condition. And interestingly Donald Trump is weighed in by saying "I will keep men out of women's sports".

He, therefore, is strongly suggesting in that statement that he believes that Khelif is a man at least biologically/technically because once again I suggest we have to be sensitive to the way people feel about their gender. I'm very much for inclusivity and acceptance of one's feelings about gender.

I now turn to Camilla Long another well respected Times journalist who writes for The Sunday Times. She very much supports what I have said here. She argues that is it is very unfair that Khelif is in the competition and that fairness is central to a good Olympic Games and sport in general. 

She quotes Adams, the spokesperson for the IOC who said that "This is not a man fighting a woman".

Camilla Long responds by writing: 
"As it happens, Adams is wrong. If you have XY chromosomes and high testosterone levels as it is reasonable to assume these fighters do, for the purpose of sport, if not also life, you are a man. Caster Semenya, for example, [the 800 m runner with the same condition who won gold at the Rio Olympics on a podium with two other women also with the same condition allegedly] has XY chromosomes, was born with a vagina and undescended testicles, which produce testosterone. As she grew up, this hormone build muscle, strengthened her bones, created bigger lungs, allowing her to train harder and longer than women. When she refused to lower her testosterone, she won races. When she did she didn't. People like Adam say the matter is complicated as a way of trying to assert himself and put people off questioning it, but it's not. It really is simple. If you are genetically a man, with testicles, producing testosterone, you are a man. You are not fit to compete with a woman. There are simple tests for it". 
And she's not referring to undignified tests. She is referring to a DNA test using a cheek swab.

Further update from The Times Monday, August 5, 2024: yes, this is an evolving story and this further update is designed to help clarify this very complicated problem. I'm thankful to The Times newspaper. Essentially, the findings of the International boxing Association (IBA) as mentioned above that Khelif and Lin, the two female boxers at the centre of this storm at the current, Paris Olympics, have XY chromosomes was passed on to the International Olympics Committee (IOC). They knew that these two boxes have XY chromosomes but their argument is that they do not do gender tests and they only accept gender as per the boxer's passport! In other words they didn't accept the IBA test results but they accepted the passport and what the passport says about gender. I think we can heavily criticise the IOC for that because what the passport says simply isn't factual or scientific evidence that a person is male or female or has XX or XY chromosomes. It is what the government or the authorities or the parents say about their child or citizen. That is not conclusive proof. Particularly when the government has a vested interest in terms of achieving gold at the Olympics.


It's important to note that while chromosomes play a crucial role in sex determination, they aren't the sole factor. Hormones and other biological processes also contribute to the development of sexual characteristics. Also it must be said that Khelif is not transgender. But IBA say that she has a man's DNA. Therefore she is a man surely? Gender critical Lottie Moore said the fight was an example of male violence against a women just like typical domestic violence. LBGT liberation campaigner Peter Tatchell said that we need more evidence on Khelif as to her gender and levels of testosterone. This chaotic situation would never have occurred many years ago. It has all come about because of the woke movement and the laudable desire to be inclusive.

The International Olympic Committee no longer recognises the IBA because of links with Russia so it runs the boxing competition in Paris itself.

And because of a keen desire for inclusivity, they decided to allow Imane Khelif to box but the argument from people like JK Rowling and Judy Murray, is that they should not be allowed to box in women's events. It's unfair competition.

And what we have here, is a debacle, a farce. Both fighters are harmed by this event. Imane Khelif will be examined and criticised as will the Algerian government I suspect because they supported her and promoted her to help her win a medal for the country. 

And of course Angela Carini now has a very strong platform and voice upon which to decry the current policy of allowing what, respectfully, appears to have been a fight between a person who was born biologically a man i.e. with XY chromosomes and a woman with XX chromosomes. This sort of farce should not be allowed to happen in the interests of the physical safety of the woman and the mental health of the person with XY chromosomes.

Of course, I'm talking about biological sex. I'm totally for the concept of people deciding their own sex according to how they feel and behave. There is a disconnect between biological sex and people feeling that they are living in a body which is of the wrong sex. I am sympathetic towards them as all people should be. But that's a different matter to a boxing match where people hit each other.

There has to be a fair fight with equal strength as governed by biological sex.

The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgio Meloni has weighed into the conversation as well. She said: "Athletes who have male genetic characteristics should not be admitted to women's competitions. And not because you want to discriminate, but to protect the right of female athletes to be able to compete on equal terms. It was not an even contest."

The video on this page is of JK Rowling calling the boxing match a disgrace. She addressed a message to Kirsty Burrows, head of the International Olympic Committee's safe sport unit, who I presume is the person who ultimately made the decision to allow Imane Khelif to fight as an Olympian.

JK Rowling said: "A young female boxer had just had everything she's worked and trained for snatched away because you allowed a male to get in the ring with her. You're a disgrace, your "safeguarding" is a joke and [the Paris Olympics] will for ever be tarnished by the brutal injustice done to Carini."

Imane Khelif was one of two boxes cleared to compete in Paris despite having been disqualified from last year's World Championships which is run by the International Boxing Association. The IBA had banned Imane Khelif from boxing in female competitions but the ICO totally ignored that and they ignored the DNA test I've referred to indicating XY chromosomes.

They were fighting in a 66 kg bout. Carini fell to her knees and sobbed after the bout was abandoned. She refused to shake the hand of her competitor. She had a nose injury and blood on her trunks. She said: "I'm heartbroken because I'm a fighter. I have always stepped into the ring with honour. And this time I couldn't do it because I couldn't fight any more. In that moment, I had to safeguard my life, I train with my brother. I've always fought against men, but I felt too much pain today. It hurt so much. I am heartbroken. I have never felt a punch like this. After the second blow, I felt extreme pain. I didn't lose, I just surrendered with maturity."

Comment: it seems to me that the ICO have been sucked into the woke movement and lost their minds. The woke movement is about inclusivity which is good and must be praised and welcomed because there's been far too much side-lining of people who do not fit into the neat stereotypes in society but this has gone too far. 

In a desire for that inclusivity they have endangered one female boxer physically, brought disrepute to the Olympics in general and to Olympics boxing in particular and also, as mentioned, made the life of Imane Khelif far more difficult. It's unfair on so many levels and wrong.

Barry McGuigan, a former world champion boxer said this about the fight:
It’s wrong, it’s unfair, and above all it’s dangerous. Angela Carini’s Olympic dreams lie in ruins because she lost to an opponent with male characteristics. It’s that simple. Who are these people making the decisions? The IOC in their comments never once used the word dangerous. This is amateur sport. These athletes empty themselves in competition. But this is not athletics. In boxing you get hit in the head as well. The situation in Paris is one catastrophic blow from tragedy. These guys at the IOC are playing God.
P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Picture of Judge Victoria McCloud with her grey Maine Coon cat

I have made a presumption here that judge Victoria McCloud has been pictured with a Maine Coon cat because the cat does look very much like a Maine Coon cat with that square muzzle and those lynx-tipped ears. The coat is shaggy and medium-long and therefore the cat ticks the boxes in terms of appearance for being a Maine Coon cat.

Picture: Richard Pohle.

The reason why I have stolen this picture from the Internet - and I hope the photographer doesn't mind (the photographer is, I've discovered, Richard Pohle of The Times) - is because this lady is in the news. 

She is the only transgender judge in Britain and she has resigned because, in her words, 
"I have reached the conclusion that in 2024 the national situation and present judicial framework is no longer such that it is possible in a dignified way to be both 'trans' and a salaried, fairly prominent judge in the UK."
I can't add to that. Except to say that the transgender discussion is all over the news media these days. I've recently written about JK Rowling who states that the notorious cat and person killer, Scarlet Blake, should be referred to as a man in the reports about her regarding her trial and imprisonment for 24 years without parole.

JK Rowling is a gender-critical feminist and she feels that writing about Scarlet Blake as a woman denigrates to a certain extent women in general. She wants the news media to refer to her as a man because she's a man who transgendered to a woman. Click on the link below to read about this:


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Gender-critical man storms into a LGBTQIA+ meeting in a public library

The tweet reads: "Father interrupts Drag Story Hour for children calling it 'Men dressed as prostitutes reading filth to children.'" This is a clash between the old world and the new in a public library.

This is Ireland; a country with primarily traditional beliefs. A family man storms into a meeting held in a public library. The tweet doesn't tell us exactly what is happening in the meeting but it must be to do with transgender issues and self-identification of a certain sex or gender.

This is a clash between the more liberal minded people who believe that a person can self-identify as a certain sex and a family man who believes that there are only two sexes namely male and female and your sex is determined at birth biologically. The latter viewpoint is called 'gender-critical'.

This is a clash between established attitudes/values towards gender and the woke movement's attitude towards gender which is that there is a spectrum of genders as signified by the acronym: LGBTQIA+ which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more.

The clash that we see in the video, for me, appears to encapsulate the sharply polarised attitudes of people all over the world on this topic. It is a very difficult topic.

My personal view is that mainstream society should be sensitive towards all people concerning their thoughts about their gender. We should respect all people's views on this. I do believe that there is a spectrum of mentalities regarding one's sex or gender. It's a spectrum rather than the black-and-white view which is you are either male or female.

That said, I understand the man who stormed into the library meeting. He sees it as a perversion and that the organisers were indoctrinating kids. It appears that one man was dressed in a dress to highlight the fact that there is this spectrum of sexes. He describes that man as being in drag and looking like a prostitute.

He has strong feelings of the old-fashioned kind. I understand him too because I think there are only two sexes: male and female. I do believe that sex is determined biologically but, as mentioned, we need to respect what is in people's minds as to how they identify. We need to give them space to express themselves. Listen to them and be open-minded.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that a girl might identify as a boy but we should give that person time to work through those feelings. We need to respect the girl. I would expect her to gradually - as she moved towards adulthood - to leave those feelings behind but if not and at a certain time in her life when she is entirely settled in her thoughts, consideration might then be given to changing her sex as she might suffer from gender dysphoria (a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity).

I don't believe that hormone treatments and operation should take place at an early age. I believe that does harm and there are some adults who dive in far too quickly to facilitate young boys and girls to change their biological sex through an operation.

Young minds are developing. We must allow them to develop before they have a clear picture on their sex. Perhaps one problem is that this particular area of diverging attitudes has possibly been hijacked by the woke movement. It becomes a clash between a liberal woke movement and establish conservative values. I don't think that this is helpful either.

It requires an open mind but above all respect for people and their differences. 

Do you have views on this? The woke movement affects all areas of life. Those who support it would say that it is an enlightened view of the world and that conventional attitudes are too closed and narrow-minded.

Some children identify as animals, often cats. That's another issue which has often hit the news media and which also causes a lot of anguish and discussion as it indicates stresses in school children which is supported by an increase in self-harming and suicidal thoughts.

Is self-identifying as a cat similar to self-identifying as the opposite sex? Are the underlying issues the same? Are kids troubled? Are they reacting to a deteriorating world? Many don't see a stable future. I think this is feeding back in their behavior.

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Cats don't want to gender transition

This is a discussion. The title sounds mad. It might be. But I don't think it is. The point of the title is that there are no signs in behavior to tell us that some domestic cats think they are in the wrong body and want to transition from male to female or female to male. Gender transitioning is big human news. But it is exclusively about humans. It is a human condition. The desire to gender transition can only come from a higher non-instinctive intelligence. 

Cats don't want to gender transition
Cats don't want to gender transition. Image: MikeB

Animals behave instinctively. Instinctive behavior does not provide an avenue in which thoughts about gender transitioning emerge.

Thoughts about gender transitioning requires the intelligence and social pressures that only humans enjoy or submit themselves to.

Instinct is natural. It is a part of nature's way. But we should all respect people's thoughts and desires. If a woman wants to be a man and human society can help, we should help. 

But human society should make damned sure beforehand that the woman genuinely wants to transition because the transitioning process is irreversible in truth and young people pass through phases when their thoughts change frequently.

They are in the process of finding their character and ideas. They can be influenced by others and society's pressures.

I'm not against gender transitioning. I'm just for doing it with extreme care. That means doing it when the person is more mature and emotionally settled. What age might that be? Not sure. Thirty maybe. Yes, much older than is currently the case. And there must be neutral, unbiased advice available.


Bethany feels that she was rushed into taking testosterone and having a double mastectomy. She is now in the process of 'detransitioning'. She said:

I do regret the loss of time. I am 26 and think 'what have I done?' I wish someone had advised me to properly explore my feelings when I was 19. I was offered no psychotherapy. It is only now, at the age of 26, that I feel I am a mature adult, and it is no coincidence that it is now I am realising that transitioning is no solution.

She now knows that she is gay and not meant to be a man.

She is one example of a number of individuals who are detransitioning. Not good. Too rushed. Too many societal pressures and 'experts' with their own agenda to push onto others.

Human minds can be fragile and fraught; more so in the 21st century with tons of stuff on the internet.

Humans are more intelligent than cats. They are more vulnerable to misleading thoughts that are not instinctive. Cats rely on nature's instinct. It is rock solid.

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