Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Reasons why tuna treats for cats need to be limited

Reasons why tuna treats for cats need to be limited

There are three main reasons why tuna treats for cats should be limited:
  • Mercury poisoning and light lead poisoning
  • Tuna is overfished. In the interests of conservation tuna needs to left alone to recover
  • Tuna is an unbalanced food for cats

Would it be possible to slightly poison your cat if you fed them canned tuna all the time?

Canned tuna wouldn't cause lead poisoning in your cat, but there are other health concerns with feeding it all the time. Here's the breakdown:

  • Lead: The amount of lead in canned tuna is very low and regulated for human consumption. It's unlikely to be enough to poison your cat.
  • Mercury: Canned tuna, especially albacore, can be high in mercury. Frequent consumption can lead to mercury poisoning in cats, causing problems like loss of coordination and vision issues.
  • Nutritional Imbalance: Canned tuna lacks essential nutrients cats need for a complete diet. Long-term feeding can lead to deficiencies and health problems.

Here's what to do instead:

  • Treats: Offer canned tuna as an occasional treat, not a main food source. Opt for skipjack tuna due to lower mercury content.
  • Cat Food: Feed your cat a high-quality, balanced cat food formulated to meet their nutritional needs.

If you're worried about your cat's diet, consult your veterinarian. They can recommend a healthy feeding plan and address any concerns about mercury or other potential issues

Why is canned tuna high in mercury?

Canned tuna can be high in mercury because tuna are high up the food chain. Here's the science behind it:

  • Mercury's Origin: Mercury enters the oceans from natural sources like volcanoes and human activities like industrial pollution.
  • Bioaccumulation: Bacteria convert mercury into methylmercury, a form absorbed by small fish.
  • Predatory Cycle: Larger fish, like tuna, consume these smaller fish, inheriting their mercury. Unlike other toxins, mercury doesn't get flushed out, so it accumulates in the tuna's tissues over time.

Species Matters:

  • High Mercury: Albacore tuna, a larger species, tends to have the highest mercury content.
  • Lower Mercury: Skipjack tuna, a smaller variety, generally has lower mercury levels.

Safe Consumption:

  • Variety is Key: Include various types of seafood in your diet to avoid exceeding recommended mercury limits.
  • Government Resources: The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) provide guidelines on safe fish consumption.
By understanding where mercury comes from and how it accumulates in tuna, you can make informed choices about incorporating this nutritious fish into your diet without exceeding safe mercury levels.

Is there lead inside tuna?

Yes, there can be trace amounts of lead in tuna. However, the levels are typically very low and well below the safety limits set by regulatory agencies.

Lead is a naturally occurring element that can also enter the environment through human activities such as pollution. Fish absorb lead from the water they live in and the food they eat. Larger, predatory fish like tuna tend to have higher levels of lead than smaller fish because they accumulate lead over time as they consume other fish.

According to a study published in the journal Food Chemistry, the lead content of tuna can vary depending on the species, with albacore tuna having the highest levels and skipjack tuna having the lowest levels. The study also found that the lead content of tuna was higher in canned tuna than in fresh tuna. This is likely because the canning process can concentrate lead from the bones of the fish.

While there is some lead in tuna, the levels are generally considered to be safe for human consumption. The FDA has set a maximum allowable level of lead in canned tuna of 0.3 parts per million (ppm). Studies have shown that consuming tuna at moderate levels (less than two cans per week) is not associated with any adverse health effects.

If you are concerned about your lead intake, you can limit your consumption of albacore tuna and choose skipjack tuna instead. You can also limit your overall intake of canned tuna and choose other types of seafood, such as salmon or shrimp, which are lower in lead.

Is tuna being overfished worldwide?

Yes, tuna is being overfished worldwide. Here's a breakdown of the situation:

  • High Demand, Strained Stocks: The global demand for tuna, particularly bluefin tuna prized for sushi, has driven fishing pressure beyond sustainable levels for several species.
  • Overfished Species: Pacific bluefin tuna is a prime example, once depleted to just 2.6% of its unfished level. Atlantic bigeye and Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna populations are also experiencing overfishing due to rising catch levels.
  • Impact on Ecosystem: Overfishing disrupts the marine food chain as tuna are top predators. This can lead to population imbalances and harm the overall ocean ecosystem.
  • Conservation Efforts: International organizations and some regional fisheries management bodies have implemented measures to control catches and rebuild populations. However, challenges remain in ensuring truly sustainable fishing practices.
  • Skipjack Resilience: While currently abundant, skipjack tuna, the most common canned tuna variety, could become vulnerable if not managed properly.

Overall, tuna overfishing is a serious threat to the health of our oceans and these fish populations. Look for tuna products that are certified sustainable by organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to support responsible fishing practices.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

PETA compares eating fish to eating dead cats. People need to 'sea' things better.

NEWS AND COMMENT: A spokesperson for PETA said: 

"Grimsby – the centre of the UK’s “seafood” processing industry is catching some heat from PETA with a new lenticular billboard – showing a smiling fishmonger holding a limp fish from one angle and a dead cat from another – urging locals to see fish as intelligent, sensitive individuals and opt for vegan fare instead."

PETA chose Grimsby, UK because it is a fishing town; historically connected with fishing and they put the sign outside a fish and chip shop.

PETA compares eating fish with eating dead cats
PETA compares eating fish with eating dead cats. Image: Grimsby Live.

Apparently if you look at the billboard poster from different angles you either see a fish or a dead cat. 

A clever aspect of the billboard is the use of the word 'sea' which sound like 'see'. They are asking people to see more clearly what they are doing.

Separately, it might be worth noting that thousands of people in Asia like to eat dead stray and domestic cats particularly if they have been killed brutally as it improves the flesh's medicinal properties.

As you can tell from the statement at the top of the page, PETA want people in general to consider fish as sentient beings. And further they want people to opt for a vegan diet.

Personally, I am also pushing for fish welfare. A study has found that fish feel pain (link below). Because millions of fish have been caught over the years, it seems that human kind regards fish as harvesting wheat and not killing billions of animals in a painful way through suffocation.

RELATED: Fish endure prolonged suffering due to a failure to stun them before slaughter.

It's time for a change. It's a time to change the perceptions of the general public. It will be difficult because the fishing community is pushing back against this poster on the sidewalk. This about protecting jobs.

And also, fish is constantly promoted as a healthy food source. It will be many years before people come off fish solely because they regard them as sentient creatures.

But things are changing because little by little people are realising that animals are sentient and have the power to feel emotions. Animal are often far more intelligent than the vast majority of people believe. Studies are gradually revealing this intelligence.

Personally, I am totally for PETA on this and in all the work they do. They push tirelessly for animal welfare and they don't mind shocking. In fact, they have decided that creating shocking campaigns is the best way to catch people's attention and change their attitudes.

Saturday, 11 September 2021

The owner of this cat is being cruel to fish

Cat mesmerized by fish in an aquarium. Photo: Twitter
Cat mesmerized by fish in an aquarium. Photo: Twitter.

The video maker and probably the owner was entirely wrong to allow this silver tabby cat to entertain himself by grabbing captive fish in a small aquarium. We know that fish feel pain. I'd argue that they probably feel some basic emotions at the least. The experience is going to be terrifying for the fish. And to make a video out of this is not clever. It is just bad and insensitive. It another example of animal abuse to make an interesting video. It is remarkable how often it happens. It is as if some people equate animal abuse with good videos. No moral compass. Cheap, quick thrills at the expense of animals. I am told that the video was made in Indonesia. Surprise, surprise. They are not known for their animal welfare.

I am unsure if the cat in the still image is the same as the cat in the video. It doesn't really matter. This was cruel behavior by the human. You can't blame the cat as he is behaving instinctively.

Note: This is a video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.

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