Showing posts with label Elisa Black-Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elisa Black-Taylor. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 December 2021

10 useful cat articles written by Elisa Black-Taylor from 2013

By Elisa Black-Taylor

In this article, I’d like to reflect back on what I consider my most important stories for 2013. I have summarized the stories and added a link at the end. These are the articles that meant the most to me.

From Michael: Elisa was a major contributor to PoC for many years. I respect her work. This is a look back to 8 years ago. I think it has some value. It is a bit of recent cat history. The articles will be good and useful. It was written in 2013 and has languished in the draft folder for 8 years 😓.

Why Core Vaccines Must Be Given Upon Intake In A Shelter Environment [Link]

Cat Vaccination. Photo: The Answer Vet
Cat Vaccination. Photo: The Answer Vet.

Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate! There are many potentially fatal illnesses being passed between shelter pets on a daily basis. This article tells the importance of vaccinating immediately upon intake. Cats begin to develop immunity within hours, if not minutes. This topic raises awareness that although shelters may say they vaccinate upon intake, many are falsifying records. To be on the safe side, it's a good idea to take your new kitty to your personal vet for a checkup and to administer vaccinations. We had a serious outbreak of panleuk back in 2011. Two of our kittens survived because the lady who turned them into the shelter had her personal vet administer core vaccines two weeks before she brought them to the shelter.

A Reminder About Remote Car Starters and Cats [Link]

Sealy, who we adopted in February 2011, survived a horrific fan blade injury. The blade cut into his skull, and he lost his left ear in the accident. A lot of people associate car fan blade accidents with someone who simply doesn't bang on their hood, toot their horn, or physically inspect the engine compartment before starting their car. The danger of cranking up on a cat is greater since the invention of remote car starters, a device that offers the convenience of starting your car from inside your home that allows the vehicle to "warm up" before leaving home. Please keep in mind there are a lot of stray cats hanging out in large parking lots, so the need to check under the hood is necessary before leaving a mall or supermarket.

Our Cats And The Special Relationships They Have [Link]

This is an enjoyable article to write, because it gave me the opportunity to let the readers know our cats aren't perfect. The majority of the time our cats get along well. Our home is what I'd call an indoor colony, complete with male and female rulers. There are a few we have to separate in order for others to come out and play. I hope I educated readers who are thinking of adding another feline to their family in some of the ways to make the transition smoother.

Do You Ever Call Your Cat The Wrong Name? [Link]

Do you ever get the cat now confused with a cat you owned years ago? This article is a cross between memory lapses and cat reincarnation. Personally, I believe I have with me now several cats I owned many years ago. My problem is that I'll call the cat by the name I gave it 20-30+ years ago. The confusion drives my daughter Laura a bit nuts, because she doesn't know whether I'm having a memory lapse where I get confused, or whether I really believe I have a reincarnated version of a previous kitty. If you look at the photo collage for the story, it's easy to see the resemblance between my cats of yesterday, and my current cats. I believe Laura is very afraid of my growing old, and on some days I have to say I join Laura in that fear.

An Animal Shelters Responsibility To The Community [Link]

One of the most serious articles written in 2013 deals with the public's right to know versus an animal shelter's reputation within the community in which the shelter serves. Should it be illegal for a shelter to sit on information concerning a major illness infecting a higher-than-average number of cats and dogs? A shelter will argue that all animal shelters have a higher-than-average rate of panleuk, kennel cough, canine flu and calicivirus. What percentage of pets in a shelter who have fallen ill make it necessary to inform the public that cats and dogs adopted or rescued may be, or may have been, infected before leaving the shelter? This article ties well into the one I wrote about core vaccines. Why are so many animals sick when the shelter assures the public that all dogs and cats are getting vaccinated at the time of intake?

Branch Of U.S. Department of Agriculture Illegally Killing Pets [Link]

This article talks about a little known USDOA department called Predator Control, where conibear traps and leg hold snares are "accidentally" trapping and killing thousands of companion animals each year. If you live in a n area where these traps are set, please be aware the government isn't going door to door telling dog and cat owners to monitor their pets access to the outside world. A few neighborhood associations were mistakenly led to believe the traps were being set to trap rats. Pet owner's need to be aware these "U.S. government affiliations" are out there, and they're a very real danger to our pets. Hopefully this article will convince the public that the government doesn't necessarily have the best interests of the community in mind, regardless of what they claim.

Homer The Blind Cat Has Died [Link]

On August 21, the world the cat I personally believe to be the most famous cat in the United States in the past decade. Homer (Homer's Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale), who survived being blind, and who also drew worldwide media attention after being trapped inside his home during 9/11, went to the Rainbow Bridge. The world mourned his loss as Gwen Cooper told of his last days and recounted the amazing life of this little cat. This was without a doubt one of the toughest articles to write out of the more than 500 articles I did overall in 2013. Homer taught cat lovers that almost anything is possible, even for a disabled cat. Because of Homer, many cat lovers took in a blind cat with the knowledge that just because a cat can't see, doesn't mean the cat can't have a fairly normal life. Homer was notorious as a furniture climber, and had an amazing perception of where he would "land" while performing his acrobatic stunts for his mom, bestselling author Gwen Cooper.

Humane Officer Shoots 5 Kittens; Chief Says He Won't Be Disciplined [Link]

The story of how North Ridgeville, Ohio humane officer shot and killed a family of kittens living next to a home in a woodpile enraged more than dog lovers with this case. An outraged community demanded justice. The Ohio SPCA went so far as to threaten the department with legal action. Sadly, looking for an update on Barry Accorti, I've been unable to find any information saying he was eventually punished for his cowardly act. Imagine how many times this happens where the news media never gets word of a cat or dog shooting by animal control. Social media has played the biggest part ever in bringing animal abusers to the forefront. Unfortunately, many of them have the title of "humane officer" or "police officer."

Shelter Cat Dead Because Of A Lie [Link]

Think you have heartless relatives? A 6-year-old cat named Bella was euthanized because her owner's daughter lied to the staff at the local shelter. Because Bella was listed as an owner turn-in, she was eligible for euthanasia immediately, as a holding period offered to strays doesn't apply to animals brought in by their owner. Despite having empty cages, Bella was euthanized less than 48 hours after she arrived. If nothing else was accomplished with this article, at least I've made people think a bit harder over who watches the family pet while the family is away. Sometimes it's better to hire a professional service than to trust a pet to relatives.

Is A Male Cat Still Fertile After Neutering? [Link]

I've had quite a few friends tell me they were unaware that recently neutered cats may still be fertile for several weeks. It's important to keep the male cat away from female cats in heat for at least six weeks, just in case any kitty sperm swimmers are still floating around in the male. This article also stressed the importance to have a male cat with undescended testicles neutered, as the risk on cancer is much greater.
What was your favorite article on PoC? Think back to all of the articles written by the PoC family during 2013. Which is your favorite and why?


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Are Cat Adoption Applications Too Strict?

Are cat adoption applications too strict? Have any of the readers here even looked at a cat adoption application lately? Gone are the days when you went to your local shelter, picked out a cat, paid a fee and took him or her home.

Pippa - one of my rescued cats. Photo by Elisa Black-Taylor

Thanks to the internet, both good and bad have come out of what used to be the pleasure of adopting a cat. We've all heard the horror stories of how animal abusers will search the freebie advertisements for animals to abuse. Some will even go so far as to pay the price a shelter asks for a cat just to have a new cat to torture. It's these abusers who have paved the way to turning a simple adoption into a nightmare.

That and a lot of other questionable information most shelters and rescues have the right to investigate before adopting out a cat. Some of the information that may get you turned down for a cat adoption include the following:
  • Age. Some shelters and rescues require an adopter to be over the age of 21 but under the age of 60.
  • Who will care for your cat should you become unable to?
  • Whether you have children, plan to have children, how many children and how old they are.
  • How will you handle any health problems that may come up concerning your cat?
  • Vet reference. This can be a tricky one if this is your first cat.
  • Have you ever euthanized a pet?
  • Have you ever turned a pet into a shelter?
  • What happened to any previous pets you've had?
  • Do you have a full time job? This is a tricky one. Some shelters and rescues believe one person should always be home with the cat.
Are ALL of these questions really necessary? They're standard on many rescue adoption websites as well as many shelters. Most rescues will tell you these questions are necessary to prevent the cat from going to a "bad" home.

How is it a person can be called to war at 18, yet be unable to adopt a cat until the age of 21? I feel sure cat lovers over the age of 60 will have some objections to being denied because of their age.

I can understand questions on whether or not you plan to declaw a cat and whether the cat will be kept indoors at all times.  Some potential adopters have compared certain questions to an inquisition. Questions that have nothing to do with declawing or where the cat will spend its time.

Some shelters are extremely strict and cats die because of this on a daily basis. Not because a home couldn't be found. Because a "perfect" home couldn't be found and the cat is euthanized when the end holding date is reached.

I never would have thought having a full time job could make a person ineligible for cat adoption. With some shelters and rescue groups it can.

This is one reason so many people turn to the freebies. It's created a dangerous situation for many cats and also contributed to the overpopulation of cats. The person placing the ad for free kittens really has little to go on as to who gets a kitten. And the adopter is as likely as not to allow the cat to remain intact because spay/neutering can be expensive in areas without a low cost clinic. These free cats eventually end up in the shelter system. Usually shortly before or after that first unwanted litter comes along.

Rescues are also scaring away prospective cat owners by continuing to claim ownership in the contract the adopter must sign before taking the cat home. This basically states the adopter is responsible for food, shelter and medical care. It also gives the rescue the right to drop in at the adopter's home unannounced for the rest of the cats life to be sure a good home is being provided. Most rescue centers also take away the option of the adopter finding the cat a new home should the arrangement not work out. Again, a measure meant to protect the cat is causing some to shy away from rescue adoption.

I'm not saying these precautions aren't necessary. Only that some are a little excessive.

Have any of you ran into these questionnaires that border on the extreme? Were you turned down because of your answers? How far should a rescue or shelter be allowed to go in placing a cat with it's forever home. I welcome your comments on what you consider good adoption questions and questions that are more of an invasion of privacy.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Purina Pet Treats Made In China Killing Dogs

There are several reasons I chose to write about Purina® pet treats made in China killing dogs. First of all, many of us cat lovers also have dogs. And if we have dogs, there's a chance our cats may get a hold of one of these treats.

Photo by Nestlé (on Flickr)
The products being investigated by the FDA are Waggin' Train and Canyon Creek Ranch dog treats. Both products are made in China for the Nestle Purina® company. The FDA has now logged more than 900 complaints from owners whose dogs have gotten sick or died after eating these treats. Most were diagnosed with kidney failure.

Dog owners should be warned as these products haven't undergone an official recall and are still on the shelves at retailers across America. Readers, keep in mind that just because a product is available for sale it doesn't mean it's safe!

Another reason I'm writing on this issue as it brings to mind an article I wrote last year about Purina One® cat food. Its at While no mandatory recall has been made, comments continue to trickle in on this article from cat owners whose cats have become ill or died after eating Purina® products.

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea and fever. This leads to kidney failure and death for the dog or cat eating the Purina® product.

This has been going on for several years. The same holds true with Purina Beneful Dog Food. Symptoms from eating the tainted dog food (it sometimes has a mold like growth on it) are glazed eyes, weakness, white gums, lack of appetite and loss of control of bodily functions. This information has been verified by on

Although the symptoms are totally different for the Purina One® cat food than for the Purina dog foods, Waggin' Train and Canyon Creek Ranch dog treats, I would use caution before feeding any Purina products.

Purina has stated they consider the safety of their dog and cat foods as their top priority, yet the cases continue to mount and neither the FDA nor Nestle Purina is doing much about it other than taking down information and testing samples. I'm not sure how many deaths it will take before a recall is issued. If it's your pet, then it's one to many.

Senator Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, recently blasted the head of the FDA over the situation back in April of 2012. Brown criticized Dr. Margaret Hamburg at a Senate Appropriations hearing over the concern Chinese made treats were tainted yet allowed to remain on store shelves.

Until the FDA has found the cause as to why so many pets are dying, dog and cat owners both need to be vigilant about the food they feed their pets, as well as any treats. If you plan on changing pet food brands, do a little Internet research and be sure there are no health concerns linked with the food you plan to feed your pet.

If any of you have experienced any health problems with any brand of pet food or any treats, please be kind enough to give everyone a first hand account of your experience. You could be saving a life.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Caboodle Ranch Custody Hearing Continues

All testimony in the custody hearing of the Caboodle Ranch cats concluded on May 29, 2012 and each side has until June 11 to submit their proposed order as to the fate of the Caboodle Ranch cats. On or before this date, the judge, who is a cat owner, will issue a ruling and draft an order based on his decision. This practice is common in this type of hearing.
Caboodle Ranch in happier times

The judge has requested briefs on whether the court or the sheriff has authority over disposition of the cats. Also in question is whether the court is permitted to return a portion of the cats or whether this is an all or nothing decision.

A good many supporters of Caboodle Ranch turned out to witness the trial.

Ron Grant testified on behalf of Caboodle Ranch. It was stated in an article at that their attorneys hope to prove the case against them is based on heresay, lies and that the PETA photos were "doctored."

Neither Nanette Entriken nor Craig Grant testified at the hearing. Craig was unable to testify because of his pending criminal charges.

According to Caboodle Ranch, Inc. Facebook page, the judge told Craig he has a "Servant's Heart!" On the other hand, the judge was concerned at the decline in health of the Caboodle Ranch cats between the inspection on January12, 2012 and the time the cats were seized.

Regardless of the judge's ruling on the custody case, the cats will remain as evidence until the criminal case has been tried and a decision made on whether Grant is guilty of any wrong-doing.

Whether Craig Grant is innocent or guilty, I find it very disturbing these cats must remain in cages until the entire situation is settled. Why can't they be placed into some kind of foster care situation? These poor cats are probably wondering what they did to deserve this. Holding them hostage is just making this situation much worse. The cats have all been examined and treated and I'm sure it would harm no one to allow them to live in a loving home until this custody fight is over.

Comments anyone? I only have one question that keeps nagging away at me. How do you "doctor" a photo of a cats eyeball hanging out? Is this something that can be done with Photoshop? I'm completely serious here. I can understand how photos could have been entered into evidence showing parts of the ranch not in use. But the injuries of the cats were very graphic and I would think this would be hard to manipulate digitally.

I'd especially love to hear from anyone from either side who was at the hearing. Comments can be made on this page and it can be shared on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus One using the buttons below.

Selected associated articles from Elisa:
  1. Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell? - this is a very well visited web page.
  2. Caboodle Ranch Faces Class Action Lawsuit
  3. Caboodle Ranch Owner Speaks Out

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