Showing posts with label therapy dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label therapy dog. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Infographic on the benefits to very ill kids of 'virtual' animal-assisted pen pal intervention

The infographic says it! This is a cross-post to spread the word a little wider. 💖You can read more on this by clicking on this link:  Seriously ill children benefit from having a cat or dog ‘pen pal’. Infographic. Any study which assists very sick children to get better and feel better gets my backing. All healthy and relatively wealthy people have a duty to assist those less fortunate. It is the way to improve a world that desperately needs improving.

“There is something just so unconditional about the love of an animal and the listening that an animal can provide. They don’t argue, they don’t question; they just listen and validate.” - Anne Ingalls Gillespie at the University of Colorado, a former paediatric nurse.


Study citation: Gillespie AI, Jones J, Johnson-Koenke R, Gilmer MJ, Neu M. Influences of Animal-Assisted Intervention With Canine and Feline Pen Pals on Experiences of Living With Cancer and Blood Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing. 2024;41(4):252-264. doi:10.1177/27527530241246249


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Assistance dog allowed on labour ward to assist anxious mom to be

PHOTO BY JANE RUSSELL/SWNS. Amee Tomkin, Belle and baby.

NEWS AND VIEWS - MILTON KEYNES, UK: Amee Tomkin has been diagnosed with autism, anxiety and OCD. It is tough for her. She lives with a female Staffie-type dog companion called Belle. Tomkin said:

"Without her I am too anxious to leave the house."

Her anxiety is that serious which is why she was delighted that the was allowed to have Belle beside her in the maternity ward at Milton Keynes University Hospital throughout labour and delivery.

Belle is the first dog allowed on the labour ward. The first woman in Britain to have her dog beside her during birth as a medical aid was Charlotte Beard in 2021.

Tomkin was allowed to have Belle on her bed before she went into theatre and Belle was the first to meet Tomkin's son after Olly after Tomin had her caesarian.

Tomkin said:

"My midwife at the hospital was fabulous but having Belle with me is like having another midwife there all the time, to keep me calm and check on myself and Olly."

She added:

"After 12 years, I thought I'd never concede. When I did it was a very complicated pregnancy and there were times when we feared the worst. It's a miracle I'm still here and safe and my baby too. The doctors and nurses were brilliant and we have Belle to thank too."

It's beyond doubt that Belle did wonders in being beside her master and caregiver during pregnancy and delivery in the labour ward at this Hertfordshire hospital.

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