Tuesday 1 October 2024

Trump calls climate change a 'SCAM' and a 'HOAX'. He cannot be President.

Trump is a person who should NOT be the next President as he would be dangerous to humankind as he does not believe in climate change calling it a 'scam' and a 'hoax' of all things. He is going against hundreds of top scientists.

Here is some detail on why Trump cannot be the next president solely on the basis that he calls climate change a SCAM. The man wants to make lots of money for himself and his country and fixing climate change is hugely expensive and will stunt economic growth potentially. He wants to kick the problem into the long grass at the expense of future generations. He is behaving like the worst politicians: short term thinking and instant popularity while shunning reality.

From the perspective of climate change and its global implications, Donald Trump’s return to the presidency could be dangerous for humankind, especially considering his well-documented dismissal of climate science. By repeatedly calling climate change a "scam" and rolling back crucial environmental regulations during his presidency, Trump demonstrated a disregard for the scientific consensus that climate change is real, primarily human-caused, and a significant threat to the future of the planet.

Here are key reasons why Trump's denial of climate change poses serious risks:

1. Delaying Urgent Climate Action

  • Lost time: Climate change requires immediate action to mitigate its worst effects, and Trump's policies during his first term set back progress. His stance, if continued in a second term, would delay essential policies needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, further narrowing the window for effective action.
  • Regulatory rollbacks: Trump’s administration dismantled numerous environmental protections, from emissions standards to limits on pollution, exacerbating environmental damage and making it harder to reverse course.

2. Influencing Millions to Deny Climate Change

  • Amplifying denial: As a highly influential figure, Trump’s statements on climate change reinforce misinformation. Millions of Americans—and others around the world—look to him for guidance, and his denial of climate science sows confusion and distrust in factual information.
  • Undermining global consensus: In an era where global cooperation on climate change is crucial, Trump’s influence encourages division and skepticism, weakening efforts to build the broad-based support needed for effective climate policies.

3. Weakening Global Climate Leadership

  • U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement during his presidency sent a signal that the U.S., one of the largest carbon emitters, was stepping back from its leadership role in tackling climate change. This undermined global efforts to reduce emissions and gave cover to other nations considering scaling back their climate commitments.
  • Missed opportunities for cooperation: A president who denies climate change cannot effectively collaborate with other countries on climate solutions. This risks not only environmental harm but also damages U.S. diplomatic standing.

4. Promoting Fossil Fuel Dependence

  • Fossil fuel focus: Trump’s policies heavily favored the fossil fuel industry, promoting oil, gas, and coal production while undermining renewable energy investments. This approach ignores the long-term economic benefits of transitioning to clean energy and locks the U.S. into outdated, polluting technologies.
  • Worsening climate impacts: Continued dependence on fossil fuels would accelerate greenhouse gas emissions, intensifying the effects of climate change—more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to agriculture and water supplies—leading to catastrophic consequences for future generations.

5. Ignoring National Security Threats

  • Climate as a "threat multiplier": Trump’s dismissal of climate change overlooks the growing recognition within the U.S. military and intelligence communities that climate change is a major national security threat. Worsening climate conditions are expected to cause resource conflicts, mass migration, and political instability around the world, endangering global security.
  • Unpreparedness for disasters: Climate change increases the frequency and severity of natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, and droughts. Ignoring climate change means failing to adequately prepare for or mitigate these disasters, putting millions of lives and livelihoods at risk.

6. Economic Risks and Missed Opportunities

  • Missed green economy opportunities: The global economy is moving toward renewable energy and sustainable technologies. A president who ignores or downplays climate change could cause the U.S. to fall behind in developing these industries, missing out on job creation and economic growth in the green sector.
  • Cost of inaction: The economic costs of inaction on climate change—ranging from damage to infrastructure, agriculture losses, health impacts, and disaster recovery—far outweigh the costs of proactive mitigation. Trump’s policies would likely increase the financial burden on future generations.

7. Endangering Future Generations

  • Long-term impacts: Trump’s denial of climate change threatens the future of younger generations. Climate change will affect every aspect of life—access to clean air and water, health, food security, and economic stability. A president who fails to acknowledge this reality risks leaving a damaged planet for future generations to inherit.
  • Irreversible tipping points: Climate science warns of tipping points beyond which the effects of global warming could become irreversible. Trump’s policies would likely push us closer to these points, increasing the likelihood of severe and unmanageable climate impacts.

Conclusion: Why Trump Should Not Be the Next President

Given the existential threat that climate change poses to humankind, it is vital that the next president fully acknowledges the reality of the climate crisis and takes decisive action to address it. Trump’s denial of climate change and his policies favoring short-term economic interests over long-term sustainability make him a dangerous choice in this regard.

In a world where immediate, bold action is needed to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, a leader who calls it a "scam" is not only delaying essential progress but actively working against the survival and well-being of future generations. To protect both the U.S. and the global community, it is crucial to have leadership that understands the gravity of the climate crisis and is committed to solutions that prioritize the environment, public health, and long-term sustainability.

Is climate change a scam as Trump says?

No, climate change is not a scam. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that climate change is real, human-caused, and poses a significant threat to the environment, economies, and human health worldwide. This consensus is based on decades of research, data, and observations regarding rising global temperatures, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and the impacts on ecosystems, sea levels, and weather patterns.

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed skepticism about climate change, often referring to it as a "hoax" or "scam." However, his views are at odds with the scientific consensus. Major organizations, including NASA, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have all affirmed that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are driving global warming.

Here are a few key points:

1. Scientific Consensus: Studies show that over 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is happening and is driven by human activities. This includes reputable bodies like the IPCC and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

2. Rising Temperatures: Data shows that global temperatures have increased by about 1.2°C (2.2°F) since the late 19th century, with the past decade being the warmest on record.

3. Climate Change Impacts: We are already seeing effects such as more extreme weather events, melting polar ice, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems and agriculture.

4. Economic and Security Risks: Ignoring climate change has economic, geopolitical, and health consequences. Military experts and economists view climate change as a "threat multiplier" due to its potential to exacerbate conflicts over resources and cause large-scale human migrations.

While political opinions on how to address climate change vary, the scientific evidence supporting the reality and seriousness of climate change is robust and clear.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also, sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. And, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable. Finally, (!) I often express an OPINION on the news. Please share yours in a comment.

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