Wednesday 21 August 2024

The best advice on whether UFOs and aliens genuinely exist

Dr Brian Cox provides the best advice on whether UFOs and aliens have genuinely visited planet Earth. He says it in a tweet:

Essentially, in a nutshell, he's saying this: if you're going to make an extraordinary claim that a UFO and/or an alien is visiting planet Earth then you've got to provide extraordinary evidence. You can't just say you've seen them.
I keep being asked what I make of the UFO thing in Congress yesterday, so here it is: I watched a few clips and saw some people who seemed to believe stuff saying extraordinary things without presenting extraordinary evidence. Therefore I have nothing more to say, other than: It would be great if true - it would take a bit of the pressure off our civilisation if we weren’t the only means within the Milky Way by which the Universe understands itself. Sadly, as of today, I still feel that pressure, so can we perhaps focus on not messing our world up rather than hoping that, to paraphrase Sagan, someone will float down to save us from ourselves.

That isn't enough and there is an article in The Times today by a person who is very well qualified to say that UFOs have visited planet Earth and that aliens have been kept and examined by American authorities. His name is Luis Elizondo, a man it is said who has taken talk of unidentified phenomena from the fringe to the mainstream.

He led the top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in America from 2019-2017. He says unequivocally that government officials and defence contractors have been retrieving unexplained "technology and biological objects" in the years since the crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

His unit was tasked with looking into UFOs which are now called "unidentified aerial phenomena". These phenomena harassed U.S. Navy warships and nuclear silos he writes in his memoir: "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs".

Roswell comes up a lot in his book. According to conspiracy theories the crash of a U.S. Air Force balloon on July 8, 1947 was caused by a spacecraft. He states that an electromagnetic pulse from America disrupted the spacecraft's propulsion bubble rendering them vulnerable. They lost all power in their engines/propulsion system and crashed. There were four deceased nonhuman bodies recovered after the crash.

He mentions at least three incidents where non-human parts were recovered from supposed UFO crashes. On one occasion the brain of an alien was studied and it had no convolutions i.e. wrinkles as in human brains which indicated that the creature had a lower intelligence than humans. The book also describes a conjoined gut and liver and a three-chambered heart like reptiles.

These are all his words in his book. He is the evidence. He's stating what he believes and what I presume he saw. But this is not extraordinary evidence in support of extraordinary claims.

His book does not meet the standard of evidence as stated by Dr. Brian Cox, a man of intelligence and a lot of common sense.

People want to believe that there's alien life out there among the stars. But there might not be. We could be the only intelligent life in the entire universe for all we know. And that is why Dr. Brian Cox makes another intelligent comment and it is this. 

We should focus on preserving our planet and ourselves among all other things and objectives and focus less on conspiracy theories about alien life in UFOs visiting planet Earth without providing proper and incontrovertible evidence.

Humankind should focus on ‘not messing our world up’ - Brian Cox. At present we are not heeding that sound advice.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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