Tuesday 6 August 2024

Kamala Harris's relative youth (59) highlights Trump's age problem (78)

This is an interesting and welcome development in American politics. Biden had to drop out of the race to be the next president because of his age essentially. It appeared to Americans that he had developed early-stage dementia. He was clearly unable to be the leader of the world's most important democratic country. Kamala Harris the Vice President has successfully stepped into his shoes although Honest Joe continues to run the country or he wants to.

Kamala Harris is 59 years old. She is relatively youthful and it shows. A lot of commentators have said that her relative youth is very welcome. It actually stands out starkly in comparison to the previous two contenders, Biden and Trump.

Which is exactly why Trump now looks like an old man. His age is now, for the first time, a real barrier to him beating the Democrats. Before it was a competition between Biden and Trump; the former being older than the latter. Now to competition between Harris and Trump with the former being a lot younger than the latter.

And I think both Democrats and Republicans were unhappy with the fact that Biden and Trump were so old. You need someone useful to lead the country. Somebody with an abundance of energy who can connect with younger people. So both parties were unhappy with the age problem.

That problem has now gone away with Kamala Harris and it presents a beacon of light and rationality to the presidential race. At last America has somebody of a reasonable age who might become the next president. 

Normality has resumed in the form of Kamala Harris which pushes Donald Trump into being an outsider because he's too old. 78 is too old because over a four-year term as president he will be 82 while being a president. 

We don't know how his brain will deteriorate over those four years. He might himself develop early-stage dementia and become less competent. There should be no issue whatsoever of a president suffering from dementia. That shouldn't be anywhere near possible. The way to protect against that problem is to select somebody who is youthful enough.

A recent poll supports what I've just written. According to this poll 51% now see Donald Trump as too old to be president and more than a third of voters doubt he would be able to serve a full four-year term.

This new poll conducted by Morning Consult also indicates that Vice President Harris has "widened the trust advantage that Biden held on handling issues such as abortion (her biggest lead), climate change, education, healthcare and protecting American democracy. 

Trump's advantages over Harris are on gun policy, crime, the economy and foreign policy but they are smaller than they were with Biden.

In conclusion, Harris has erased the Biden age problem which is why I think Harris will now win.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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