Sunday 24 January 2010

Lets Discuss Things in Video Responses

I don't know if it will work or catch on but I would like people to add video responses to the short video I made below. The idea is that we all say something in a short video response. The topic of conversation is the one I propose in my video:

The YouTube page for this video is

I like this idea because it means we can present our individual thoughts on a range of cat topics in short videos, which I can then edit into one master version.

The master video would be a fairly accurate representation of peoples' thoughts on a topic regarding cats. The video I would have thought would be fairly interesting and useful for that reason.

The first topic chosen by me is your favorite cat breed. This opens the door to a wide range of issues such as is the moggie the best "breed" or non-breed and why.

The only obstacles that I can see (and this may be an insurmountable obstacle) is that:
  • not enough people with opinions about cat breeds don't have the means to make videos
  • people aren't able to formulate good ideas on this topic
  • people are too busy or simply don't want to present themselves on YouTube.

Well I hope I am proved wrong.

From Lets Discuss Things in Video Responses to Home Page

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