Showing posts with label UVB light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UVB light. Show all posts

Monday, 23 August 2021

Ringworm transmitted to cat owners from their cat can be cured in minutes with UVB light

I feel that I need to pass this information on again. This is because I have yet to see this cure for ringworm on people discussed on the Internet. It is probably there but I've not bumped into it. Anyway, I can absolutely confirm that the most efficient way to get rid a ringworm on a cat owner because their cat gave it to them is to use UVB light. 

Ringworm being removed with UVB light. This is in the process of being cured.
Ringworm being removed with UVB light. This is in the process of being cured. Photo: MikeB

Here are the same symptoms about 3 days later:

Ringworm transmitted to cat owners from their cat can be cured in minutes with UVB light
Ringworm transmitted to cat owners from their cat can be cured in minutes with UVB light.

The picture on this page shows ringworm on my left leg after three, 40 second sessions of UVB light on consecutive days. It is not yet cured as you can see but you can also see that it is on the way to being cured. I would expect it to resolve by itself now without further treatment within about seven days.

Here is the same place about a week later:

UVB light cures ringworm in humans who have got it from their cat
UVB light cures ringworm in humans who have got it from their cat. Pic: MikeB

You properly know that ringworm itches. After the first session of UVB light the itching stops and the cure commences. In my experience, UVB light cures ringworm much more quickly than antifungal creams. The only problem is that even though there are no other ringworm symptoms visible, I know that it is still there and it will come back perhaps in a year's time. It comes back that infrequently but it invariably returns.

So, all I'm doing is removing the symptoms. I've not yet worked out how to totally cure myself of the disease (please comment if you have the final cure). I was given it by a black, three-legged male cat, Charlie, that I adopted from my mother who was recently deceased at the time. I looked at him in her home and could not leave him. But he had ringworm unbeknownst to me. That was many years ago and I've had this persistent and irritating disease ever since.

But I would strongly recommend UVB light to manage it. It is so efficient and totally painless and the cure starts immediately. You can buy these lights on the Internet and they are quite cheap. Buy a handheld one for ease of use.

My current cat has not got it from me thank God. But I always remove it as soon as it flares up. Perhaps that it why.

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