Showing posts with label Hypoallergenic Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypoallergenic Cats. Show all posts

Monday, 1 February 2021

Is the Singapura cat hypoallergenic?

No, the Singapura cat is not hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic means 'relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction'. All cats are relatively likely to cause an allergic reaction but it depends too on the person. All cats produce the allergen that can cause an allergic reaction in people: the Fel d1 allergen but not all people respond in the same way. 

Singapura cat. Photo in the public domain.
Singapura cat. Photo in the public domain.

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system responds too strongly to an allergen, an over-response if that is a word. The Singapura produces the Fel d1 allergen like all domestic cats. People look for the Holy Grail of cats: the genuine hypoallergenic feline but they don't, in truth, exist. 

Some individual cats may produce less of the allergen than others e.g. females compared to unneutered males but the allergen is still there in their saliva being deposited on their fur or the skin on hairless cats.

There is a food available which coats the allergen muting its effect. Look it up. Remember that this is a food which makes a cat hypoallergenic. There are other cat foods which are for cats who are allergic to certain foods. It is a completely different product.

The food I am referring to is: Pro Plan LiveClear Allergen Reducing Cat Food. Give it a try. It is brand new on the market.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Are People Less Allergic To Raw Fed Cats?

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA)

Are people less allergic to raw fed cats? I'm not an expert on the subject of raw fed cats, but the question has come up a few times on the raw fed cat forums I subscribe to. I hope at the end of this article those of you who have more experience with this will comment.

Let's look at what causes people to be allergic to cats. Usually it's cat dander. Dander is dead skin or bits of dead hair. This dander can remain in the air for hours after being shed by a cat. Cat dander has even been found in office buildings and schools where no cats are present. This is because it may remain on a person's clothes after they pet their cat, then go about their day without changing clothes.

Making raw cat food
Making raw cat food. Photo in the public domain.

Raw fed cats tend to have more moisture in their skin. Their coats are shinier and their hide (for lack of a better word) isn't as dry. So it's understandable that more moisture means less dander, which means less shedding. This could mean less allergies for those who suffer.

These cats not only shed fewer allergens, their flea problems are also dramatically reduced. Perhaps the skin toughens up to the extent the fleas don't find it a favorable environment. Or do fleas tend to prefer shedding dander and once this has been eliminated, they move on or die from lack of 'nourishment?'

These are all things to consider for those who want a cat but are allergic or who may be thinking of turning their cat into the shelter system because of cat allergies.

Although no official studies have been done showing raw fed cats cause less allergies, it has been shown these cats shed 75% less than cats fed a traditional commercial diet.

I've used raw chicken as treats for my cats and my vet has been very surprised at how white their teeth are. Our Furby has a movie star smile! Their fur is also extremely soft. This goes away after awhile if I don't continue to offer the raw chicken as a treat.

Have any of you experienced a reduction in cat allergies when feeding raw? We may not have an official study going on here, but I'm curious. I'd like your opinion on the subject.

Associated: Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds and Hypoallergenic Cat Food (this is food for a cat that is allergic to some types of food).

Friday, 6 January 2012

How to reduce cat allergies

How to reduce cat allergies? Here are ten tips:
  1. Male cats should be neutered. Male and female cats that are neutered/spayed have similar levels of Fel D1 allergen but unneutered males are the worst.
  2. Thinking long term, if a child is exposed to a domestic cat he or she has a lesser chance of being allergic to cats when older. There are resistant to it. Conversely adult people who are first time cat caretakers are less resistant (half as resistant) especially people with allergies to other substances1.
  3. Cat avoidance measures should be taken. This is rather self-defeating though. Keeping your cat out of the bedroom at night helps.
  4. You can more or less ignore stories of certain cat breeds being hypoallergenic. There are a lot of claims on the internet all of which are scientifically unsubstantiated.
  5. Use a HEPA filered air purifier.
  6. Use the best type of vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
  7. Wash your cat's coat once a week. I think this is not that practical to be honest.
  8. Wash your hands after handing your cat. Once again somewhat self-defeating.
  9. If you have a large enough home, keep one room for your cat where he can go so that you can gain some respite from the Fel D1 allergen.
  10. Continual close exposure to Fel D1 can sensitise the person even though there was no sensitivity previously. Points 8 and 9 help to reduce the speed of this process.
Note: (1) Study.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Are Turkish Van cats hypoallergenic?

Arguably no domestic cat is totally without the allergen, Fel D1, that causes an allergic reaction in some people. All cats are therefore potentially able to cause an allergic reaction. There is nothing in the books that indicates that the Turkish Van is hypoallergenic. People like to make claims about cat breeds. Most of the time it is nonsense. Unfortunately some of these claims become viral on the internet. They are repeated mindlessly by people eager to build more content without ensuring that it is good content. When it comes to cat breeds and allergens take it all with a pinch of salt. The cat breed most likely to be hypoallergenic is the Savannah. Some more....

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

The answer is, No, I am afraid to say. There is nothing in the best books or on the internet that tells us that Siamese cats are hypoallergenic. There is no reason why they should be.

There is no reason why any cat or cat breed should be. What makes the domestic cat allergic to some people is the Fel D1 allergen, a protein in the cat's saliva.

All cats, purebred cats or not have this allergen in the saliva. It seems though that some breeds are less likely to cause an allergic reaction, but it is anecdotal.

The Siberian comes to mind but breeders will tend to promote breeds in some way or another and hypoallergenic properties is a good promotional tool. Sorry of that sounds a bit cynical.

I expand on hypoallergenic cat breeds. Individual cats may be less likely to cause an allergic reaction and tom cats that are not neutered are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. I should know. I fed a male stray cat I named Timmy and I itched when I saw him. No other cat caused even the slightest sign of an allergy.

Michael Avatar

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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Living with a cat when allergic

Living with a cat when allergic to the cat takes a bit of courage really. It depends on how badly allergic you are but if it is bad and if you are living in a small home I would suggest that it is not a viable situation. I would have thought that a person who is allergic to the cat's Fel D1 allergen should seriously consider not keeping a cat. People who are mad about cats will disregard that. In fact only 20% of people do give up their cat or dog.

People who are allergic adopt another cat when the one they were allergic to passes away. The benefits of keeping a cat outweigh the irritation of being allergic it seems.

I know what it is like to be allergic to a cat even though I am not allergic to cats generally. I was allergic to a stray cat, Timmy, who came in for food. He came regularly for several years. He was an unneutered tom. They are the worst. He only had to be in the room I was in for me to start itching. I used to pick him up and soon thereafter my hands itched. I had to wash them afterward, every time. That provided immediate relief. The allergen must have been deposited on my skin.

As the allergen is dispersed into the air from the fur one idea is to install a high quality HEPA air purifier. That must help. And as the allergen, a protein called Fel D1 in the cat's saliva, is licked onto the cat's coat, shampooing your cat regularly say once or twice a week might provide some relief temporarily until the cat licks it back on as he will immediately after the shampooing. Note: if shampooing your cat please use very mild shampoo designed for babies or cats.

I don't know of any wonder fix for a person who is allergic to cats. You'll have to put up with it to a degree. Females and neutered cats are less likely to provide an allergic reaction. If your tom cat is "whole" (not neutered) get him altered asap.

Other suggestions for making it easier when living with a cat when allergic are:
  1. Keep one room in the home which is out of bounds to your cat. When entering and leaving the room the door must be closed. The room should be carpet free. Removing carpet helps remove the airborne allergen. Try and ensure ventilation to this room by leaving the window open slightly (provided the outside air is clean!).
  2. Use impermeable covers for bedclothes (pillow cases and mattress covers) as these can harbor the allergen.
  3. Some vacuum cleaners are more efficient in removing the allergen. You might look into that.
  4. Reducing the intake of sugar-rich foods apparently reduces the allergic response (source: Low Cost Natural Cures for Your Dog & Cat Your Vet Doesn't Want You to Know).
If anyone has some fancy ideas please leave a comment - thanks. One last point, the Siberian cat is said to be hypoallergenic. Other breeds are said to be as well. I don't believe it however. Some individual cats are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

This should be checked out by the person who is allergic by having direct contact with cats of these breeds. Doing that first before adopting a cat may save lots of discomfort.

See what cats are hypoallergenic?

Michael Avatar

What cats are hypoallergenic?

No cats are hypoallergenic although some individual cats might cause less of an allergic reaction that other cats. Also some cat breeds might cause a reduced allergic reaction than other cat breeds. But all the claims are anecdotal. There is no science on this.

Also we should remember that most people are not allergic to cats. The allergen that causes the allergic reaction is a protein in the cat's saliva called Fel D1. It is deposited on the fur when the cat grooms. It dries and flies off into the atmosphere as cat dander. If you are allergic to cats you need not touch a cat but just be in the same area and feel itchy.

Unneutered male cats are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. Incidentally, the word "hypoallergenic" means less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Cat breeders like to mark out their cat breed as special. It is a marketing method. One Siberian cat breeder claims the Siberian cat is hypoallergenic. I cannot confirm or refute that. The Savannah cat is said, by a respected person who knows, to be hypoallergenic but this is not confirmed with science. The Life Style Pets (Allerca) Ashera GD is an F1 Savannah and claimed to be hypoallergenic. That is why they are sold.

Answering the question, "what cats are hypoallergenic?" we get the answer, "None, except that some will be less likely to cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to the Fel D1 allergen." The key is to find the individual cat or go to a Siberian or Savannah cat breeder and see if you start to itch!

Michael Avatar

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Fel d 1

Timmy - unneutered males are more prone to causing an allergic reaction.
 Photo: MikeB

Fel d 1 stands for Felis domesticus allergen 1. It is also referred to sometimes as "cat dander". Domestic cats are one of the most important sources of allergic disease in the western world with about 10% of people allergic to cats.

The allergen is in the cat's saliva (and therefore on the fur) and secreted from perianal and lachrymal glands.

The allergic reaction can be mild (e.g. itching) or life threatening (severe asthma). Cat allergens are very common and difficult to avoid. An allergen is a substance (a non-parasitic antigen) that produces an immune response. The immune response is the production of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) an antibody. Its role is unclear but the response is inappropriate and causes allergic reaction such as sneezing and asthma.

Life Style Pets Inc (Allerca cats) claim to have modified the gene responsible for the production of the allergen in the domestic cats they breed (or are bred by affiliated cat breeders) thereby eliminating the allergic reaction. They don't explain themselves however.

Some cat breeds are said to be "hypoallergenic" meaning they don't cause the same degree of allergic reaction. Claims have been made for several breeds. Generally these are unsubstantiated. Savannah cats can also be hypoallergenic. But to be honest no cat, not even the hairless cats are hypoallergenic to any substantial degree. 

For the first time I have become allergic to a cat (only slightly though). He is a stray who comes in for food and rest. When I touch him, within about a minute I itch on the hand, head, legs for example. The itching need not be where I made contact with him. In fact I only have to look at him to start itching. This is because his dander is in the room.

I wash immediately after stroking him. I even kiss him sometimes, because my tenderness towards him outweighs the inconvenience of the allergic reaction. He is unneutered and unneutered males are the most likely to have a strong dose of Fel D 1 in their saliva.

Photo of Timmy the stray cat referred to in this post. He's crashed out on my chair having eaten three or four sachets of prime cat food.

Update: Purina have made LiveClear (see above) a dry cat food that has been found to be successful in reducing their potency of the allergen. Look it up if you are allergic to cats.

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