Wednesday 24 July 2024

American people CRAVE a good leader and Kamala is that person

Judging by the adoration of the crowds attending Kamala Harris's first speech at her campaign rally, it is clear to me that (1) they are pleased Biden has dropped out at last, better late than never and (2) they really do crave a leader that they can genuinely look up to. And she has a cracking smile hasn't she? It is the best one I have seen. She is light and optimistic. Perhaps she can flower into being a great leader.

Note: No one knows for sure if she will be a good leader is elected but I have decided that she will be. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

American people CRAVE a good leader and Kamala might be that person
Kamala Harris. Photo: X.

They roared with happiness at the speech (20 seconds in the video) and would not stop. It seems that when Biden was in the race to the White House the Democrat section of American society (about 50% of the citizens?) were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

They had Biden who was clearly failing rapidly and frankly unelectable and Trump who for many democrats is the kind of person that Kamala Harris describes: a dodgy wheeler-dealer, and a criminal. A convicted criminal as it happens. Actually a felon.

Here is a quote from an X feed:
It's refreshing to smell the aroma of new enthusiasm in the political air. Suddenly, Trump becomes the old, stale, deranged felon, Autocrat Wanna-Be, loser rapist. Kamala is that breath of fresh air. She'll save democracy. The 'prosecutor vs. the felon' is classic
They are correct. For me it goes deeper. Americans crave a good leader. Biden was no longer capable because of his dementia and Trump has always been dodgy. For many he is slightly deranged.

The truth is that ALL citizens of all countries crave a good, fair and wise leader who will guide them through tough times. 

But in the top video we hear this need expressed in cheering and applause. A gushing of emotion that perhaps they have that leader. There is optimism.

Netflix made it possible for there to be a female President! It is time for a female president. It calls into question the pluses and minuses of female over male leaders.

Arguably this is a time for a female mentality. Drop the ego and the macho. Embrace the solution-finder, the compromiser. Compromise in a complex world is always the best solution. But she'll need to be strong and fearless too.

And as for animal welfare, she has a good track record we are told:

[She is] the first presidential candidate to have endorsed, helped to pass, and helped to enforce strong, specific pro-animal legislation throughout her political career. - A-Z Animals website.

For people like me this is very important. All leaders should be sensitive to animal welfare. It indicates an awareness of the need to help the vulnerable and support equality.

Trump and his colleagues will be concerned. Kamala has received an unprecedented surge in campaign funds from donors of $230 million keen to see her elected as America's first female president.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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