
Wednesday 4 September 2024

Putin is good at 2 things: warming the planet and making devastating weapons

This is a quick note because this news has got my goat! I have decided that Putin is good at three things: producing oil and gas and manufacturing devastating weapons. The oil and gas significantly contribute to global warming which is an existential threat to humankind while the devastating weapons he produces kills, maims thousands of people including children and destroys their homes and vital infrastructure including hospitals, schools and libraries et cetera.

So, Putin is good at making things which destroy humankind, damage humankind, damage the planet and therefore he is an incredibly negative presence on the planet. He is a menace to humankind, world peace and stability. He needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

The world in general is too tolerant of him. We simply react to what he does by for example helping Ukraine defend themselves against his illegal invasion of their country to try and annex it to Russia.

But why does humankind tolerate this man? In fact some countries support him like China, North Korea and India. This is highly immoral behaviour. It is a behaviour which damages the prospects of our very existence.

Today, in my newspaper, there is the story of Vladimir Putin visiting the leader of Mongolia which might strike some people as very strange because Mongolia is a signed up member to the International Criminal Court. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Putin for the forced deportation of Ukrainian kids. And yet, the leader of Mongolia has failed to ensure that Putin is arrested under that arrest warrant. And therefore Mongolia is supporting Putin's criminality. How does the world view that?

By newspaper also tells me that Ukrainian officials, human rights groups and Russian opposition figures have all urged Mongolia to honour its legal obligations and arrest Putin during his two-day visit. But he was greeted by the Mongolian Foreign Minister before walking down a red carpet flanked by guards. There was a guard of honour to welcome him and shepherd him through the main square for his meeting with the president. The Kremlin had earlier brushed away any speculation that Mongolia could detain him. Putin's spokesman said that there "are no worries. We have a great dialogue with our friends from Mongolia".

As I said, too many leaders in this world are supportive of Putin despite the fact that he is a persistent and serial murderer and criminal of the highest order. He needs to be stopped as stated. It appears to me that the world simply lacks enough integrity to do what is right and necessary. Mongolia's behavior also fatally undermines the ICC.

In the newspapers today, to make a point, there is the story that Russia is developing a nuclear powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile, that could, in theory, circle the earth for an indefinite period of time. It has been nicknamed "the flying Chernobyl". No doubt he is very proud of it. Another armament which threatens humanity. How can you be proud of that?

The weapon is apparently stored in a bunker in Vologda about 295 miles north of Moscow. He wants to develop invincible weapons and the most devastating weapons possible. He's constantly pronouncing to the world in shocking declarations that he will push the nuclear button if the West threatens Russia beyond a certain threshold.

These are idle threats but they are unpleasant threats. And they are getting worse. He has changed the nuclear policy of Russia. It is more likely he'll use them because he perceives a threat from the West. He is inherently hostile to the West. He can't see straight. His deeply ingrained hatred and disdain of Western values colours his thinking and behaviour.

And he's used illegal armaments against Ukraine. He has killed children in their hundreds. He is killed hundreds of thousands of animals and left many more homeless. He's killed grandmothers in their beds. He's done the most horrifically objectionable things and yet we tolerate him. 

He is a threat to humanity and he must be stopped. It needs courage and bold behaviour from the West to do this. Let's see it.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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