
Thursday 12 September 2024

German Foreign Office states in a tweet that they don't eat cats and dogs in Germany!

The German Foreign Office has dived into the viral online discussion about Donald Trump's screwup during the presidential debate with Kamala Harris in which he ranted and raved about Haitian migrants killing and eating pet cats and dogs in Ohio. 

His claims were based upon what appears to be anecdotal witness statements, perhaps from biased people who have an agenda against migrants. I don't know. But there were and currently are no hard facts that Haitian migrants eating cats and dogs in Ohio and therefore Trump was foolish to discuss that point in front of millions of Americans in a crucial debate.

I have argued that because of this he is not fit to be president because he is a poor decision-maker. He had plenty of time to decide what to debate and to behave professionally but he behaved like an amateur with a poor mind.

And above is a tweet from the German Foreign Office about renewable energy and about eating cats and dogs! The reference to renewable energy is because of Trump's attack on Harris's bid to move America towards a more diverse and sustainable mix of energy sources. Trump apparently said that Germany had tried and failed to give up fossil fuels.

Germany is counteracting that false Trump argument with this tweet. Just another example of the falsehoods disseminated by Donald Trump. He lacks integrity. We know that because of his cheating at golf. And he lies. He is misogynistic and he's a felon. And to that long list I've added his poor decision-making. A president must be an excellent decision-maker. There is no alternative. Trump fails.

Finally, I'm told that Germany supports Kamala Harris for the next president although they've not made a formal announcement.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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