
Friday 12 July 2024

Top women professional tennis players should NOT burst into tears

This Wimbledon we have had at least two instances of top professional female tennis players on camera bursting into tears at crucial moments in their match; at turning points in the match, because the tension and pressure of the moment got to them. We see them on the BBC, in full view of the entire multi-million viewer population crying their eyes out. I hate to see in the best interests of women in general.

Top women professional tennis players should NOT burst into tears
Donna in floods of tears on camera. Not good.

Both Donna Vekic and Harriet Dart broke down into floods of tears on a major show court. Vekic apparently cried because she was in pain, she said. Navratilova questioned Vekic's fitness and said in an interview with Clare Balding that Vekic might benefit from 'cardio support'. Dart cried because of frustration and losing points in a tie break. Both were very far from Borg, who mastered his emotions on court.

It is so bad for ladies tennis. I know we have to be sensitive and respectful of women players and I am. This article is for them. It is in support of them.

It is just not right on so many levels and is in stark contrast to Carlos Alcaraz who smiles when he is under enormous pressure. His instinctive emotional reaction to these pressure moments is to stand back, suck it up and smile. Control his emotions and ensure that he produces his very best at a crucial moment in the match which is why he is such an awesome and respect winner.

Here are some reasons why top women professional tennis players should not cry during matches:
  1. It undermines the long journey that women have faced in gaining equality in all areas of society and work. This is a man's world still. Women have great endurance. They are as strong as men in terms of their abilities to endure and come through tough times but they have to promote that. They have to look like they are strong emotionally. It is a marketing job. It is PR.
  2. To be successful, professional tennis players must have command of their mind during matches. A good mental attitude is crucial. There are sports psychologists who work with top sports people on this. I am sure that they'd agree with me that crying at tough moments in a match or competition is the exact opposite to what they should be doing.
  3. When a female tennis professional cries on court they send a strong signal to their opponent that they are losing. They strengthen their opponent's resolve. Their opponent knows that they are winning and will win. It is very bad from the point of view of being a strong competitor. The body language that a professional tennis player gives off is very important in dominating the opponent. For instance, Novak Djokovic gives off an aura of invincibility. He is a game up before he even starts the match 👍. That's what I mean.
  4. Ultimately this is about women telling the world that they are emotionally strong. They need to tell the world that in order to get what they deserve in a man's world. A lot of men will react to seeing top professional female tennis players crying on court with the thought that this is a "silly emotional woman". It is a negative male thought. A lot of men like to dominate women. Keep them down. Make them subservient and in their place. I hate this and crying on court supports these objectionable male thoughts and objectives.
  5. Top women tennis players represent all women. They are influencers. Girls look up to them. They are standard bearers. They must set a good example. Crying on court is not a good example even if it can be excused. I understand the reasons for it but a top pro needs to control their emotions far better than this.
Please tell me your thoughts in a comment....

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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