
Sunday 14 July 2024

Infographic explains why cats are described as having nine lives

We know that cats are great survivors. It seems that they have the ability to avoid death when other animals might succumb under similar life threatening circumstances because of their superb athleticism and acute senses. Some put it down to luck. But why describe this skill as having nine lives? Why not three lives or five lives? Why nine?

Well, here is the answer in an infographic that I prepared today based on the words of a great animal behaviourist and author. The answer is simple in one sense and awfully complicated in another because I am yet to find a good explanation for the what the 'trinity of trinities' is.

But here is one from Google Gemini. It does not explain how 9 lives signifies luck but I think we infer that the number 9 is special for the reasons described below and because it is special it can be attached to luck.

The term "trinity of trinities" has two main interpretations:
  • Christian Theology: This refers to the concept of the Christian Trinity itself, where one God exists in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. Proponents of this view reason that the number three and the concept of a trinity appear throughout creation, reflecting the nature of God (
  • General Numerology: More broadly, "trinity of trinities" simply refers to the number nine (3 x 3). The number nine holds significance in various cultures and belief systems due to its mathematical properties and its frequent appearance in natural phenomena (


Bing Copilot says this about the trinity of trinities:

The Trinity of Trinities is a concept that represents the ultimate expression of divine unity and complexity. It’s challenging for relative beings to fully grasp, but here’s a simplified explanation:

  1. The Doctrine of the Trinity: In Christianity, the Trinity refers to one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. These three are one in essence but distinct in person.

  2. The Shield of Trinity: This iconic diagram visually represents the correlation between the three Persons of the Trinity. It’s often depicted as an equilateral triangle with each corner labeled as “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit.” The lines connecting them signify their eternal relationship.

  3. The Trinity of Trinities: Beyond the basic Trinity, this concept suggests a deeper understanding of divine relationships. It encompasses the interplay of the three Persons within the Godhead, revealing their harmonious unity and mutual love. While challenging to comprehend fully, it invites us to explore the profound nature of God.

In summary, the Trinity of Trinities invites us to contemplate the intricate unity and relational dynamics within the divine nature. 🙏✨

Are you any the wiser? I am not. (✿◡‿◡)

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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