
Wednesday 17 July 2024

Donald Trump's ear bandage is oversized for political advantage

Trump uses his ear injury to political advantage by an oversized ear bandage by Michael Broad

See the updates at the base of the page too please. Basically, there is almost no injury at all. It is hard to see one now that he has removed the oversized bandage. It was a very cynical action to stick a huge bandage over pretty well no injury.

I am guessing (hopefully intelligently) but it occurs to me that Donald Trump is making 'political capital' as it is called by ensuring that the bandage covering his right ear wound from the rifle bullet almost covers his entire ear and looks very visible when the injury (which is hard to see) appears to have been a small nick in the top of the ear. 

The nurse could have used a plaster over that area but that would have been almost invisible and I am arguing that Trump - ever the political mastermind - is milking the attempted assassination to the maximum. 

He is ensuring that his followers see that he was injured and is a miraculous survivor by the Grace of God. God saved him. It is a God-given opportunity to get the most out of this. To become the hero and saviour of America. To Make America Great Again. He is the chosen one.

And he has to make sure that the world and his followers see the bloody injury to get that message across. The oversized bandage achieves that purpose.

What do you think?

Update: his followers are showing their support! Like lemmings. The Messiah. Trump knew the power of this bandage. He knew it would be a visual signal of success. Of surviving. 

UPDATE: He removed it for last Saturday's rally, instead a smaller, beige-coloured plaster covered the top of his ear which basically proves my point. He took advantage of the shooting and having done so and made his point he has a normal plaster on now which is the way it should have been in the first place.

Now that he has taken off the bandage and we can all see the ear, there is hardly any evidence that he was hit by a bullet. We don't see any scarring or stitching. There's nothing there almost. It's almost as if he wasn't hit by a bullet. It's been suggested that he was hit by a piece of a bullet, a piece of shrapnel. But there's almost no evidence that he was hit and therefore this very dramatically supports my assertion that his bandage was deliberately oversized for political advantage. It was a cynical ploy.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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