
Saturday 29 June 2024

Jay Slater has been abducted and is not lost in Tenerife's badlands

They've been looking for Jay Slater for the past 13 days at the date of this post and no luck. A lot of people have been searching. I don't believe that he is there. I don't believe that he is lost in the badlands of Tenerife after an accident and is immobile down some rocky ravine because rationally I think there would have been some signs of him by now.

Update: the police have called off the search yesterday 30th June. They are following a different line of enquiry. I think they are thinking like me. But see below...

Further update:

"The force said the case remains open and that a “parallel” investigation is ongoing. But an investigating judge has been told that police have seen nothing yet that points to Mr Slater being the victim of a crime, it emerged on Monday." - The Telegraph.

Further update Monday, July 15 from The Times newspaper:

You may have heard that Jay Slater's mother has stated that the conspiracy theories have harmed the investigation. I hope my theory is not achieved that end. That would be upsetting to me. But I do not think it has. Slater has still not been found.

I stand by my theory that he was abducted and the latest news I think supports that. He went missing after he left the New Rave Generation music festival with two men on Sunday, June 16. Slater went from the festival to an Airbnb rented by two men in Masca, a mountain village 22 miles away.

He posted two pictures on social media from there the next morning. He is then believed to have set off on an 11-hour walk to his hotel.

So two men are involved in this investigation but the Spanish police have not said anything about them of note. I presume they've been interviewed. I would like to hear more on this. I think they abducted him but I could be wrong obviously. I am speculating. I am guessing. I admit that but there needs to be some thinking out of the box here because the search for him in Tenerife's Badlands was discontinued some time ago so what next?

Note that he went to this Airbnb where there were two men and he stayed there overnight it seems to me according to the reports. What went on during that night? That's the first question to answer.

Latest from TV: body found in remote place. Not sure how he died. Accident? I think there will be an autopsy to find cause of death but can we trust the Spanish police? Not sure at this stage that it is him. If it is RIP. 

Once again I can provide a further update on August 5, 2024 from The Times newspaper. My thanks to this newspaper. The authorities in Tenerife, particularly the physician who carried out the post-mortem examination, have said that Slater who went missing in Tenerife died from traumatic head injuries. They have suggested that he fell from a height onto his head and that death would have been instantaneous. Personal viewpoint: I am sceptical. The head injury might have been caused by a blow to the head inflicted by a person with a weapon. That's just a suggestion and it's my opinion but they will never find out and this matter will now fizzle out. Unless somebody comes up with something years later which unravels this conclusion. Of course, Tenerife want it to go away. There's motivation for the authorities to say that Mr Slater fell off a ledge onto his head. It suits them.

I still believe that he was killed. This may come out one day.

Jay Slater has been abducted and is not lost in Tenerife's badlands
Jay Slater and the search to find him. Image: Sky News.

My preferred scenario is that Jay Slater was abducted by nasty, abusive men who wanted to defile the young man and kill him. 

Note this recent headline: "Jay Slater's last phone call 'cut off' by mystery caller as he arranged directions" - sounds strange. Who cut off the call? An abductor?

Note: if I am wrong - great. I'll be the first to admit my error and be delighted to do so.

I believe that he will not be found and that his body has been dumped or buried somewhere where he will never be found.

I am sorry if this short posts upsets his relatives and those that love him. I want those searching to start thinking out of the box. Look at alternative possibilities. That would seem sensible to me. 

Something odd has happened and the immediate history before he disappeared my provide some indications that an alternative scenario is possible.

Mine is one suggestion and once again I am sorry if it seems unduly pessimistic. I am trying to be realistic not pessimistic.

I don't want to see the search fizzle out with no result and the investigation stopped. That would be disrespectful of Jay Slater. 

Do some work on checking out the history of men on the island involved in abductions. Perhaps even paedophile rings. Look at police records. That sort of thing.

Perhaps the police don't want the truth to come out in order to protect the tourism industry upon which the Canary Islands rely. They'd rather that he was lost permanently. Dead end. No discussion. The fault of Jay Slater rather than the fault of a gang operating from the island. Just speculating.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

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